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Child Care Fees Account Procedures

This is the current version of this document. You can provide feedback on this policy to the document author - refer to the Status and Details on the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Overview

(1) These Procedures outline the steps and actions to be undertaken between the Yarm Gwanga Childcare Centre and the University’s Accounting, to facilitate Yarm Gwanga's enrolment, attendance and billing processes.

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) These Procedures apply to staff of the University’s childcare services, UNE licenced Childcare provider representative(s), and the University’s Accounting (AFBT).

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Section 3 - Procedures

(3) In accordance with the Child Care Fees Rule, the University will follow the Procedures outlined below, to facilitate payment of accounts.

Steps Action Details Responsible party
1 Receipting of Security Deposits All Parent/carers are required to pay a security deposit of $200 per child with a permanent booking at Yarm Gwanga Preschool and Long Day Care for ongoing child care services, prior to enrolment.  This is to be receipted against an application prior to acceptance of the enrolment. Yarm Gwanga/Accounting
2 Daily attendance rolls/end of week attendance submissions to the Department of Social Services (DSS) Daily attendances to be recorded in a timely manner.  Absentees to be marked and all children to be accounted for.  End of week attendances to be submitted to DSS by the close of business each Friday. Yarm Gwanga
3 Issuing of Statements Parents are issued with statements each Monday, for the previous week’s attendance. Accounting
4 Queries from families Yarm Gwanga will assist families with queries relating to Child Care Subsidies, enrolments, bookings and attendances.  Accounting will assist families with queries regarding charges, payments, balances, direct debits and deposits. Yarm Gwanga/Accounting
5 Cancellation of enrolments
Families need to notify Yarm Gwanga of their intent to cancel an enrolment by updating their enrolment details via the software system, ‘Smartcentral’. When notice has been provided of the intent to cancel an enrolment, Yarm Gwanga will provide this advice to the Accounting ( to enable finalisation of accounts and security deposits held.
Yarm Gwanga
6 Finalisation of Outstanding Fees Security Deposit to be released to account.  Final accounts to be issued on the first Monday after the last day of a child’s attendance.  Final direct debit of all monies due to take place the first Thursday after the last day of a child’s attendance. Accounting

Authority and Compliance

(4) The Procedure Administrator, Director UNE Residential System, pursuant to the University’s Child Care Fees Rule, makes these Procedures.

(5) UNE Representatives must observe these Procedures in relation to University matters.

(6) These Procedures operate as and from the Effective Date.