(1) These procedures are for the guidance of the academic staff of the University of New England in complying with the University's Special Studies Program (SSP) Policy and must be read in conjunction with that policy. (2) This procedure applies to continuing academic staff who hold a balanced workload of teaching, research, and service. (3) SSP is should not be perceived as an entitlement. SSP is intended to provide academic staff with the opportunity to: (4) It is expected that SSP will lead to tangible research, scholarship and/or engagement outcomes, as agreed at the time of approval. (5) SSP is a privilege earned by track record and demonstrable prospective outputs. It is not an entitlement granted due to the effluxion of time. Eligibility for SSP means ‘eligible to apply for an approved period of SSP leave’. (6) UNE staff eligible to apply include: (7) A staff member will only be granted SSP where: (8) SSP will accrue at the rate of two months for each full year of service. At no time will any accrual or period of SSP exceed twelve months. These timeframes might be extended from time-to-time to account for career interruptions. (9) Periods of long service leave, leave without pay, or SSP will not count as service for the purpose of determining SSP eligibility. (10) Applications for SSP will (11) An application for SSP will be considered comparable in quality to that expected of a peer-review publication, or major grant application, with a particular focus on outcomes from the anticipated investment of University resources. (12) Applicants should discuss their SSP plans with their Head of School or supervisor as part of their annual Performance Planning Development And Review (PPDR) process. (13) Once endorsed by the Head of School or supervisor, applications will be assessed by the Dean of the Faculty for submission to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for approval. Only those approved at (14) SSP outcomes must be aligned to the applicant’s current level of appointment as outlined in the Academic Profiles Document or to the relevant components of UNE’s Core Capability Framework. (15) SSP applicants must provide evidence that the proposed SSP Program will, where applicable: (16) The Executive Dean is required to certify that: (17) Where the Head of School or Executive Dean does not support an application, they must indicate, in writing, the reasons why and provide feedback. (18) The applicant is required to submit the final version of the application with Head of School endorsement and Dean’s approval to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for consideration. (19) The DVC - duplicate will assess applications that have been endorsed by the Head of School and approved by the Executive Dean, with reference to the academic merit of the application and its alignment with the relevant (20) The Executive Dean Deputy Vice-Chancellor will be mindful of the applicant’s: (21) The DVC - duplicate will advise applicants in writing whether the application: (22) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor may consider rebuttals against a decision of a Head of School or Dean concerning the academic merit of an application and will determine whether the application should be reconsidered for approval. (23) An application is only considered approved, once authorised by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor. (24) Staff on SSP will be entitled to financial assistance as determined by the University. (25) The funds available for SSP will be determined in advance as part of the annual operating budget of the University, and will be administered by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor. (26) The following allowances are available for staff on SSP. The budget included in the application form should be in line with these allowances: (27) No additional allowance is provided for staff travelling with (28) The number of applications approved in a calendar year may be limited by the funds available in the University annual operating budget and determined by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor taking into account the nature of the applications received and the capacity of the (29) (30) If a staff member and partner are both employed at the University and both apply to undertake an SSP in the same round, they shall be treated as separate applicants for financial assistance. (31) Approved funding for SSP will be transferred to the staff member's academic pursuit fund (APF) account. (32) Staff members must book their travel and accommodation in line with the current Procurement Policy and its associated Travel Procedures. The cost code in that booking will be the APF account. (33) Where the staff member does not return to normal duties as required under clauses 45 and 46 of these procedures, the staff member may be required to repay to UNE any SSP financial assistance (or appropriate proportion thereof, as determined by the Executive Dean and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor). (34) Staff may utilise other University funds to which they have access, such as research grants, in order to contribute towards travel and accommodation expenses not covered by the travel grant or accommodation allowance, provided they comply with University policy and the conditions of expenditure of such funds. (35) All applicants are referred to Australian Taxation Office (ATO) rulings or their tax advisor regarding matters including: claiming appropriate expenses, compliance with any substantiation provisions for travel or other work-related expenses, maintenance of a travel diary. (36) At least four weeks prior to the commencement of SSP, staff members who supervise postgraduate research students must submit