(1) The University of New England’s (UNE) advancement of its object and functions is supported by the generosity and philanthropy of its staff, current students and alumni, members of the public, philanthropic trusts and foundations, businesses and industry. This generosity and philanthropy provides opportunities for students to obtain tertiary education and for UNE to provide academic programs, experiences and facilities that otherwise might not have been possible. (2) This Advancement Rule guides UNE in providing a consistent, whole-of-institution approach to advancement-related activities. (3) This Rule applies to: (4) This Rule does not apply to gifts or benefits offered to or received by (5) We observe this principle by: (6) We observe this principle by: (7) We observe this principle by: (8) The Advancement Policy provide additional information to support UNE Representatives adhere to the required standards regarding advancement related activities. (9) (10) The Director, Advancement will regularly monitor and report to the Executive Principal Brand Partnerships and Business Development on the operation of, and compliance with, this Rule. (11) This Rule operates as and from the Effective Date. Previous rules, policies and procedures related to Advancement are replaced and have no further operation. (12) The Steward for this Rule is the Executive Principal Brand Partnerships and Business Development.Advancement Rule
Section 1 - Overview and Scope
Section 2 - Principles
Principle 1 – UNE and the UNE Foundation value donations and aim to use donated funds in a manner consistent with donor wishes.
Principle 2 - Donations, grants and sponsorships to UNE and the UNE Foundation are valued for the opportunity they provide to advance UNE’s object and functions, including supporting student learning and promoting academic excellence.
Principle 3 – Advancement related activities are conducted in a consistent, coordinated and ethical manner.
Top of PageSection 3 - Quality Assurance
Section 4 - Authority
Section 5 - Definitions (specific to this Rule)
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“Cultural donations” are items of cultural or community significance which may enhance UNE’s collections for research or teaching and can include:
“Donations” refer to an intention to give (which is evidenced in writing or through another act) by an individual or corporation who does not receive any material benefit or advantage as a consequence of the donation and transfers all rights, titles and interest in the property to the University. A donation may be made during the lifetime of the donor (an ‘inter vivos gift’) or after the death of the donor (a ‘bequest’). The terms of the donation determine whether the University holds the donation as trustee or otherwise absolutely.
“Sponsorship” is a relationship with a business, corporation or industry group that involves offering recognition for support towards a program, exhibition, event or activity. The sponsorship is to be covered by an agreement between both parties that includes information about payment schedules, recognition/acknowledgement and joint activities, marketing and promotions.