(1) UNE’s eResearch Committee is responsible for advising the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and University Research Committee: (2) The Committee’s membership is a mixture of academic and professional staff from Faculties, Technology and Digital Services, Research Services and the University Library. The Committee will consist of: (3) The term of membership for academic representatives is two years and may be renewed after that term. (4) An academic member may be appointed where a vacancy occurs. (5) An appointed position for an academic member becomes automatically vacant if: (6) The membership for professional staff on the Committee is based on the specific role of each Central Service staff and professional staff remain on the Committee for as long as they hold their Central Service role. (7) The Chair and Deputy Chair of the eResearch Committee may hold their position for two years. (8) Gender representation shall accord with the Gender Representation on Decision Making and Advisory Committees Policy. (9) The Committee’s functions are: (10) to respond to challenges and opportunities in eResearch as they arise, the Committee will propose a 12-month program of projects each year to the University Research Committee, which will drive the Committee’s business. (11) The eResearch Committee is authorised to seek data and information from the University through the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research to meet the eResearch Committee's functions. (12) The eResearch Committee reports to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research. (13) The Committee will provide two written reports in each calendar year to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research for tabling at the University Research Committee. (14) The eResearch Committee will meet at least five times per year, or otherwise as required to perform its functions. (15) Unless the Chair directs otherwise, eResearch Committee business papers will be distributed to members at least seven days prior to the meeting, or such shorter period as is practicable in the circumstances. (16) Public disclosure of business papers, minutes and other information received by the Research Committee should only be made via the Chair or Secretary to the committee. (17) At any meeting of the committee, one half of the membership plus one constitutes a quorum. (18) For its business papers, meetings and otherwise to conduct its business, the eResearch Committee and its members may use technology including telephone, video-conferencing, telepresence, email and internet as arranged by the Chair and/or Secretary to the committee. (19) The eResearch Committee may pass a resolution by 'flying minute' provided that the resolution has been approved by a simple majority of committee members at the time the resolution is made. (20) Draft minutes will normally be circulated to members for comment promptly after each meeting. Next, the minutes (with any necessary changes) will be circulated for adoption by the Research Committee. The minutes will be finalised and adopted when they have been approved by a majority of the members that were present at the relevant meeting. Alternatively, the minutes may be included in the business papers for the next committee meeting and considered and adopted by the committee at that meeting. (21) Once annually the Research Committee shall devote part of one meeting to the review of its policies, practices and procedures over the preceding twelve months. (22) Research Services will provide secretarial and administrative support delegate via the Research Services office.Terms of Reference (DVCR Approved) - eResearch Committee
Section 1 - Overview
Top of PageSection 2 - Committee Membership
Term of Membership
Section 3 - Committee Functions
Section 4 - Conduct of Committee Business
Business Papers
Use of Technology
Confirmation of Minutes
Secretary to Research Committee
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