(1) The University of New England seeks to recognise persons who have either supported the University through distinguished effort or substantial financial endowment by naming facilities in their honour. This policy governs the procedure for such naming. Facilities encompassed by the Naming Policy include: (2) When recognition is on account of a financial donation or endowment, the facility may be named directly after the benefactor, or it may retain or be given a functional title following which the benefactor will be recorded as its sponsor. Proposals for naming facilities should be submitted to the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer and should be accompanied by a comprehensive citation. If endorsed by the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, the proposal will be forwarded to the Building and Grounds Committee, which will make a recommendation to University Council. (3) A proposal for naming a building (or significant and identifiable part of a building) in honour of a person will normally be considered when that person has given extraordinary distinguished service to the University that merits recognition in the University's history or is a major benefactor who is prepared to support a major facility by donating no less than 25% of its cost; or supports the University or a faculty with endowments in excess of $1 million. (4) Naming a building in honour of a person who has given extraordinary distinguished service to the University will not normally be considered until after that member's substantive formal relationship with the University has concluded. (5) The University will consider the naming of a building in recognition of a corporation which is a benefactor when that corporation: (6) Proposals may be considered for naming parts of buildings or outdoor areas on receiving assurance of endowments or continuing funds, at an appropriate level, from individuals or corporations. The minimum donation will be $100,000. (7) A proposal for naming part of a building or outdoor area in honour of a person will also be considered when that person has given distinguished service t the University that merits recognition in the University's history. (8) Facilities will not normally be named to honour persons who have no formal connection with the University unless they are substantial benefactors. (9) Unless Council determines otherwise, a person's or corporation's name may be used in naming a University's facility only once. (10) Negotiations for the naming rights for a particular facility may be initiated by the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer or with the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer by a benefactor or other interested parties. (11) Commemorative plaques and/or Boards of Benefactors will be used to recognise endowments in appropriate locations. The style of naming facilities will be consistent with the "UNE Visual Standards Manual". (12) When a proposal involves the use of the name of a deceased person, Council's approval is contingent on the agreement of that person's next of kin. (13) In the event that the flow of funds agreed to constitute an endowment ceases before the agreed time, the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer may recommend to Council that the use of the benefactor's name for a building, etc, be discontinued. (14) Where a major building project is to be undertaken a tailored naming policy may be proposed for the building, or parts of the building and its environs. Such a policy will require the endorsement of the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer for recommendation to the Building and Grounds Committee, which will refer the matter to University Council for its decision. (15) If an individual or organisation, after whom a facility has been named, comes into disrepute in the University or in the community at large the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer may recommend to Chancellor's Committee and then to Council that the use of the name be discontinued. (16) The Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer may approve generic names for facilities e.g. Arts Building, which will apply until such times as a naming proposal is advanced through the procedures laid out in this Policy. (17) This policy is to be reviewed every 2 years.Naming of Facilities at UNE Policy
Section 1 - Overview
Section 2 - Policy
Guidelines for Naming
Lecture Theatres, Laboratories, Walks, Gardens, Courtyards, Equipment and Other Facilities
General Guidelines
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