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User Registration Operating Procedure

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Section 1 - Preamble


(1) This operating procedure will be implemented under the direction of the Chief Information Officer .

(2) The operating procedure will be made publicly available and communicated to the University community.

(3) This operating procedure is to be read in conjunction with the related policies and documents listed above and any other relevant University policy documents.


(4) To specify the conditions under which members of the University community register for use of the University's centrally managed ICT services.

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Section 2 - Scope

(5) This operating procedure applies to the University community using centrally managed ITC services and covers the following areas:

  1. The User Registration Process
  2. Change of Username
  3. Change of Account Status
  4. Special Circumstances
  5. Account Closures
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Section 3 - Operating procedure


(6) Technology and Digital Services (TDS) will register members of the University community for a computer account and grant access to requested and approved centrally managed ITC services.

(7) Usernames created by the User Registration System are unique.

(8) By registering for an account, members of the University community agree to the University's policies and procedures on computing use.

(9) Accounts must be used for the purpose for which they were created, i.e. staff must use their staff account for all staff related work, student accounts for student work.

(10) Users are responsible for ensuring that their files that are stored on TDS servers are independently backed-up prior to account archival.

(11) Exceptions to this operating procedure can be requested in writing and must be approved by the Chief Information Officer or nominee.

User Registration Process - Staff

(12) Members of staff are provided with an IT account by UNE which can be activated at any time during their employment period.

(13) New staff members can register for an account as soon as their details are processed in the University's Human Resources system. Activation of the account is required to access the University's ITC services.

(14) A valid Account Code to be used for chargeable services must be supplied.

(15) The application for the account and for access to approved ITC services must be approved by an Authorised Officer.

(16) Activation of the account represents an acceptance of the rules and regulations relating to the use of UNE's ICT services.

User Registration Process - Students

(17) Students can register for and activate their account for access to ITC services approved by TDS as soon as their details are processed in the University's Student Information System. Activation of the account is required to access the University's ITC services.

(18) Students can register online or in person at the Service Desk.

(19) A form of photo ID (usually a student card) and the student number are required for registration at the Service Desk.

(20) For online registration the student must provide their student number, full name and date of birth as identification.

(21) Activation of the account represents an acceptance of the rules and regulations relating to the use of UNE's ICT services.

User Registration Process - Approved Affiliates of UNE

(22) Affiliate accounts can be set up for Approved Affiliates of the University.

(23) A valid Account Code to be used for chargeable services must be supplied.

(24) The application for the account and any access to approved ITC services must be approved by an Authorised Officer.

(25) All Affiliate account applications must specify an end date. On this date all access will be removed and the account data will be archived.

Change of Usernames

(26) A username assigned by the User Registration System cannot be changed except in the following circumstances:

  1. a user changes their name after marriage, divorce or by deed poll and this change has been entered into the University's personnel or student records system.
  2. the username created by the system is deemed offensive.
  3. clearly demonstrated misuse of the account by persons other than the account owner e.g. harassment by email.

(27) The user must request a change in their username.

(28) The request must be approved by the Chief Information Officer or nominee.

(29) An email alias may be requested to redirect email from the old username to the new username.

(30) Changes of usernames, unless under exceptional circumstances, will be actioned at the end of a teaching period (after the release of exam results for this teaching period).

Change of Account Status

Merging Accounts

(31) Staff, student and Approved Affiliate accounts cannot be merged.

Ex-Staff member changing to Student

(32) Staff members who leave their position to take up studies at the University of New England cannot retain their UNE staff account. A student account will be created. Email will not be redirected from the staff account to the student account.

Ex-Student changing to Staff

(33) New staff members who were UNE students will be given a staff account. An email alias may be requested to redirect student account email to the staff account.

Special Registration changing to Staff

(34) New staff members who were special registrations will be set up with a staff account. This account may not have the same username. However, on request, the existing Special Registration can be converted into a staff account.

Staff changing to Special Registration

(35) Staff members who leave their employment at UNE but continue to be associated with UNE as an Approved Affiliate will not retain their staff account. A Special Registration Account will be created. However, if approved by the former supervisor, the old staff email account may be forwarded to the special registration account. Approval for the forward must be given by the Head of School/Director of the staff member or the Chief Information Officer or nominee.

Affiliate changing to Student

(36) Approved Affiliates with Special Registration accounts who become students of UNE cannot keep their Special Registration account. A student account will be created. An email alias may be requested to redirect special registration emails to the student account. Approval for the redirection must be given by the Chief Information Officer or nominee.