the required form, advising of the arrangements that have been made for the supervision of their postgraduate students, through the Dean of the Faculty, to Research Services. (37) Applicants should note the FBT requirements with respect to personal leave days, which are days on which staff members do not undertake (38) A variation requiring substantial change to the focus of the SSP must be submitted to the Head of School and the Dean for endorsement, and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for approval. (39) A variation that is made before SSP commences that does not involve substantial change and does not impact on the approved financial assistance does not require approval, but the Head of School and the Dean must be notified of the final arrangement prior to the commencement of SSP. (40) Variations required following commencement of SSP and/or variations that result in a change to financial assistance, must be approved by the Dean and submitted to the office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor. (41) It is the responsibility of the staff member to ensure that their travel insurance remains valid after the variation. (42) The University may direct a staff member to postpone or interrupt a period of SSP. (43) While on SSP, and only in cases of extreme urgency, a staff member may be asked by the University to assist in a specific situation. In these circumstances, appropriate expenses will be paid. (44) Where more than five consecutive working days are lost to the SSP for unforeseen interruptions, such as sick leave, the staff member may apply to extend the SSP period or to have the days re-credited (although no additional financial assistance will be provided for re-accredited days). (45) Academic staff undertaking SSP are required to return to normal duties for a period of time equal to the period of time spent on SSP. (46) Where a staff member resigns from UNE while on SSP, he/she will be expected to return to UNE within one week to resume normal duties for the duration of the term of notice. (47) The staff member must complete and submit an SSP report to the Dean within two months of the completion date of the SSP period. A template is available on the Special Studies Program (SSP) website (UNE login required). The report will include: (48) A staff member who accepts a position with an external body must comply with the UNE's Remuneration and Working Arrangements Policy and its associated Private Paid Outside Work Procedures. (49) The University reserves the right to seek clarification of grants and earnings received while on SSP. (50) The Executive Dean will provide an evaluative comment on the report within four weeks of submission. The staff member will sign that they have seen the evaluative comment and submit it to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor's office and People and Culture for noting and management of accruals. (51) A supplementary report may be submitted to the relevant Executive Dean at any time. (52) If the report is not submitted within two months of returning to normal duties, further SSP accrual will not commence until the date on which the report is submitted to People and Culture. (53) Where there is an outstanding report, no further application for SSP will be considered. (54) A staff member may apply to the Executive Dean for an extension to the date for the submission of the report. (55) Applicants must acknowledge their affiliation with UNE in all publications resulting from SSP. (56) A copy of the report will be recorded on the staff member's personal file, together with all other documentation relating to a staff member's SSP. Copies of applications and outcome letters will be held in the University’s approved corporate (57) The Deputy Vice-Chancellors is responsible for: (58) An SSP Advisory Group, membership constituted on a needs basis, is responsible for providing advice and support to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor on a determination of an SSP application when deemed necessary. (59) Staff members approved for SSP are responsible for: (60) A staff member may appeal to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor if their application for SSP is not approved. (61) The final decision on the academic merit and relevance of the proposal is a matter for the Deputy Vice-Chancellor. (62) The final decision on the academic merit and relevance of the proposal is a matter for the Deputy Vice-Chancellor. (63) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor as Procedure Administrator, pursuant to the University's Special Studies Program Policy, makes these Procedures. (64) (65) These Procedures operate as and from the (66) Previous Procedures relating to the Special Studies Program Policy are replaced and have no further operation from the Effective Date of this new Procedure. (67) Accrual of Service - the length of time identified as being available for future SSP should the applicant meet the criteria for approval. (68) Staff means - a staff member, who is not a casual employee, and is covered by UNE Academic and English Language Teaching Staff Enterprise Agreement 2020-2022, or the replacement Enterprise Agreement. (69) Supervisor means - the role to whom a position reports.Special Studies Program Procedures
Section 1 - Overview
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Procedures
Assessment of Application
Endorsement and Approval
Financial Assistance
Additional Financial Support
Prior to Commencement
Variations to Approved SSP
Unforeseen Interruptions in the SSP Period
Return to Service
Roles and Responsibilities
Authority and Compliance
Section 4 - Definitions Specific to these Procedures
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