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Student Support Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose and Scope

(1) This policy provides a framework for supporting students throughout their studies with the University of New England (UNE) and how students experiencing difficulties in progressing through their studies are identified, assisted and where necessary, managed. This policy is based on the requirements of the Higher Education Support Act 2003.

(2) This policy applies to all students enrolled in coursework award courses offered by UNE.

(3) The policy does not apply to:

  1. non-award courses;
  2. higher degree by research courses;
  3. award courses where UNE is not the conferring institution or there is a partnership-based policy;
  4. courses where UNE does not contribute towards teaching activities at that institution; and
  5. where teaching delivery is subject to partner policies (for example: UNE students undertaking study through another institution are subject to that institution’s policy for the duration of that study).

(4) In the event of an inconsistency arising between this Policy and/or related procedure and the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (the ‘ESOS’ Act), the ESOS and its associated regulations will take precedence.

(5) Within this Policy:

  1. Part A covers principles for student support;
  2. Part B covers UNE’s student support model.
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Section 2 - Policy

Part A -  Principles for student support

(6) UNE is committed to supporting all students throughout their studies with UNE.

(7)  UNE is committed to continuous improvement in student support. Services and models are regularly evaluated for improvement opportunities.

(8) Support services are evidence based and available and accessible to all students, regardless of modality, to enable connection and success. All services are delivered in a culturally appropriate manner and adjusted for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and students with disabilities.

(9)  UNE delivers multiple means and modes of support to students, through academic skills development, academic adjustments and special assessment, wellbeing, career, financial and co-and extra-curricular support. Services are both self-service and provided by academic and professional staff.

A comprehensive list of all support services and how to access them can be found at 

Part B -  Student Support Model

(10) Urgent or ongoing assistance is available for students who have experienced family and domestic violence, harassment, sexual harm, or other traumatic events. Emergency Mental Health support is available 24/7 Call 1300 661 927 or text 0488 884 169. Incidents of family and domestic violence, harassment, sexual harm, or other traumatic events should be reported through the UNE Safety Hub.

(11)  For those identifying as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, culturally specific assistance is available through the Oorala Aboriginal Centre.

(12) Students registering with a disability are supported by Student Accessibility & Wellbeing Office (SAWO) who will assist in making any reasonable adjustments for effective study.

(13) UNE is committed to identifying and providing early, targeted assistance to students who are at risk of not meeting expected student outcomes and will be offered the most appropriate support. Access to each service is available outside work hours via AskUNE and the UNE is committed to responding in a timely manner. UNE provides relevant staff with the tools, training, and options required to identify and assist students in need or at risk. 

(14) UNE supports students through their studies from commencement through to graduation. Students are proactively advised of support available to them through various channels, including during orientation, via UNE’s Learning Management System (LMS) and designated student support webpages, as well as via direct student communications during their study.

(15) Should a student make contact seeking support services directly or through AskUNE and when they are identified as being ‘at risk’ they will be advised of when the Census Date falls for their teaching period and whether they will incur a HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP debt and possible refund or remission options.

(16) Student progression is monitored at unit level and course level. At unit level, UNE monitors engagement with unit content and submission of, and results in, assessment tasks. At course level, UNE reviews progression at the end of each teaching period to determine patterns of results that may indicate student non-engagement or difficulties with successfully completing the course.

(17) UNE considers many factors in relation progression and support including, but not limited to: previous and current results, level of engagement in the Learning Management System (LMS) and with unit content, relevant discipline issues, equity or other identified cohort, pathways, deviation from published course rules, the number of units being taken, and previous or current support arrangements (including Study Access Plans).

(18) Monitoring, support and management of student progression is conducted through a tiered student support model. This is outlined below and detailed in the Student Support Procedure. Tiers represent the level of intervention. They are not mutually exclusive and do not have to be accessed sequentially. 

(19) Tier 1 is the basic level of monitoring unit engagement and identifying opportunities for early intervention. 

  1. Unit Coordinators and relevant staff monitor students for indications they are not engaged, or are having difficulties with study such as challenges with unit material (self reported by the student of detected by staff), failure to submit assessment tasks or unsuccessful results in assessment tasks.
  2. Teaching staff are notified prior to the commencement of each teaching period of continuing students enrolled in their respective units who have been identified as meeting criteria for early intervention. This advance notification enables teaching staff to tailor pedagogy and engagement.
  3. Where non-engagement or difficulties with study are identified, students will be contacted and reminded of their support options before census date.

