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  • Parking PolicyThe University of New England established a Restricted Parking Area and Pay Parking Scheme on campus in 2001. The parking scheme provides an equitable means of regulating parking on campus and enables the university to fund car park construction projects, car park upgrades, general maintenance and administration of transport and pedestrian infrastructure on campus. Income is generated from the sale of permits and as a result of a Self Enforced Infringement Notice Scheme.
  • Parking Policy ProceduresProcedures implementing the Parking Policy.
  • Password PolicyThe purpose of this policy is to establish a standard for creation of strong passwords and the protection of those passwords.
  • Patch and Vulnerability Management FrameworkThis policy authorises the Information Technology Directorate to undertake audit and scanning of UNE IT infrastructure.
  • Performance Planning Development and Review PolicyThe Performance Planning, Development and Review process allows managers and staff the opportunity to plan and set agreed performance goals for the forthcoming year, and include a review of the previous year's performance. PPDR is primarily a developmental tool, and should be used to assist staff to ensure that their work goals align with the University's strategic goals.Goals set should be at a level consistent with the staff member's position description and position descriptors/classification standards.
  • Performance Planning Development and Review ProceduresThis procedure provides advice on the implementation of the Performance Planning, Development and Review Policy.
  • Policy Framework PolicyThe purpose of this policy is to provide the University with the governance framework for describing, ordering, developing, approving, reviewing and maintaining its policy documents and for ensuring consistency in the development, presentation, and dissemination of these documents.
  • Position Description Naming Convention Policy - Professional and Common Law Contract staffThe objective of the position description naming convention for professional and common law contract staff is to rationalise the inconsistent application of position descriptors across the professional and manager staff cohort at UNE, support equity in naming protocols and help simplify policy and delegation frameworks, through use of common
    language for similar level roles, and help staff more easily understand the level of responsibilities and delegations attached to a specific role or title.
  • Prevention of Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination PolicyThe University promotes a workplace culture that ensures the right of all people to be treated with dignity and respect by providing an environment free from harassment, bullying and intimidation. In accordance with these principles and legislative requirements, this policy:
    - Informs all staff of their rights and obligations;
    - Sets standards of behaviour in accordance with dignity and respect principles; and
    - Addresses the consequences of breaches to this policy.
  • Prevention of Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination ProcedureThese procedures provide guidance on the application of the Prevention of Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination Policy.
  • Principal Dates PolicyNo changes to clauses have been made with this revision, but a notice regarding the University's response to COVID-19 pandemic and public health directives has been included.
  • Privacy Management RuleThe Privacy Management Rule applies to all personal information and health information (including sensitive information) held by the University and its controlled entities and all forms of data capture and information collection, storage, analysis, use, communication, reporting and disclosure, including: email and other correspondence, spreadsheets and other database applications, online and paper-based forms and meeting records. In certain circumstances it applies to verbal communication.
  • Privacy Management Rule - Annexure 1 - Data Breach PolicyUNE approach to the management of Data Breach incidents.
  • Private Paid Outside Work ProceduresThese procedures apply to all staff and Honorary Appointees at the University undertaking private paid outside work in addition to their University duties. They do not apply where the work is contracted through the University.
  • Prizes, Medals and Scholarships PolicyThese Procedures provide a framework for the establishment, management and administration of coursework prizes and scholarships.
  • Procedures for Investigating Research Conduct Breaches or Related ComplaintsThese procedures are for the guidance of the staff of the University of New England in the implementation of the UNE Code of Conduct for Research Rule. They should be read in conjunction with that Rule, the relevant staff enterprise agreement or equivalent contract for staff-related matters, the Code of Conduct for Research and the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (ACRCR).
  • Procurement of SSL and End User Certificates ProceduresThis procedure is to be used for the procurement of SSL and End User Certificates. The procedure has been defined to ensure adequate separation of duties with respect to the issuing and management of University SSL and End User certificates.
  • Procurement PolicyThe Procurement Policy is intended to guide all procurement activities at UNE in order to ensure the following:

    - Value for money is achieved in all supplier arrangements;
    - Probity is at the core of all procurement activities;
    - There is compliance with approved contracts and that supplier relationships are managed to ensure negotiated value is realised;
    - Demand management is adopted as the default approach when using externally sourced goods and services in the course of business; and
    - Innovation from suppliers is leveraged where sensible.
  • Professional Staff Classification PolicyThis Policy provides a framework for the classification of professional staff positions.
  • Professional Staff Classification ProceduresThese procedures provide guidance on the application of the Professional Staff Classification Policy.
  • Project Management PolicyProject Management Guidelines outline the framework that will support the majority of projects at UNE. These guidelines are supported by a Project Management Framework and templates and reference may also be made to project steering committee terms of reference.