(1) The University of New England (UNE) is committed to ensuring the provision of affordable quality early education and vacation care to UNE staff, students and the local community in accordance with Children (Education and Care Services) National Law and the Education and Care Services National Regulations (NSW). The purpose of this Rule is to provide a framework under which UNE can ensure the financial viability and the efficient functioning of its child care services. (2) This Rule applies to all (3) In accordance with the Education and Care Services National Regulations (NSW) the University of New England as the Approved Provider will ensure that parents of children enrolled at the service are notified at least 14 days prior to any change that will affect the fees charged or the way in which fees are collected. (4) Fees for child care services will be reviewed annually or at other times as required, by the OIC and Nominated Supervisor (Yarm Gwanga). The fees will be detailed in Schedule 1 and approved by the nominated approved provider representative. (5) A security bond/deposit as per Schedule 1 is required for each child upon enrolment to the University's child care services. The security bond/deposit will be refunded to the account holder: (6) The University Accounting will generate and distribute invoices to parents on a weekly basis, attaching the statement required to comply with A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999. (7) Parents failing to provide CRN details prior to the enrolment/billing period, will be liable for full fees. A parent’s/carer’s account will be credited when applicable rebates are received thereafter. (8) Fees are to be paid in accordance with the terms and payment options detailed in the Yarm Gwanga Fees Account Procedures. (9) Parents who are eligible for Federal Government child care benefits must ensure that: (10) Parents are required to give 14 calendar days' notice electronically to the OIC and Nominated Supervisor (Yarm Gwanga) to cancel a child's enrolment. Parents are liable for the fees up to and including the cancellation date. (11) Full fees will be charged when: (12) Fees will not be charged: (13) Where a child does not attend the service for a continuous period of two (2) weeks (and the parent has not contacted the service regarding the absence) the child's place at the service will automatically be cancelled. The parent will be notified of all outstanding fees and charges, which will be payable immediately. (14) Overtime charges will be applied where a child is not collected by the service's closure time. Overtime charges are detailed in Schedule 1. (15) Where a child is enrolled in a morning session only, a full day charge will be applied where the child is not collected by the end of that session (unless prior arrangements have been made with the Director of the service). (16) For vacation care enrolments, 48 hrs notice of cancellation is required in writing electronically. If the notice is not received, fees will be payable for the days enrolled. (17) An account is overdue when the amount owing remains unpaid one day after the due date. (18) UNE recognises that families may experience financial difficulties during the period of the child's enrolment and are encouraged to discuss any difficulty that may impact on maintaining their payment of fees with the Accounting or the OIC and Nominated Supervisor (Yarm Gwanga). (19) The final decision concerning a cancellation of a child’s enrolment at the service will be made by the OIC and Nominated Supervisor (Yarm Gwanga) in consultation with the nominated approved provider representative. (20) The University reserves the right to engage a third party mercantile agency to recoup overdue fees. Any fees incurred as a result of this will be payable by the parent. (21) Where a child's enrolment has been cancelled and the outstanding fees have been paid, the enrolling parent may apply for care in the service again. They will be placed on the waiting list until a vacancy becomes available. (22) The Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, pursuant to Section 29 of the University of New England Act 1993 (NSW), makes this University Rule. (23) UNE Representatives must observe it in relation to University matters. (24) The Rule Administrator, Director UNE Residential System, is authorised to make procedures and guidelines for the operation of this University Rule. The procedures and guidelines must be compatible with the provisions of this Rule. (25) This Rule operates as and from the Effective Date. (26) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this University Rule, the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer may approve an exception to this Rule where it is determined that the application of the Rule would otherwise lead to an unfair, unreasonable or absurd outcome. Approvals by the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer under this clause must be documented in writing and must state the reason for the exception. (27) All (28) Parent, as defined in the National Law (NSW), in relation to a child, includesChild Care Fees Rule
Section 1 - Overview
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Rule
Early Childhood Service
Vacation Care Service
Overdue/outstanding accounts
Authorisation and Compliance
Section 4 - Definitions
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For the purposes of this Rule the following definition applies.