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Online Learning Resources Policy

This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Overview & Scope

(1) This Policy provides the framework for the development and management of online learning resources via the Learning Management System (LMS) and UNE Library.

(2) This Policy applies to UNE Representatives involved in the development, administration and delivery of all online learning resources via the LMS and UNE Library.

(3) Within this Policy, Part A addresses online learning resources.

Part A - Online learning resources


(4) UNE is committed to providing online learning resources that support its aspiration to be the leading provider of online learning.

(5) With the exception of learning resources provided and managed by the UNE Library, UNE provides the majority of its online learning resources through the LMS which supports the online delivery and administration of resources, communication, collaboration and assessment.

(6) All units will have a dedicated LMS site. The LMS site is the official record of online learning resources for all management, administrative and legal purposes for courses and units.

(7) All online learning resources through the LMS must adhere to the the current version of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

(8) All UNE-Authored Learning Resources will maintain consistency of common policy and regulatory information, University style, intellectual property, copyright and branding policies.

Development, management and support

(9) Unit Coordinators are responsible for developing and managing the unit LMS site content including:

  1. developing and reviewing all unit content and creating online learning resources in accordance with the Online Learning Standards Principles and Guidelines in the Course Design Framework;
  2. publishing unit information and content;
  3. ensuring all published unit information reflects the unit information on the UNE Course Handbook;
  4. using the Reading List Management System to provide links to and store Library Resources and not uploading third party copyright material provided or managed by the Library in the LMS; and
  5. engaging with the LMS site throughout the duration of the unit's teaching period, including responding in a timely manner to student enquiries.

(10) Unit sites are released to students one week prior to the start of the teaching period. Teaching staff are not required to engage in the unit during this week, but core resources and activities are made available to allow students to familiarise themselves with the unit, engage with other students and plan their study. Unit Coordinators should ensure the following are available to students at the time of release:

  1. a welcome message;
  2. unit information and assessment overview;
  3. reading list resources for the unit;
  4. a means of interacting with other students – this may be within the unit (e.g. a discussion forum) at the course level (e.g. course community or professional site) or other avenue as appropriate; and
  5. minimum core learning resources (as determined by the Unit Coordinator) for the unit.

(11) All other unit content may be progressively added to the unit site.

(12) Education Futures supports the development and maintenance of the LMS through:

  1. the ongoing management of the LMS and the wider virtual learning environment, which includes the identification and actioning of any future system developments and improvements;
  2. providing professional development opportunities and support to academic staff to facilitate curriculum development and to extend and develop existing teaching approaches with the aim of optimising student understanding, engagement and success;
  3. providing assistance to Unit Coordinators with the set up and management of unit sites;
  4. providing training and support resources for students in the use of the LMS; and
  5. leading learning design initiatives and providing learning design expertise and guidance to Unit Coordinators.

(13) Education Futures and Technology and Digital Services (TDS) are responsible for providing technical support, development of existing systems and implementation and integration of new systems within the virtual learning environment.

(14) LMS sites will remain open to students for a minimum twenty working days after the release of unit results. Sites will remain open for students with approved special assessments until the end date of the special assessment.


(15) Unit Coordinators must ensure that all online learning resources meet copyright obligations as detailed in the University Copyright Policy. The Copyright Officer can assist Unit Coordinators to manage their copyright obligations.

(16) Details of all Library Resources required for inclusion in the Reading List Management System, must be submitted to the Library as soon as practicably possible before the relevant teaching period commences.

Library Resources

(17) The UNE Library is responsible for providing and managing certain third party copyright material, and providing services to academic staff to support their teaching activities.

(18) Access to online learning resources through the UNE Library is provided via the Library website by the provision of permanent link mechanisms to licensed materials held on the providers' servers and from the Reading List Management System. The use and access conditions of these resources is governed by individual licences with the publishers and vendors.

(19) All Third Party Copyright material copied in reliance of the Educational Statutory Licence (section 113P Copyright Act 1968) which is provided or managed by the UNE Library must be uploaded to, and managed in the Reading List Management System, and not on the LMS or on any other digital platform, whether operated by UNE or not.

(20) The University Library or Unit Coordinators may obtain express permission from copyright owners to use Third Party Copyright material outside of the terms of the University's licence agreements in connection with their teaching. This Third Party Copyright Material (which would otherwise be provided or managed by the UNE Library) must be uploaded to, and managed in the Reading List Management System. Any permissions from copyright owners must be in writing and include details of the learning resource(s), terms and duration of use, and be submitted to the University Library for recordkeeping purposes.

Reasonable adjustments for students with additional needs or particular educational requirements

(21) Students with health conditions or personal circumstances who require adjustments to be made to online learning resources are advised to consult the Student Accessibility and Wellbeing Office regarding obtaining a Study Access Plan (SAP) or similar before the commencement of the teaching period where possible. The Student Accessibility and Wellbeing Office will work with the student (or representative) and relevant staff members to arrange reasonable adjustments, taking into consideration the content and learning outcomes of the unit.

(22) Alternative online learning resources must be arranged with the advice and support of the Student Accessibility and Wellbeing Officeto ensure accordance with the Disability Standards for Education 2005, under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.

Summary of Roles and Responsibilities

Unit Coordinators
Develops and manages the unit LMS site content.
Complies with copyright obligations.
Provides key unit information on the LMS site one week before the commencement of the teaching period and progressively add material to the site.
UNE Library
Provides and manages Library Resources and provides services to academic staff to support teaching activities.
Education Futures
Supports the development and management of the LMS.
Student Accessibility and Wellbeing Office
Develops Study Access Plans with recommendations for adjustments to online learning resources.
Works with the student and academic staff to implement adjustments.
Copyright Officer
Assists Unit Coordinators in managing copyright obligations in relation to online learning resources.
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Section 2 - Authority and Compliance


(23) The Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer (VC&CEO), consistent with the Vice-Chancellor Functions Rule, makes this policy.

(24) The Executive Principal Education Futures (EP Ed Futures) is authorised to make procedures and processes for the effective implementation and operation of this policy, and to publish as associated documents any tool that will assist with compliance.

(25) The Policy Administrator for this policy is the Director Governance and University Secretary who is authorised to make minor administrative updates to this policy.


(26) UNE Representative must observe this policy. 

(27) All online learning resources must be retained at least until no longer required for teaching or other purpose per the Records Management Rule.

(28) This policy operates as and from the Effective Date.

(29) Previous policies online learning resources are replaced and have no further operation from the Effective Date of this policy.

(30) Notwithstanding other provisions of this policy, the VC&CEO may approve an exception to this policy where the VC&CEO determines the application of this policy would otherwise lead to an unfair, unreasonable or absurd outcome. Approvals by the VC&CEO under this clause must:

  1. be documented in writing;
  2. state the reason for the exception; and
  3. be registered in the approved UNE electronic Records Management System in accordance with the Records Management Rule.
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Section 3 - Quality Assurance

(31) The implementation of this policy will be supported through:

  1. assistance with the development of, and ongoing support for, online learning resources from Education Futures and the Library.