(1) These procedures provide guidance to staff of the University of New England for the implementation of the Academic Quality Assurance Policy, specifically in relation to the ongoing monitoring and review of a (2) School Reviews are intended to assure the University Council (with reference to clauses 16(1B)(b) and 16(1B)(c) of the University of New England Act 1993 (NSW)) and the Academic Board that the School concerned is functioning effectively, has the resources needed to implement the strategy of the University, and is delivering quality outcomes in teaching and learning, research, community engagement, and student and staff performance. (3) These procedures apply to all designated Schools of the University of New England. (4) UNE deploys a four-pronged approach to School monitoring and review: (5) It is the responsibility of the HoS to regularly access, analyse and reflect upon the performance and sustainability of the School in relation to the School Strategic Plan, University Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as referenced in the current UNE Strategic Plan, and the annual Business Plan, using University corporate data such as that listed in Appendix A together with other data considered by the School. Key areas of interest may include: (6) As appropriate, the INCORRECT Head of School should raise issues or concerns with the Dean and agree on any requisite actions for implementation within an agreed timeframe. (7) The purpose of the Annual Self-Review Report is to inform a conversation between the INCORRECT Head of School and the Dean regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the School, with the goal of recognising success and identifying action for improvement where needed, and negotiating resourcing or other strategic commitments. The Annual Self-Review Report will also feed directly into the annual budget process. (8) The HoS will prepare and submit the Annual Self-Review Report to the Dean at a time to be negotiated with the Dean. (9) The Annual Self-Review Report should be brief and not exceed five (5) pages, and should: (10) The Dean will meet with the INCORRECT Head of School two (2) weeks after submission of the Annual Self-Review Report to discuss the Report and agree actions to take place within an agreed timeframe. (11) Normally, an external review is to be undertaken every five (5) years, or at the discretion of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, to identify any structural and/or performance issues, and to identify actions that will position the School well for the future. (12) The options for the external review are: (13) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor will publish the schedule for external School Reviews on the University website, in consultation with the Deans. (14) One (1) year prior to the scheduled review of a School the Deputy Vice-Chancellor will determine whether a review can be waived and/or which option as outlined in clause 12 will be required. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor will advise the Dean accordingly. (15) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor will determine the form that the external school review will take, informed by, but not limited to the results of recent School performance monitoring, Annual Self-Review Reports, any mid-term investigations and action plans, and contextual issues such as the commencement or departure of a HoS. (16) The INCORRECT Head of School will submit a five-year Self-Review Report of no more than ten (10) pages, through the Dean to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor. The Report will be based on the School's Annual Self-Review Reports for the previous five (5) years, reflecting on any benchmarking activity and identifying: (17) The Dean will, in consultation with the relevant HoS: (18) The School's five-year Self-Review Report will form the basis of the desk-top audit. (19) The INCORRECT Head of School will prepare a self-review portfolio of no more than fifty (50) pages, based on the School's Annual Self-Review Reports for the previous five (5) years, and any additional information required to respond to the ToR. (20) The Dean will: (21) The Secretary to the Review Panel will support the review. (22) The Review Panel meetings will: (23) The purpose of an unscheduled investigation or review is to provide the Dean and/or INCORRECT Head of School with advice regarding a particular issue of concern. (24) The need for an unscheduled investigation or review will be determined by the Dean in consultation with the INCORRECT Head of School. (25) An unscheduled review may consider a School, an aspect of a School's performance, or an issue of concern to the University (which may involve two or more Schools). (26) ToR should be developed by the Dean in consultation with the INCORRECT Head of School, based on the ToR provided in Appendix B. The ToR should then be forwarded by the Dean to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for approval. (27) The Review Panel will provide a draft of their report to the Dean and INCORRECT Head of School to enable corrections. (28) The Final Report will then be provided to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, the Dean, and the INCORRECT Head of School. (29) The INCORRECT Head of School will then prepare a response to the Final Report identifying actions and a relevant implementation plan to address the Report's recommendations for endorsement by the Dean, and approval by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor. (30) A copy of the response will be forwarded to the Academic Board, and the Education Quality Directorate for noting. (31) The INCORRECT Head of School will prepare a progress report for the Dean, to be forwarded to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor twelve (12) months after endorsement of the response to the Review. (32) A copy of the progress report is to be considered by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor before forwarding to the Academic Board and the Education Quality Directorate for noting, as part of UNE's quality assurance processes. (33) The teaching and learning performance analysis will include, but not necessarily be limited to: (34) Research performance analysis will include, but not necessarily be limited to: (35) The type of community engagement activities to be included in the report include links and/or collaborations between the (36) The overview of the School's management will include brief comment on the following aspects in relation to the previous twelve (12) months and into the future: (37) The external review of Schools will be undertaken within the context of the UNE Strategic Plan, and will: (38) The School's performance in teaching and learning, research and community engagement will be analysed in the context of current and anticipated future developments in its constituent discipline/s. (39) Achievements relating to teaching and learning will particularly focus on the quality, scope, focus and direction of the School's courses and teaching, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, in light of agreed teaching and learning indicators. These may include (but not be limited to): (40) Achievements relating to research performance and profile of the School and its constituent disciplines may include (but not be limited to): (41) Achievements with respect to the School's performance in community engagement and professional relationships may include (but not be limited to) the suggested data sets identified in Appendix A. (42) Review of the School's management may include (but not be limited to) the suggested data sets identified in Appendix A. It will focus on: (43) The overall composition of the School Review Panel should aim to provide as broad a coverage as possible of all the major disciplines in the School. (44) The membership may comprise: (45) The Chair will be appointed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and will normally be one of the external members under 44(a) above. (46) The School Review Panel will be supported by a Secretary who will be appointed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor.School Monitoring and Review Procedures
Section 1 - Overview
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Procedures
Continuous Monitoring
Annual Self-Review Report
External Reviews
External Review by Desk-top Audit
External Review by Review Panel
Unscheduled Investigations and Reviews
Review Panel Reports (External Reviews and Unscheduled Reviews): Implementation and Reporting
Section 4 - Appendix A — Suggested Data Sets
Top of PageSection 5 - Appendix B — Standard Terms of Reference for External Reviews of Schools
Top of PageSection 6 - Appendix C — External Review Panel Membership
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