(1) This Rule provides the basis for the management of University records in compliance with the State Records Act 1998 (NSW) and the legislative instruments issued under it by NSW State Records. This is achieved via a University-wide records management program to manage records throughout their lifecycle - from the design of recordkeeping systems, to the creation and capture of records, to records destruction or permanent retention as State Archives. (2) This Rule ensures that records of the University that are of enduring evidential or informational value are managed, protected and preserved for future reference, contributing towards the development of efficient and effective knowledge management at the University of New England (UNE). (3) Under section 10 of the State Records Act 1998 (NSW), the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, as the "chief executive" of the University, has a duty to ensure "the [University] complies with the requirements of [the] Act and the regulations" and that the Act and regulations are complied with. The Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer has made this Rule in accordance with that duty. (4) In addition to the State Records Act 1998 (NSW), University recordkeeping is impacted by many pieces of legislation including the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW), the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW), and Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (Cth). (5) This Rule applies to all University Records created throughout business activities at UNE, including, but not limited to, student records, research records, staff records, and financial records. (6) This Rule applies to all University related activities of UNE, its controlled entities, and all UNE Representatives. (7) The full life cycle of records management at UNE (click here for the life cycle) is based upon the University's principles for effective records management. These are: (8) All (9) The Records, Policy and Governance Unit is responsible for: (10) Each Business Unit must: (11) All (12) Secretaries and/or Chairs of all committees, working parties and project teams must: (13) The University Archivist centrally manages the University's archives by acquiring and maintaining permanent records of the University (and its predecessors) and making them available for public inspection in compliance with the Act. Archives are records identified as having continuing value in records retention and disposal authorities issued by State Records NSW and are kept permanently as part of the University Archives Collection. (14) The Records Manager is responsible for: (15) Records which have been created or captured electronically must remain digital. Paper records must be converted into digital format where appropriate. (16) By managing and retaining records within an approved record management system and/or an approved business system, University Records will be reliable, easily identifiable, protected, and accessible and retrievable only to those with authorisation. (17) All records obtained through the course of University business activities are State Records and are owned and controlled by the University of New England as University Records. (18) University Records can be in any format, and include, but are not limited to, the following: (19) All University Records, whether electronic or paper, must be registered in an approved record keeping system at the point of creation or receipt. (20) All formal documents generated within the University, should bear either a file number or document number. (21) The location of every University Record held in a hardcopy file must be recorded in the approved RMS and be accurate at all times. (22) Where digital University Records are held, or will be held within a business system outside of the approved RMS, (such as Alesco, FinanceOne, Callista, etc) the business system must be approved as a recordkeeping system by the Director Governance and University Secretary. (23) System owners are responsible for assessing their systems to ensure compliance with the NSW State Records Standard on Records Management. The assessment report must be forwarded via Records, Policy and Governance Unit to the Director Governance and University Secretary for approval before the business system is considered to be an approved business system for recordkeeping purposes. All records relating to the implementation, operation, configuration and customisation of the business system must be registered within the approved RMS. (24) For new systems, recordkeeping requirements must be considered and documented at the user requirements/tendering stage. (25) Business systems must be re-assessed for recordkeeping compliance if they undergo major upgrades or changes in functionality. Where systems are to be replaced, recordkeeping requirements need to be considered during the planning stage to ensure compliance requirements continue to be met with the new system, and records are appropriately migrated. (26) The University will only dispose of University Records in accordance with the requirements of the State Records Act 1998 and its associated legislative instruments. (27) The destruction of University Records registered in the approved RMS will be managed centrally through the Records, Policy and Governance Unit. (28) Records must not be destroyed if they are or may be the subject of a request under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW), subpoena, or other formal request for access or relate to any ongoing action such as an appeal, regardless of whether the minimum statutory retention period has expired. (29) The University will keep those records identified as permanent State Archives within the University Archives at the Heritage Centre by entering into a Distributed Management Agreement with State Records NSW. Archives are records identified as having continuing value in records retention and disposal authorities issued by State Records NSW and are kept permanently as part of the University Archives Collection. University Records that are State Archives include, but are not limited to: (30) All University records must be retained for the