(1) Graduation is the culmination of the student learning journey for a particular award and a source of both celebration and responsibility of the University for quality control and due diligence. (2) A function of the UNE Council is to confer, rescind and correct such degrees, diplomas, certificates and other awards. Under this Rule the Council delegates some Council functions to the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, and Academic Board. The Council retains the governance role in overseeing all delegated functions. (3) The University will formally confer on (4) Students who have completed (5) Students are deemed to be (6) The conferral date noted on the (7) A completed major will appear on the (8) For Higher Degree Research awards, the Council delegates to the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, and to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research, the authority to approve the conferral of an award to a Student who has met the requirements to graduate from a higher degree research Course at the University. (9) For awards other than those in Clause (8), the Council delegates to the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, and to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, the authority to approve the conferral of an award to a Student who has met the requirements to graduate from a Course at the University. (10) The Council will confer the award on an approved (11) The Council delegates to the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, and to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research, the authority to permit a Student to graduate (12) The Council delegates to the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, and to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, the authority to permit the Student to graduate (13) Council reserves the authority for the rescission of an award that has been conferred by the University. Any proposed rescission of award must be reported to the Council as per the Rescission of an Award/ Correction of an Award Procedure(see also UNE Delegations Framework Rule). (14) The Council may rescind conferral of an award in accordance with the Rescission of an Award/ Correction of an Award Procedure. (15) The decision to rescind the conferral of an award is made by Council on the recommendation of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research or the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer. The Council decision is final. (16) The Council delegates to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor or Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research, as relevant, or Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, the authority to correct an award for one of the following reasons: (17) All other corrections must be submitted to University Secretariat for approval of the Council. (18) A (19) In exercising the authority to approve the conferral of an award, to permit a (20) The person making the certification referred to in clause (19) above must: (21) The UNE Council, pursuant to Section 29 of the University of New England Act 1993 (NSW), makes this University Rule. (22) This Rule is consistent with the Higher Education Support Act 2003, and Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021. (23) The delegation of Council powers under this rule is made pursuant to Section 17 of the University of New England Act 1993 (NSW). (24) (25) The Rule Administrator, the Director Governance and University Secretary, is authorised to make policies and associated information for the operation of this University Rule. The policies and associated information must be compatible with the provisions of this Rule. (26) This Rule operates as and from the (27) For the purposes of this Rule the following definition applies:Graduation Rule
Section 1 - Overview & Scope
Part A - Principles
Part B - Part B Key roles, responsibilities and delegations
Rescission of an Award
Correction of an Award
Top of Page
Section 2 - Authority and Compliance
Section 3 - Definitions
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Graduation Officer means the person assigned to the role of coordinating all activities related to the graduation process. This will normally be the Executive Principal Student Experience, or delegate.