(1) The University's community, including all stakeholders such as (2) The objectives of this policy are to: (3) This policy applies to: (4) All UNE staff members, Schools, Residential Colleges, groups, research centres, administrative units, Directorates and Divisions; (5) All advancement related activities and events held by the University; (6) All gifts, donations and sponsorships, by corporate and individual philanthropy, accepted for or on behalf of the University of New England and its entities including donations for scholarships and prizes but excluding: (7) Gifts and benefits to employees that do, may, or could be perceived to affect the performance of an employee's duties as detailed in the UNE Gifts and Benefits Policy. (8) The University of New England seeks support by way of philanthropic gifts and corporate sponsorships to enhance the exceptional, long-term educational and research performance of the University. (9) Categories of gifts may include: (10) The setting of institutional fundraising priorities lies with the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer. However, an Advancement Committee (Chaired by the Director Advancement, Communications and Events) will provide the opportunity and the forum for all University stakeholders interested or involved in philanthropic activity, to provide input and coordinate their activites in the best interests of the University. Recommendations may be provided to the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer through the Advancement Committee. (11) The UNE Foundation was established to receive and manage gifts to the University in order to keep such funds separate from the general revenue of the University. All donations to the University of New England are to be made payable to the UNE Foundation, where practicable. (12) Responsibilities: (13) The University reserves the right to decline a gift for any reason. A gift may be refused with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer or their delegate. Acceptance of a gift should be on the basis that it is consistent with the mission, strategic objectives and responsibilities of the University. If there is any doubt as to the ability of the University to utilise a gift or meet any requirements that acceptance may impose upon it, the matter should be referred to the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer through the Advancement, Communications, and Events Directorate. (14) The University will: (15) The establishment of a Donor Recognition Structure (as outlined within the procedures to this policy) and special donor recognition systems related to a specific project or fundraising program will be at the discretion of the Director Advancement, Communications and Events, in consultation with relevant stakeholders. (16) Naming rights in recognition of a benefactor are undertaken in accordance with the Donor Recognition Structure, at the discretion of the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer and in accordance with the Authorities Retained by Council Rule. (17) Donors and sponsors have rights that must be met by the University if a gift or sponsorship is accepted: (18) Advancement - includes all Alumni relations, philanthropic and fundraising activities and initiatives across the University (19) Alumni - means graduates or diplomats of the University of New England and its antecedent institutions: New England University College (NEUC), University of New England (Northern Rivers), Armidale Teachers' College (ATC) and Armidale College of Advanced Education (ACAE) and includes other members of Convocation. (20) Bequest - means the act of giving or bequeathing property both real and personal and including cash and funds, by way of testament or will. (21) Convocation - consists of graduates (alumni) of the University; members and past members of UNE Council (or antecedent governing bodies); present and past full time academic members of the University, and other members admitted under the by-laws (22) Employee - means a person who is employed by the University on a continuing, fixed term, casual, contract or other basis. (23) Gift - means any grant or transfer of property or funds to the University where there is: (24) If there is consideration by money or other benefit to the donor by the University, then the transfer or grant cannot be considered a gift. It includes Bequests. (25) Record - means any document or other source of information compiled, recorded or stored in written form or on film, or by electronic process, or in any other manner or by any other means under the NSW State Records Act (1998). (26) Student - means an Admitted Student or an Enrolled Student, at the relevant time. (27) UNE Act - means the University of New England Act 1993 (NSW). (28) UNE By-law - means the University of New England By-law 2005 (NSW).Advancement Policy
Section 1 - Overview
Top of PageSection 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Policy
Top of PageSection 4 - Definitions
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