minimum retention periods identified in the General Disposal Authorities (GDA) approved by NSW State Records for the University. (31) Each business unit is responsible for evaluating whether the minimum retention periods identified in the approved records GDA's are adequate for business needs. Minimum retention periods can be increased but not decreased. (32) This Rule is made by the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer pursuant to Section 29 of the University of New England Act. (33) (34) The Rule Administrator, the Records Manager, is authorised to make procedures and guidelines for the operation of this Rule. The procedures and guidelines must be aligned to the provisions of this Rule. (35) This Rule operates as and from the (36) Previous records management policy and related documents are replaced and have no further operation from the (37) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Rule, the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer may approve an exception to this Rule where the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer determines the application of the Rule would otherwise lead to an unfair, unreasonable or absurd outcome. Approvals by the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer under this clause must be documented in writing and must state the reason for the exception. (38) Archives means records that have been selected for indefinite retention on the basis of their continuing value for legal, administrative, financial or historical purposes, but are no longer required for current use. (39) Archives Collection — see http://www.une.edu.au/library/heritage-centre/une-and-regional-archives (40) Archivist means the person managing the UNE Heritage Centre and University Archive. (41) Business activities refer to any action that contributes towards UNE's decision-making process or service delivery, including all UNE's functions, processes, activities and transactions. (42) Business systems are automated systems that create or manage data about the University's activities. (43) Distributed Management Agreement - Distributed management is a strategy whereby a public office, or other person, can enter into an agreement with State Records to have possession or custody of State archives. State Records retains control of the archives, while they are held in the custody of the public office or person, ensuring their proper management and care through the terms of the agreement. (44) Full and accurate record means a record that: (45) Heritage Centre - see http://www.une.edu.au/library/heritage-centre (46) Managing records means any action relating to the life cycle of a record, including the storage, assignment of metadata, retrieval, transfer, preservation, and eventual disposal of records. (47) Recordkeeping is the making and maintaining of complete, accurate, and reliable evidence of business transactions. (48) Records Management Officer is a UNE employee whose responsibility is to administer the Records Management System and provide services to help UNE achieve: (49) Records are a part of and result from business activities and provide evidence of those activities. Any document or other source of information compiled, recorded or stored in written form or on film, or by electronic process, or in any other manner or by any other means (State Records Act 1998 (NSW). Records may include, but are not limited to, any staff member's paper based records, emails, or electronic documents stored at UNE or on UNE equipment. A record does not include personal and/or private documents that are not part of official UNE business records. (50) Records Disposal is any method of removing records from the University's control, such as archiving or destruction. (51) Records Management Program is the management framework, the people and the recordkeeping systems required to manage full and accurate records over time. It covers all records and recordkeeping systems and includes the identification and protection of records that may be required as State archives (see State Records Act 1998 (NSW). (52) Records Management System (RMS). The University of New England installation of HP TRIM, or equivalent replacement system, under the control of the Records Management Office. (53) Records Manager is the head of the Records, Policy and Governance Unit. (54) A State Record is defined in Part One, Section Three of the State Records Act 1998 (NSW), as any record made and kept, or received and kept, by any person in the course of the exercise of official functions in a public office, or for any purpose of a public office, or for the use of a public office. All records obtained through the course of University operations are State Records and are controlled by the University of New England as University Records. (55) University Records are any records (regardless of format) made and kept, or received and kept, by any person in the course of the exercise of official functions in the University, or for any purpose of the University, or for the use of the University [Part 1, State Records Act 1998 (NSW)]. This includes records in any format such as paper, electronic (email, spreadsheets, word processing documents, images etc), audio or video cassettes, film, photographs, publications and microfilm/fiche. (56) Vital records are those records that are essential for the ongoing business of the University, and without which the University could not continue to function effectively. The identification and protection of such records is a primary object of records management, risk management and disaster management planning. Each organisational unit is responsible for identifying and managing vital records in consultation with RMO.Records Management Rule
Section 1 - Overview
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Rule
Records Management Principles
Principle 1: Creation/Capture of Records
Specific responsibilities are outlined below.
Principle 2: Management and Retention of Records
Ownership of records
University records
Approved Business Systems
Principle 3: Disposal of Records
Authorisation and Compliance
Section 4 - Definitions
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