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Travel Procedures

This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 -   Purpose and Scope

(1) These procedures are for official university travel both domestic and international.

(2) As travel is sometimes essential for UNE business, UNE supports UNE travellers, including representatives and students by:

  1. providing an appropriate standard of comfort and conditions while away from home;
  2. ensuring travel is as convenient as possible;
  3. managing travel costs transparently, effectively and with accountability;
  4. reimbursing reasonable travel costs accurately and within reasonable timeframes;
  5. complying with legal, insurance and tax obligations; and
  6. protecting travellers' occupational health and safety.

(3) These procedures are designed to ensure that travellers:

  1. have a clear and consistent process for travel;
  2. understand travel safety and security measures and requirements;
  3. understand their entitlements and responsibilities including managing demand for travel; and
  4. understand the University's expectations related to travel.

(4) These procedures apply under the UNE Procurement Policy, to all UNE Representatives, students or any person undertaking official University travel, using University funds, including grants. 

(5) This procedure does not apply to individuals or employees of organisations who provide services under contract to the University.  Where required, travel provisions of such contract personnel should be set out in the contract. 

(6) This procedure does not include University employees’ private travel, e.g. from home to the workplace, or where travel is required to work from home (detailed further in Clause 145).

(7) Within these procedures:

  1. Part A covers planning and approving travel
  2. Part B outlines the requirements for booking travel
  3. Part C details the responsibilities for traveller and travel approver
  4. Part D covers health and safety while travelling
  5. Part E provides information specific to air travel
  6. Part F provides information on ground travel
  7. Part G covers changes to travel arrangements
  8. Part H covers travel expenses, allowances and payments
  9. Part I provides additional travel guidelines
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Section 2 - Procedures

Code of Conduct

(8) The University expects travellers to observe the University’s Code of Conduct when booking and undertaking travel.

Part A - Planning and approving travel

Deciding to travel

(9) If you intend to travel on University business you must clearly justify, to the satisfaction of the approver, why the travel is beneficial and necessary for UNE.

  1. The travel must be required by your duties of employment or for University business and not based on personal circumstances, personal preference, flexible work arrangements or remote working agreements.
  2. You must return to your normal residence as soon as practicable when the travel period ends. 
  3. Travel should only occur when other forms of engagement are ineffective. Teleconferencing and video conferencing may be suitable alternatives. Travellers are responsible for considering the alternatives before committing to travel.
  4. Where travel is required, it should be minimised to ensure only essential travel is undertaken.

Value for Money

(10) The person requesting travel and the person approving travel, must both ensure that the proposed travel:

  1. will produce a worthwhile benefit for the money spent;
  2. is an appropriate use of scarce resources (time and money);
  3. is within budget and delegated authority;
  4. is planned sufficiently in advance to minimise costs; and
  5. is the lowest available airfare on the day of booking (i.e. best fare of the day) that offers the traveller the convenience and flexibility to complete their business travel.

Approval to travel

Pre-approval process

(11) All UNE business travel must follow a pre-approval process to confirm a traveller’s permission to travel.

(12) The FCM Travel Hub includes an online travel approval tool, incorporating a proposed travel diary and capturing information regarding the nature and purpose of the travel and associated justification.

(13) The online booking tool includes an online approval mechanism where travel is approved by the appropriate delegate having regard to the nature of the travel.

(14) A risk assessment form must be completed for International travel and fieldwork assignments and attached to the request for pre-approval.  The form is under (2) ‘Administration details’ page in the tool relating to the ‘Risk Activity’ item and is located in ‘Attachment’ under Risk Assessment form here.

(15) Domestic travel is approved by the relevant Head of School, Director, member of Senior Executive, or nominated approver subject to budget affordability and grant conditions within financial delegation of the approver.

(16) International travel requires two levels of approval.

  1. Level 1 approval – relevant Executive Dean of Faculty, Director and the relevant Senior Executive, subject to budget and grant conditions within the financial delegation of the approver. Nominated deputy approvers must NOT approve international travel
  2. Level 2 approval – Chief Operating Officer approves travel.
  3. UNE Insurance team then reviews, providing approval for insurance coverage.
  4. A risk assessment form is to be filled in for all international travel and attached as part of the pre-approval. The form can be found in the “Administration details” page in the FCM Pre-Trip Approve (PTA) tool, located in the “Attachments” section. 

(17) Approval authorities cannot approve their own travel expenses.  The next highest level of delegation in a direct reporting line is required to approve all travel expenses.

(18) The Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer must approve travel for members of the Executive Team.

(19) The Chief Operating Officer approves Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer travel.

Determination of Purpose of Travel

(20) The primary purpose of any University sanctioned staff travel must be Official University Business (OUB).

(21) Prior to approval of travel, an assessment must be carried out to determine whether a trip is likely to constitute a business trip. A prudent approach will be undertaken when assessing private travel. In instances where there is doubt as to the business or private nature of travel, the University will classify such travel as being of a private nature.

