Policy Feedback
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(1) This Policy supports the Advancement Rule and guides the University of New England (UNE) in providing a consistent, whole-of-institution approach to advancement-related activities. (3) This Policy does not apply to gifts or benefits offered to or received by (4) Advancement, Communications and Events oversees and coordinates all advancement-related activities at UNE. Within this Policy: (5) To ensure UNE meets donor and stakeholder expectations, the University must maintain a coordinated and consistent approach to contacting potential donors and managing donors who offer support. (6) Only authorised staff, faculties, schools, groups, research centres, directorates, controlled entities and residential colleges may be involved in advancement-related activities. However, all UNE Representatives, faculties and schools must notify, and seek the advice of, (7) All UNE Representatives involved in solicitation, (and all advancement-related activities) must exercise prudent judgement in accordance with UNE’s (8) The Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer is responsible for setting UNE’s fundraising priorities. All fundraising campaigns must align with those priorities and all-organisation wide fundraising activities must be approved by the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer. (9) UNE may be offered and receive donations in a number of categories, including: (10) Where practicable, the UNE Foundation is the preferred recipient of all donations. The UNE Foundation is a controlled entity of the University of New England and acts as the trustee of the UNE Foundation charitable trust. The UNE Foundation Board decides how to invest trust funds and on advice of the University approves the distribution of funds and determines their purpose. (11) Donations to UNE and the UNE Foundation are tax deductible under Australian law and must comply with the requirements set by the Australian Taxation Office. Potential donors are encouraged to seek independent professional advice about the taxation status and any other business or legal implications of their donation or potential donation. Advancement, Alumni and Events may work with such advisers to assist with donation arrangements. (12) UNE will generally accept donations where their purpose or requirements align with the strategic objectives and responsibilities of the University as outlined in UNE’s object and functions under the University of New England Act 1993 (NSW) and Strategic Plan. A donor may express a preference as to how a donation is used and UNE prefers that this preference be agreed in writing at the time the donation is provided. All donations are treated in accordance with the donor's preference, to the extent consistent with the letter and spirit of the law. (13) UNE reserves the right to decline a donation for any reason. A donation may be refused with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor or their delegate. However, in general, UNE will not accept donations from: (14) The value, marketability and nature of any donation offered and the proposed purpose(s) to which the donation is being directed must be considered in a determination on accepting a donation. Additional specific requirements for determining the acceptance of donations include: (15) The Director, Advancement will notify the donor of the decision on the donation and ensure all documentation is recorded in UNE’s Records Management System. If the donation is for the establishment of a prize or scholarship, Advancement will establish the prize or scholarship in accordance with the Prizes and Scholarships Rule. (16) UNE reserves the right to broaden the purpose of a donation should it be determined by the Vice-Chancellor and the Director of Advancement that the purpose of the donation no longer best serves the mission of the University. The re-purposing will be discussed with the donor. The UNE Foundation Board will make decisions regarding the use of donor funds on behalf of UNE, in the event that donors and/or their representatives cannot be contacted by the University. (17) UNE acknowledges the important role that donors play in the success of UNE and will ensure that appropriate recognition of donors occurs. (18) The Advancement, Alumni and Events Directorate manages the University’s donor recognition strategies and any donor recognition will be at the discretion of the Director of Advancement. (19) UNE may recognise persons who have either supported the University through distinguished effort or substantial financial endowment by naming facilities in their honour. This will occur in accordance with the University’s Naming of Facilities at UNE Policy. (20) The Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer makes this Policy. (21) UNE Representatives must observe this Policy in relation to University matters. The Director, Advancement will regularly monitor and report to the Executive Principal Brand Partnerships and Business Development on the operation of, and compliance with, this Policy. (22) All information relevant to alumni, potential donors, donors and donations must be maintained and handled in compliance with the Privacy Management Rule and Records Management Rule. (23) This Policy operates as and from the Effective Date. Previous policies and procedures on Advancement are replaced and have no further operation from the Effective Date of this new Policy. (24) Notwithstanding other provisions of this Policy, the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer may approve an exception to this Policy where the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer determines the application of this Policy would otherwise lead to an unfair, unreasonable or absurd outcome. Approvals by the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer under this clause must be documented in writing and must state the reason for the exception.Advancement Policy
Section 1 - Overview & Scope
Part A - Solicitation of Donations
Part B - Criteria and process for acceptance of donations
Part C - Donor Recognition
Summary of Roles and Responsibilities
Section 2 - Authority and Compliance
Section 3 - Definitions
“Cultural Donations” are items of cultural or community significance which may enhance UNE’s collections for research or teaching and can include: