(1) This Policy provides guidance on how gifts and benefits should be applied in the course of their official duties. (2) This Policy applies to all (3) Sponsorship and donations (e.g. charity or political) are not in the scope of this Policy. (4) Within this Policy: (5) (6) The University’s Governance Division will maintain a register of gifts and benefits. This register will record all gifts and benefits offered (accepted and declined) to staff of the University. (7) (8) Acceptance of hospitality gifts must be approved prior to acceptance of the gift. (9) (10) Monetary gifts are those received in the form of cash or equivalent (e.g. shares, vouchers, gift cards or similar). (11) UNE Representatives must not ask for and must declare any monetary or equivalent gift offer to the University via giftsandbenefits@une.edu.au within ten (10) working days. Monetary gifts will not be able to be kept by the recipient. (12) The declaration should include the following information: (13) Nominal gifts are those valued less than $100 which do not meet the criteria of a monetary gift. (14) (15) A (16) The following information must be provided: (17) Significant gifts are those valued at $100 or above which do not meet the criteria of a monetary gift. Meals and hospitality, where offered in the normal course of University business, and where allowed under Credit Card Policy and Procurement Policy, are not considered gift or benefits for the purposes of this Policy. (18) All significant gifts must me declared to the Head of Cost Centre. The Head of Cost Centre will approve: (19) (20) (21) Where the gift relates to hospitality or entertainment, approval from the Head of Cost Centre must be sought before accepting. (22) The following information must be provided: (23) Staff should not provide a gift to another staff member at UNE (personally or as a representative of UNE), without the approval of their supervisor, with that approval to be recorded in the University’s gifts register, except in the following circumstances: (24) Staff should not accept a gift provided by UNE or an individual staff member, except in the circumstances set out in Clauses 23 and/ or 25. (25) UNE gifts or benefits should not be provided without specific approval from a member of the Executive. Meals and hospitality, where offered by authorised UNE staff in the normal course of University business, and where allowed under Credit Card Policy and Procurement Policy, are not considered gifts or benefits for the purposes of this Policy. (26) Gifts offered (accepted or declined) must be reported to the University via giftsandbenefits@une.edu.au within ten 10 days. The following information must be provided in the declaration: (27) Benefits received as a result of UNE expenditure should be transferred to the University, for example: (28) Gifts and benefits may include but are not limited to: Items won in competitions held at conferences or trade shows are considered gifts and benefits under this Policy. Academic ‘prizes’ awarded directly for excellence or competence based on a specific activity are not considered gifts and benefits under this Policy. When determining if a gift between one person and another (for example two staff members, one buying coffee) that does not involve UNE funds (the gift is funded personally) is covered by this Policy, the test will include if that gift has the effect of creating an obligation or incentive for another staff member to act in a certain way in relation to the conduct of University activities. (29) The Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, pursuant to Section 29 of the University of New England Act 1993 (NSW), makes this Policy. (30) The Policy Steward, the Director Governance and University Secretary, is authorised to make supporting documents that are consistent with this Policy, for the operation of this Policy. (31) UNE Representatives must observe this Policy in relation to gifts and benefits. (32) Matters of non-compliance may be a breach of the (33) This Policy operates as and from the Effective Date. Previous Policies relating to gifts and benefits are replaced and have no further operation from the Effective Date. (34) Notwithstanding other provisions of this Policy, the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer may approve an exception to this Policy where the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer determines the application of this Policy would otherwise lead to an unfair, unreasonable or absurd outcome. Approvals by the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer under this clause must be: (35) The implementation of this Policy will be supported and measured by the Head, Internal Audit to ensure level of understanding, engagement and application of this Policy meets the needs and expectations of the University. (36) For the purpose of this document the following definitions apply:Gifts and Benefits Policy
Section 1 - Overview and Scope
Part A - General principles of receiving or offering a gift
Part B - Receiving a monetary gift
Part C - Receiving a nominal gift
Part D - Receiving a significant gift
Part E - Gifts from UNE or other UNE staff
Part F - Offering a gift or benefit
Part G - Offering of a gift
Section 2 - Authority and Compliance
Summary of Roles and Responsibilities
Top of Page
Section 3 - Quality Assurance
Section 4 - Definitions (specific to this Policy)
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Free meals, coffee etc.
free or discounted merchandise and promotional materials, including clothes, books, USBs or DVDs
Small group events with potential suppliers or vendors;
free or discounted travel or accommodation
Tickets to events and conferences;
airline competition prizes
Sponsored travel
airline upgrades
Free alcohol;
meals or other hospitality
accommodation and hire car discounts
entertainment, such as meals, seats at sporting or theatre events or golf days
Access to price discounting of items available to the general public for sale;
discounts or other preferential treatment
Items won in competitions held at conferences;
free or discounted places at training courses, conferences or seminars
Cash, shares, vouchers, gift cards
plants or flowers
gift baskets
lottery tickets
bottles of wine, manufacturer’s samples or personal items
lucky door prizes or other prizes offered by, for example, conference sponsors.
Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer
Approve exceptions to this Policy
Approve offer of gift or benefit
Head of Cost Centre
Receives declaration from staff on receipt of offer of gift/ benefit
Determines treatment for significant gifts
Provides approval, or disapproval of acceptance of hospitality gifts and benefits
Approves staff retaining nominal gift
Provides approval for purchase of gift for employees
Director Governance and University Secretary or delegate
Maintains register of gifts and benefits
Makes supporting documents to support the operation of this Policy
Head, Internal Audit
Reviews annually the operation of and compliance with this Policy
Reports instances of non-compliance with this Policy in accordance with the Code of Conduct
Adhere to the requirements in this Policy
Report the offer and/ or receipt of all gifts and benefits in accordance with this Policy
Request supervisor/ Head of Cost Centre permission before accepting any hospitality gifts or benefits
Avoid any perceived or actual conflicts of interest