Student changing to Affiliate

(37) If a student ceases being a student of UNE and returns as an Approved Affiliate, a new Affiliate account will be created. An email alias may be requested to redirect student emails to the special registration account.

Special Circumstances

(38) Staff with more than one position at the University will be issued a single account with appropriate access privileges covering all positions. Where usage charges apply, an agreement must be reached between the employee's supervisors.

Staff changing positions within the University:

  1. When a staff member leaves their position to take up another position with UNE after the normal account expiry period (see clause 40), the existing account will be archived and access privileges to computer services removed. Where there is no request to change the account name, the account will be reactivated with new privileges for the new position. Approval must be given by the staff member's new supervisor. The account name will remain the same.
  2. When a staff member leaves their position to take up another position with UNE during the normal account expiry period (see clause 40), the existing account will remain active with existing permissions. The account name will remain the same. It is the responsibility of the area of previous employment to ensure that access permission is removed from the account through a request to the IT Service Desk.
  3. Where there is a request to change the account name, e.g. where access to sensitive information in the previous position is an issue, a new account will be created for the new position. This new account must be requested by a senior University manager and approved by the Chief Information Officer or nominee. In these cases the original account data will be archived and no data transferred to the new account. If both parties agree, any emails to the old account can be redirected to another email account for an agreed period.

Staff also enrolled as UNE students

(39) Staff members who are enrolled as UNE students will be provided with separate accounts. As per clause 9 staff must use their staff account for staff related work and their student account for student related work.

Account Closure


(40) Access privileges to the internet as well as access to any other services specified by TDS will be disabled immediately after notification is received from Human Resource Services that a user has left the employment of UNE. Email, disk space and other services approved by the Chief Information Officer or nominee will remain available for up to 30 days, at which point the account will be archived. Account data (such as emails) will not be retained.

Undergraduates and Postgraduates by Coursework Students:

  1. Undergraduates' and Coursework Postgraduates' internet access as well as access to any other services specified by TDS will be disabled immediately after their enrolment period ends and notification is received from Student Journey.
  2. Email, disk space and other services approved by the Chief Information Officer or nominee will remain available for nine months following the end of enrolment, at which time the account data will be archived. Account data (such as emails) will not be retained.
  3. A warning will be sent to the student's UNE email address before the account data is due to be archived.
  4. Where special circumstances exist, students may apply through their Head of School for an extension, in writing, to the Chief Information Officer .
  5. Where there is evidence that an account is being misused, the account may be disabled earlier on instruction of the Chief Information Officer or nominee.

Postgraduates by Research Students:

  1. Research postgraduates' internet (proxy) access as well as access to any other services specified by TDS will be disabled immediately after their enrolment period ends and notification is received from Student Journey or Research Services.
  2. Email, disk space and other services approved by the Chief Information Officer or nominee will remain available for twelve months following the end of enrolment, at which time the account data will be archived. Account data (such as emails) will not be retained.
  3. A warning will be sent out to the student's UNE email address before the account data is due to be archived.
  4. Where special circumstances exist, students may apply through their supervisor for an extension, in writing, to the Chief Information Officer.
  5. Where there is evidence that an account is being misused, the account may be disabled earlier on instruction of the Chief Information Officer or nominee.


  1. At the end date, the affiliate account data and access privileges to all centrally managed ICT systems and services will be automatically removed. Account data (such as emails) will not be retained.
  2. The account may be re-activated on request from an authorised officer.


(41) Accounts of all former students will remain on the user registration system. Alumni of the University may be granted access to ITC services approved by the Chief Information Officer .

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Section 4 - Definitions

(42) Account: The computer user account provided by the University to access ICT services centrally managed by TDS. The account itself does not have any access privileges; these are added and removed on request.

(43) Account Data: Any data associated with a user account. This includes email folders and any data files stored on the server in space reserved for the account.

(44) Approved Affiliates:

  1. Student of UNE (Only when normal registration procedures for students are unavailable)
  2. Staff member of UNE (Only when normal registration procedures for staff are unavailable)
  3. UNE Council Member
  4. Visiting Academic
  5. Visiting Student
  6. Other affiliates approved by senior UNE management

(45) Authorised Officer: Head of School or Directorate or nominee.

(46) ICT: Information and Communications Technologies

(47) TDS: Technology and Digital Services, University of New England.

(48) UNE: University of New England.

(49) University Community: University staff, enrolled students and approved affiliates.

(50) User Registration System: The application used to create, maintain and remove accounts.