Academic Promotion Appeals Procedure
Section 1 - Overview
(1) These procedures provide guidance on the application of the Academic Promotion Rule, particular to Appeals.
Top of PageSection 2 - Procedures
Grounds for Appeal
(2) Candidates not recommended for promotion may lodge an appeal on the basis there has been a procedural breach substantive enough to result in material disadvantage to them with regards to the Academic Promotion Committee's decision.
(3) Appeals may be lodged electronically to on the formal appeals template/s provided via the Academic Promotions section of the People and Culture web site.
Consideration by Committee
(4) The Promotion Appeals Committee membership will be in accordance with section 41 of the Academic Enterprise Agreement.
(5) The Promotion Appeals Committee will be provided with the following documentation for its consideration:
- Academic Promotion Rule and its associated Academic Promotion Procedures;
- candidate's appeal submission;
- application documentation provided to the Academic Promotion Committee and observers; and
- feedback from the Academic Promotion Committee as provided to the candidate.
(6) The Promotion Appeals Committee may obtain and consider any material, additional to that provided as listed above, which may be considered relevant to their deliberations.
(7) The Promotion Appeals Committee will consider all appeals. The Promotion Appeals Committee can decide:
- that no relevant breach of procedure has occurred and recommend to the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer that the appeal be dismissed; or
- that a relevant breach of procedure has occurred and recommend to the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer that the appeal be upheld.
(8) A report from the Promotion Appeals Committee with recommendations will be provided to the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer.
Appeal Outcome
(9) Where the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer accepts the recommendation of the Promotion Appeals Committee that an appeal be upheld, then the application is referred to a Promotion Reassessment Committee.
(10) Where the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer accepts the recommendation of the Promotion Appeals Committee that an appeal be dismissed, the appellant must consider this decision final.
(11) The appellant will be advised of the outcome of the deliberations of the Promotion Appeals Committee.
(12) Where an appeal has been upheld, the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer may provide instruction for consideration of the Promotion Reassessment Committee.
Promotion Reassessment
(13) The Promotion Reassessment Committee appointed by the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer will be comprised of four (4) Professors or Associate Professors drawn from a range of
(14) A National Tertiary Education Union observer and an equity observer will be present at all meetings of the Promotion Reassessment Committee.
(15) If possible, two of the members will have served on a previous Academic Promotion Committee. Promotion Reassessment Committee members must not have been involved in any aspect of the cases to be reviewed.
(16) The Promotion Reassessment Committee will be provided with the following documentation:
- Academic Promotion Rule and associated Procedures;
- application documentation provided to the Committee and observers; and
- instruction from the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer if provided.
(17) A candidate will be recommended to the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer for promotion by the Promotion Reassessment Committee where their application receives support of two-thirds of the Committee membership.
(18) A report from the Promotion Reassessment Committee with recommendations will be provided to the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer for approval.
(19) Candidates will be advised in writing of the outcome of the deliberations of the Promotion Reassessment Committee.
(20) There will be no appeal beyond the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer's decision regarding the recommendation from a Promotion Reassessment Committee.
Top of PageSection 3 - Definitions
(21) Academic Enterprise Agreement means the UNE Academic and English Language Teaching Staff Enterprise Agreement 2020-2022 as extended or varied from time to time, and is taken to include any Enterprise Agreement that replaces or varies one or more of these documents.
(22) Academic Staff means employees covered under the UNE Academic and English Language Teaching Staff Enterprise Agreement 2020-2022 or the replacement Enterprise Agreement.
(23) Head of School means Director of Centre, Head of Cost Centre or equivalent.
(25) Normally means that it is the default position that must be followed unless exceptional circumstances exist that require a departure from the default position, as determined by the Policy Administrator acting reasonably.