(1) The Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer establishes the Student Services and Amenities Fees (SSAF) Committee to provide reports and/ or advice to the Executive Team and to the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer. (2) The Committee’s functions and responsibilities are to: (3) The Committee shall comprise: (4) In attendance: (5) Such additional members to the Committee to provide input into particular matters. (6) All members shall serve on the Committee for the continuation of the role. Where persons are co-opted for a specific purpose, membership to the Committee will cease when the specific purpose is complete. (7) Gender representation on the Committee’s membership will be compliant with the University’s Gender Representation on Decision Making and Advisory Committees Policy. (8) The Chair will be the Deputy Vice-Chancellor. If the Chair is unable to attend a scheduled meeting, they will nominate an Alternate Chair. (9) The Committee may extend rights of audience and debate on a standing or ad hoc basis. Staff, students and external stakeholders may request the opportunity to address the Committee. The Chair will consider and determine these requests. (10) Secretarial support will be provided to the Committee by the Student Services and Amenities Fees Advisor Education Quality. (11) The quorum for a committee meeting shall be 50% of the membership, plus one. The quorum at all times must include a student member. (12) Where a loss of quorum is identified, the meeting may be adjourned until a time the Chair determines. Any matters for decision considered when the meeting is inquorate must subsequently be ratified by the Executive Team or at the next Student Services and Amenities Fees (SSAF) Committee meeting before those decisions can be actioned. (13) Committee members are required to declare to the Chair any real, perceived or potential conflicts of interest they may have with any item on the Committee’s agenda. (14) If the Chair of Committee deems a member to have a conflict of interest in a matter before the Committee, the member will be excused from Committee discussions and deliberations on that matter. The Chair may, with the agreement of the Committee, allow a member to contribute to discussion where they have particular expertise. The member will not be permitted to vote on any matter in which a conflict is deemed. (15) Operational oversight or responsibility for a service or area of the University will not normally be considered as a conflict of interest. (16) Further details on identifying and dealing with a conflict of interest are provided in the Conflict of Interest Policy and Procedures. (17) The Committee will determine its meeting schedule annually in advance and meeting as scheduled. The schedule of meetings will ensure that the SSAF allocation is approved by August for the following year. (18) Committee meetings may be held face-to-face, by telephone, videoconference, or other electronic means. (19) Committee decisions may be made at a duly called and constituted meeting, or by a resolution in writing to all members and physically or electronically signed by at least a quorum of members. (20) Committee members are required to fully prepare for each meeting, read documentation in advance, and make every reasonable effort to attend each meeting. (21) Committee members will be provided with access to any resources they reasonably require to fulfil their duties as a Committee member. (22) Observers are welcome with the Chair’s prior permission and provided they advise the Secretary in advance. (23) Observers are entitled to see and hear the proceedings of the meeting but have no voting rights and not right to speak at meetings, unless invited to do so by the Chair. Observers must leave the meeting when requested by the Chair, or if any matters are to be considered in closed session. (24) Agendas and associated documentation will be distributed five working days before the meeting. Members will be notified by email of the location and availability of material. (25) All papers must be submitted to the Secretary by the specified submission date. Late and tabled papers will only be accepted with the permission of the Chair. (26) Committee records are subject to the State Records Act 1998 (NSW) and must be retained by the Secretary in accordance with the University’s Records Management Rule and Procedures. (27) Minutes are to be prepared from each meeting. The Chair will review the draft minutes and action sheet of each meeting, after which the Secretary will circulate the documents to all Committee members and include them in the agenda papers for the next meeting. (28) To ensure the Committee is fulfilling its duties, it will undertake an annual self-assessment of its performance against these terms of reference and provide that information to the Senior Executive, along with any information the Senior Executive requests to facilitate its review of the Committee’s performance and membership.Terms of Reference (Vice-Chancellor approved) - Student Services and Amenities Fees (SSAF) Committee
Co-opted members:
Right of audience
Conflicts of interest
Access to resources
Agenda and minutes
Evaluation and review
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