(1) The Audit and Risk Committee Terms of Reference and Charter sets out the objectives, authority, composition and tenure, roles and responsibilities, reporting and administrative arrangements of the Audit and Risk Committee (the Committee) of the University of New England. (2) The Committee is established as a Committee of the Council of the University of New England (the Council), with delegated authority for a number of Council functions associated with audit, risk management and compliance at the University and its related entities. The establishment of this Committee and the delegation of Council powers to it are actions authorised under Section 17 of the University of New England Act 1993 (UNE Act). (3) The provisions of this document take effect as a Council Rule made under Section 29 of the UNE Act. The document is also the University's instrument for meeting its statutory obligations required by NSW Treasury and the Institute of Internal Auditors (Australia). For the purposes of its professional obligations, these Terms of Reference are also considered to be the University's Audit and Risk Committee Charter. (4) To consider, review and advise the Council of the University of New England (the Council) on the compliance of the University and its related entities with the various laws and regulations by overseeing and monitoring the University of New England’s governance, compliance, risk and control frameworks and its external accountability requirements. (5) To maintain organisational arrangements that provide additional assurance, independent from operational management, on internal audit and risk management. (6) The members of the Committee are as follows: (7) Additional members may include: (8) Official attendees: (9) Other: (10) The Council has had regard to NSW Treasury Policy (TPP20-08) Core Requirement Section 3 in setting the membership of the Audit and Risk Committee. Whilst not binding on the University, the Council has considered its principles as an example of better practice in the public sector. (11) Consistent with good practice, the Chancellor will not be a voting member of the Audit and Risk Committee. (12) The Committee will elect the Chair from its Lay members. The Chair will hold office for the remainder of their term on the Committee, or until removed by the Committee, whichever occurs first. If the Chair is unavailable to act as Chair for any period, then the Committee will elect a temporary Chair to act during that period. (13) The objective will be to ensure, so far as is practicable, that the membership of the Committee includes the following gender representation: (14) Elected members of the Committee will be elected by Council at a Council meeting. (15) The ex-officio members (Deputy Chancellor and Chair of the Finance and Infrastructure Committee) will be Committee members whilst they hold their primary office. (16) The Lay Council members will be Committee members for two years or such other time as determined by Council, or until they cease to be a Council member, whichever occurs first. (17) The co-opted independent external members (if applicable) will be Committee members for two years or such other time as determined by Council, or until they resign or are removed by Council, whichever occurs first. (18) The co-opted Council members (if applicable) will be Committee members for two years or such other time as determined by Council, or until they cease to be a Council member, whichever occurs first. (19) Approval functions: (20) Advisory and Monitoring Functions: (21) Authority: (22) This committee has delegated authority from the UNE Council to perform on behalf of Council the approval, advice and monitoring functions set out in the terms of reference above. (23) The Council authorises the Committee, within the scope of its role and responsibilities, to: (24) The Committee's responsibilities are to: (25) The Committee will regularly (at least once a year) report to the Council on its operation and activities during the year. The report should include: (26) The Committee may at any time, report to the Council any other matter it deems of sufficient importance to do so. (27) The Committee must at all times ensure it maintains a direct reporting line to and from the Head, Internal Audit (or equivalent role) and act as a mechanism for reporting internal audit activity to the Council, as appropriate. (28) The Head, Internal Audit (or equivalent role) reports functionally to the Audit and Risk Committee and administratively to the Director Governance and University Secretary to facilitate day to day operations. If required, the Head, Internal Audit (or equivalent role) has the ability to report directly to the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer and to Council through the Chancellor and the Audit and Risk Committee through the Chair. (29) The Chair of the Committee will report to Council regularly on the business conducted by the Committee. (30) The Committee will meet bi-monthly, or otherwise as required in order to perform its functions. Committee members should be given at least seven days' notice of meeting, or such shorter notice period as is practicable where the matter is urgent. (31) A work plan, including meeting dates and agenda items, will be agreed by the Committee each year. (32) The Committee will meet separately of management with the internal and external auditors at least once a year. (33) A meeting separate of management between the Committee and the Head, Internal Audit (or equivalent role) may be convened by the Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee if required. (34) Unless the Chair directs otherwise, Committee business papers will be distributed to Committee members and official attendees, at least seven days prior to the meeting, or such shorter period as is practicable in the circumstances. Business papers must be treated confidentially by recipients. Any external disclosure of business papers should be made via the University Secretary. (35) A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the members of the Committee at the time the meeting is held. (36) For its business papers, meetings and otherwise to conduct its business the Committee and its members may use technology including telephone, video-conferencing, telepresence, email and internet as arranged by the Chair and/or University Secretary. (37) The Committee may pass a resolution by "flying minute" provided that the resolution has been approved by a simple majority of the Committee members at the time the resolution is made. (38) Draft minutes will normally be circulated to members for comment promptly after each meeting. Next the minutes (with any necessary changes) will be circulated for adoption by the Committee. The minutes will be finalised and adopted when they have been approved by a majority of the members present at the relevant meeting. Alternatively, the minutes may be included in the business papers for the next Committee meeting and considered/adopted by the Committee at that meeting. (39) Once in every twelve-month period, the Committee shall devote at least part of one meeting to the review of its policies, practices and procedures over the preceding 12 months. The review will be conducted on a self-assessment basis (unless otherwise determined by the Council) with appropriate input sought from the Council, the internal and external auditors, management and any other relevant stakeholders, as determined by the Council. (40) The University Secretary and/or nominee will act as secretary and provide administrative support to the Committee. (41) To the extent of any inconsistencies between these Terms of Reference and the Council's Standing Orders, these Terms of Reference prevail. (42) Members of the Committee and the University of New England's Management should maintain an effective working relationship, and seek to resolve differences by way of open negotiation. However, in the event of a disagreement between the Committee and Management, including the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, the Chair may, as a last resort, refer the matter to the Council. (43) Once a year the Committee members will provide written declarations to the Council stating they do not have any conflicts of interest that would preclude them from being members of the Committee. (44) Committee members must declare any conflicts of interest at the start of each meeting or before discussion of the relevant agenda item or topic. Details of any conflicts of interest should be appropriately minuted. In these circumstances, it may be appropriate to excuse the relevant member(s) from Committee deliberations on the item or topic where a conflict of interest exists. (45) New members will receive relevant information and briefings on their appointment to assist them to meet their Committee responsibilities. (46) At least once a year the Committee will review this Charter. This review will include consultation with the Council. Any substantive changes to this Charter will be recommended by the Committee and formally approved by the Council. (47) Words and phrases used in this document have the following meanings, unless the context requires otherwise: (48) This document should be interpreted using the following principles:Terms of Reference/Charter (Council approved) - Audit and Risk Committee
Section 1 - Overview
Section 2 - Committee membership
In attendance
Membership Requirements
Gender representative objective
Election procedure for elected members
Term of office
Section 3 - Terms of reference
Top of Page
Section 4 - Delegations
Delegation from Council
Section 5 - Authority
Top of PageSection 6 - Roles and responsibilities
Top of Page
Section 7 - Reporting
Section 8 - Reporting lines
Section 9 - Conduct of Committee business
Reporting to Council
Business papers
Use of technology
Confirmation of minutes
Self Review
Secretary to Committee
Standing Orders
Dispute Resolution
Conflicts of interest
Review of Charter
Section 10 - Definitions and interpretation
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