An Act with respect to the constitution and functions of the University of New England. The Act sets out the object and functions of the University for the promotion of scholarship, research, free inquiry, the interaction of research and teaching, and academic excellence. The Act deals with procedural matters including constitution and membership of the University Council, Convocation and the Academic Board. The roles of the Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor are defined within the Act. Further, the Act defines the functions of the Council and the duties of Council members. The Act stipulates that a register must be maintained of the University's commercial activities and provides that the Minister may issue guidelines for the processes to be followed for the University's commercial activities (including due diligence, feasibility studies and risk assessments). The Council may be required from time to time to report to the Minister on the University's commercial activities. The Act has provisions for the University's Controlled Entities and requires that the governing bodies of the Controlled Entities are to provide regular reports to the University Council to enable appropriate oversight of business activities and performance.Under the Act, no person should be denied admission as a student of the University or be ineligible to hold office in, to graduate from or to enjoy any benefit of the University by reason of discrimination on the grounds of religious or political belief.The Act stipulates that the Seal of the University should be used only under the direction and resolution of the Council. University by-laws and rules may be made, varied and repealed by the University Council.University of New England Act 1993 (NSW) (NSW) - Level 1
Directory Summary