(1) In keeping with UNE's Respect & Dignity in the Workplace Charter, these guidelines guide the response of the University, by supporting staff members who may require assistance as a result of (2) The University is committed to supporting staff experiencing domestic violence to continue to participate in the workplace and maintain their employment. In addition the University seeks to create a supportive work environment where staff are comfortable in requesting assistance for (3) The purpose of these Guidelines is to assist the University in responding effectively to circumstances of domestic violence. The guidelines specify both the entitlements and obligations UNE representatives, as defined, are to comply with or afford when dealing with (4) The purpose of these guidelines is to outline the support the University provides to staff experiencing domestic violence and to detail how line management and the People and Cultures can assist. (5) A staff member may contact their immediate supervisor, other senior line manager or People and Culture staff to request specific support as outlined below. If a request is made to a supervisor, the supervisor should confidentially liaise with their more senior line management or People and Culture representatives for advice on coordinating support. (6) Staff approached by a fellow staff member raising issues of (7) The University will provide support to a staff member experiencing (8) Depending on the circumstances, staff experiencing (9) In applying for these measures, the staff member may be required to provide supporting documentation of the kind below. (10) The Director People and Culture will approve paid leave on a case by case basis where supporting evidence is provided. Supporting evidence of treatment for (11) Other types of leave — In addition to (12) (13) Staff, affected by (14) Flexible working arrangements will vary dependent on the circumstances of the staff member. Generally they will be for a defined period and regularly reviewed. (15) Records of agreed flexible working arrangements established to address circumstances of (16) Staff may access the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) which is a free counselling service through Centacare (ph. 02 6738 7200), (website reference: http://centacarenewengland.com/ ). (17) Staff may also be referred to external support services as appropriate (refer Related policies or other documents). (18) When a staff member requests support, line management in conjunction with People and Culture staff should discuss with them whether a safety plan should be developed to assist the staff member to perform their duties safely and productively. (19) In developing a safety plan the following should be considered: (20) In applying for such measures, the staff member may be required to provide supporting documentation of the kind listed in the Domestic Violence clause. (21) Any request for leave or support by a staff member as a result of (22) All documentation relating to matters dealt with under these guidelines must be filed confidentially and must not be placed on staff files. (23) Wherever possible the staff member should discuss their intention to apply for (24) At the employee's election a direct request for leave may be made to People and Culture. (25) The staff member should be prepared to discuss such matters as how much leave is requested and provide supporting evidence of the circumstances necessitating the leave. It is to be noted that supporting evidence takes the form of but is not limited to; a document issues by the police service, a court, a medical practitioner, a (26) Wherever possible the leave must be applied for sufficiently in advance to ensure that adequate consideration can be given to approval and so that alternate working arrangements can be made where necessary. In emergent circumstances however the minimum standard for an employee to be absent from the workplace, in circumstances of (27) The Director People and Culture is responsible for approving the request for (28) Applications for (29) The Director People and Culture is the administrator of this Guideline. (30) Line Management — principally immediate Supervisor but can extend to more senior management in the School/Directorate as appropriate.Domestic Violence Guidelines
Section 1 - Overview
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Guidelines
Domestic Violence Support
Requesting Support
Types of Support
Domestic Violence Leave
Flexible Working Arrangements
Employee Assistance Program
External Support Services
Addressing Safety Concerns
Domestic Violence Leave — Application Procedures
Section 4 - Definitions
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For the purposes of this Guideline the following definition applies.