(20)  Tier 2 includes the proactive communication of supports and is assessed following the release of grades and an assessment of unit completion rates. The University will identify students who are at risk of not maintaining successful progression following results release for each teaching period based on:

  1. unit completion, grade point average or concerns raised by lecturers, academic or support staff. Identified students will be made aware of the availability of support options including:
    1. an opportunity to discuss issues impacting performance;
    2. availability of special assessment;
    3. referral to relevant UNE support services; and/or
    4. voluntary involvement in an Academic Support Plan.

(21) Tier 3 is designed to support students who experience repeated challenges in their units and to provide additional structural supports which may include non-optional supports such as the Academic Improvement Plan (AIP). This may include students who:

  1. have a unit completion rate below 75% over their course;
  2. have failed a barrier unit of study, compulsory unit of study, field work, clinical work, practicum or other professional experience in the course more than once;
  3. are not able to meet the requirements of the award within the maximum allowable time frame (candidature);
  4. have a Grade Point Average below 2;
  5. have a continuing pattern of withdrawal or not engaging identified;
  6. made aware of the availability of support options and will be:
    1. referred to relevant UNE support services; and
    2. required to undertake an Academic Improvement Plan (AIP). The AIP may require students to reduce study load or enrol in a specific number of units in a set teaching period (or periods) or successfully complete specific units or value of credit points in a set teaching period (or periods). 

(22) Tier 4 is a review of the student triggered when students continue to experience stalled progression irrespective of supports, including the presence of an AIP. In extreme cases Tier 4 is activated where progression has stalled or there are inicators that factors will prevent completion of the award. Students with the following academic record features will automatically be included in Tier 4:

  1. have a successful completion rate below 50% or a GPA below2, and have attempted: 
    1. eight or more units in AQF7+ awards; or
    2. four in AQF 6 or lower awards 
  2. have failed a barrier unit of study, compulsory unit of study, fieldwork, clinical work, practicum, or other professional experience specified in the course rules which the student has previously failed, and no further attempts are permitted;
  3. cannot meet the requirements of the award within the maximum allowable time frame;
  4. have failed to comply with or complete the requirements of a mandatory Academic Improvement Plan; have been assessed as unable to progress following patterns of non-engagement/withdrawal; or
  5. have reached the limit of ‘reasonable adjustments’ that can be made and the student cannot progress towards completion.  
Intervention specifics are outlined in the Student Support Procedures.
Appeals against exclusion outcomes follow Part F of the Assessment Appeals Policy.

(23) International students fall under the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000. UNE International will be advised of students identified as at risk under this policy supplemental to the requirements of ESOS.

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Section 3 -  Authority and Compliance


(24) The Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer (VC&CEO), consistent with the Vice-Chancellor Functions Rule, makes this policy.

(25) The Executive Principal Student Journey is authorised to make procedures and processes for the effective implementation and operation of this policy, and to publish as associated documents any tool that will assist with compliance. This policy is to be reviewed annually based on measurable impacts by Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer (VC&CEO) or delegated to an approved committee. 


(26) Students and UNE Representatives must observe this policy.

(27) All staff must be appropriately trained in their area of support including:

  1. working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students;
  2. working with students with a disability;
  3. training on assisting students who have experienced family and domestic violence, harassment, sexual harm, or other traumatic events;
  4. confidentiality and Privacy within the context of the policy;
  5. working with students from different cultural backgrounds, diverse genders and LGBTQIA+ students; and
  6. other training as mandated by legislation.

(28) This policy operates as and from the Effective Date. The new measure of intervention and monitoring will commence from the Effective Date but decisions may be based on the complete enrolment history of students at UNE. Previous policies on progression are replaced and have no further operation from the Effective Date.

(29)  To provide for exceptional circumstances arising from any particular case, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, on the recommendation of an Executive Dean, may relax any provisions of this Policy.

(30) Notwithstanding other provisions of this policy, the VC&CEO may approve an exception to this policy where the VC&CEO determines the application of this policy would otherwise lead to an unfair, unreasonable, or absurd outcome. Approvals by the VC&CEO under this clause must:

  1. be documented in writing;
  2. state the reason for the exception; and
  3. be registered in the approved UNE electronic Records Management System in accordance with the Records Management Rule.
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Section 4 -  Quality Assurance

(31) The implementation of this policy will be supported by regularly monitoring of student outcomes and through the provision of an annual report to the Teaching and Learning Committee and Academic Board by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor on the operation of, and compliance with, this policy.

(32) Reporting on student support will comply with the UNE’s Privacy Management Rule and section 49B of the Higher Education Support Act.

(33) This report and any recommended amendment to the policy will serve to inform the annual update to this policy required by the Higher Education Provider Amendment (Support for Students Policy) Guidelines 2023.