(1) The UNE Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee (Equity Committee) is an open and safe space for staff and students to raise concerns, discuss equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) initiatives and programs and share ideas about EDI programs that UNE may run. This information will be shared with the Executive, and reported annually to the Audit and Risk Committee. The Chief Operating Officer (COO) is the executive sponsor of the Equity Committee. (2) The Equity Committee's role is to evaluate the embedding and effectiveness of relevant UNE strategies, action plans, policies and other activities relating to equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging, and through the Chair, make recommendations to the COO, UNE Executive Team and UNE’s governance committees on matters relating to EDI that impact staff, students and the wider UNE community. (3) In undertaking this role, the Equity Committee contributes to UNE meeting the compliance requirements of: (4) In addition to recommendations for UNE’s compliance in relation to obligations in Clause (3), the Equity Committee coordinates and supports equity, diversity and inclusion groups and networks at UNE. (5) The Equity Committee is to monitor and provide recommendations on UNE activities relating to equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging. (6) The Equity Committee's objectives align with the UNE Equity Diversity and Inclusion Rule principles: (7) The members of the Equity Committee are: (8) Two (2) representatives may elect to share one member position to reduce the commitments required as part of membership and to reduce the cultural and ‘participation’ load for staff and students representing one or more equity groups. Members who are sharing a role need to represent the same work area or study in the same mode and/or level. (9) Prospective members of the Equity Committee, other than the COO and the PVCI, will be invited to self-nominate through a UNE-wide nomination process. (10) Members may be appointed by the Chair, should insufficient prospective members be nominated for a position during a UNE-wide nomination process. (11) Students active in other UNE affiliated groups, such as the Student Council, and students on intermission are encouraged to participate, as long as they remain admitted in a UNE course of study. (12) Prospective members are appointed by existing members of the UNE Equity Committee through a simple majority at the next available meeting, with the Chair making the final determination. Members are to consider gaps in skills, lived experience and equity representation when appointing new members. (13) The Chair will be elected annually by all members of the Equity Committee. Rotation of the Chair role, amongst members of the Committee, to occur in accordance with principles determined by the Equity Committee, with the aim of maximising the contribution of all Equity Committee members. (14) The Equity Committee may seek input from any other members of the University community from time to time, or invite University officials and representatives of various stakeholder groups to meetings. (15) Members will serve a term of 24 months, with the possibility of extension for a further 12 months or more, depending on the continuing requirement of the Equity Committee. (16) Membership should comply with the Gender Representation on Decision Making and Advisory Committees Policy but more broadly, and to the greatest extent reasonably practicable, reflect other dimensions of the diversity of UNE staff and (17) The following are the functions of the Equity Committee: (18) This Committee is established under the authority of the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, to perform the functions set out in these Terms of Reference, and all matters ancillary to those functions. (19) The Committee will meet at least four (4) times per annum. The Chair may call additional meetings if required. Committee members should be given at least three (3) weeks notice in advance of the next meeting, or such shorter notice period as is practicable where the matter is urgent. (20) Unless the Chair directs otherwise, Committee business papers, or "flying minutes" and explanatory documents accompanying them, will be distributed to Committee members electronically and in an accessible format not less than seven (7) days before the next meeting. Disclosure of business papers, minutes and other information received by the Committee should be made via the Secretary to the Committee. (21) Business papers will not be tabled during Committee meetings, if they have not been distributed electronically prior to the meeting for equity reasons. Late papers may be distributed electronically in an accessible format by the Secretary, upon approval by the Chair. (22) A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the members of the Committee at the time the meeting is held. (23) Business papers and other documentation must be distributed in advance of each meeting in an accessible, online format. All meetings will be held online via video-conferencing and in person, where possible. (24) The Committee may pass a resolution by "flying minute" provided that the resolution has been approved by a simple majority of the Committee members at the time the resolution is made. (25) Meeting notes will be kept to a minimum and circulated promptly following the meeting, including all action items. Minutes will be formally endorsed by the Committee at its next meeting. (26) Minutes will be provided in an accessible electronic format by the Secretary. (27) The Secretary to the Committee is responsible for ensuring all Committee business records are registered in the approved (28) An annual self-review of the Committee will be conducted to ascertain the continuing requirement of the Committee. (29) The Director People and Culture will nominate an appropriate staff member to act as Secretary and provide administrative support to the Committee. Typically, this is the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Consultant. (30) Intersectionality – refers to the ways in which different aspects of a person’s identity can expose them to overlapping forms of discrimination and marginalisation. Terms of Reference (Vice-Chancellor approved) - Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Objectives
Top of PageSection 3 - Committee Membership
Appointment procedure
In Attendance
Term of Office
Representative Objectives
Section 4 - Functions of the Committee
Top of PageSection 5 - Authorities
Section 6 - Conduct of Committee Business
Business Papers
Use of Technology
Secretary to Committee
Section 7 - Definitions Specific to this Terms of Reference
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