(22) University approved business travel, which includes a private travel portion:

  1. less than the incidental private travel limit thresholds (detailed in the following section) will be classified as business purpose travel.
  2. in excess of the incidental private travel limit thresholds will be classified as dual-purpose travel.
    1. Dual-purpose travel may only be approved where the traveller pays half of the airfare and all private costs relating to the private travel portion.
    2. Payment of the dual-purpose travel airfare contribution by the traveller must be paid directly to the University’s Travel Management Company, FCM Travel, facilitated by the travel team ( prior to travel commencing. Payment of the contribution should not be via reimbursement to the University.

(23) Travel undertaken by a staff member of the University assessed to be primarily for private purposes or dual-purpose travel where the staff member does not pay half the airfare, will raise a Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) liability on the University for the airfare.

(24) In assessing the main purpose of travel a number of factors are considered including:

  1. the intended business purpose of the travel in the travel approval request
  2. the number of non-business or private days (annual leave days and time in lieu by agreement) taken during a trip, as indicated in the Travel Diary.

(25) Student Travel is not subject to FBT.

Determination of incidental private travel

(26) In determining whether private travel undertaken as part of approved University business travel is incidental private travel, the nature of all days during the approved travel must be assessed.

(27) Where the number of private travel days (including annual leave days) is less than the private travel limit threshold number of business days, then the private travel will be deemed to be incidental.

(28) Where the number of private travel days exceeds the private travel limit thresholds, the travel will be deemed to be dual-purpose travel.

Incidental private travel limit thresholds

(29) Total travel days are the total number of calendar days from the first travel day, to the end of the travel – including any weekends during the travel and physical recovery days that occur after return.

(30) Where the number of private travel days is less than 25% of the total number of trip days, then the private travel will be deemed to be incidental.

Incidental Private Travel algorithm:

Private travel days / Total trip days = < 25%

(31) Where private travel days represent 25% or more of the total trip days, the travel is considered to be dual-purpose travel.

As an example of dual-purpose travel, a staff member travelled to London on Thursday 1st of May and arrived Friday 2nd May to attend a conference that commenced on Monday 5th May. The conference ended on Thursday 8th May, but the traveller extended their stay until the 15th to visit family. The return flight commenced the 16th and arrived back home on 17th. The following table shows a calendar of the trip, where private days are identified as follows **. The total number of trip days is 18, and 5 of these are private days. As 5/18 is greater than 25%, this is defined as dual-purpose travel.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
      1.Travel 2.Travel 3.Business weekend 4.Personal weekend**
5.OUB 6.OUB 7.OUB 8.OUB 9.Private** 10.Personal weekend** 11.Personal weekend**
12.Private** 13.Private** 14.Private** 15.Private** 16.Travel 17.Travel 18.Recovery

Assessment criteria for travel days

(32) The nature of the activities undertaken on an approved travel day will be assessed using the following criteria:

  1. Business days – is any day where University business is undertaken for a period exceeding three hours of the day, not including meal or rest breaks.  Examples of business-related activities include but are not limited to:
    1. attending a business-related conference;
    2. presenting a paper at a business-related conference;
    3. undertaking approved research;
    4. attending business meetings;
    5. transit days when travelling to or from a business destination; and
    6. recovery days.
  2. Travel days – for business purposes are classified as business days.
    1. Unless approved in advance or it can be shown there were exceptional circumstances, a maximum of two (2) days is allowed for travel from or to Australia, travel days in excess of this are counted as private days relating to international travel requirements.
      1. Exceptional circumstances can include additional shuttle flights within a country, unforeseen strikes, stoppages or delays, pre-existing medical conditions substantiated by a medical certificate, etc.
    2. Travel days during a trip to or from an Annual Leave destination are classified as private days.
  3. Recovery day – a day that would otherwise be classified as a private day (or a personal weekend day) may be classified as a business day where that day is a day of physical recovery immediately following international air travel, exceeding 12 hours in flight time from or to Australia. A recovery day does not apply to domestic Australian travel.
  4. Private days – are weekdays (non-weekend days) on which substantial official University business did not take place. It would be expected that some form of leave would be taken on private days during a trip.
  5. Weekends – two types of weekend days: OUB weekends and personal weekends.
    1. OUB Weekends are weekends falling between travel days on which official business is performed.  For example, if travel is undertaken to participate in University business on a Friday and the subsequent Monday, the weekend in between is an OUB Weekend.  Travel costs associated with OUB weekends will be covered by the University the same as if these were OUB weekdays.
    2. Personal weekends are weekends included in the trip at the discretion of the traveller for personal purposes.  Personal weekends typically fall at the start or end of a trip where the trip commences earlier than required or the trip is extended to include a weekend. Personal weekends are also weekends that adjoin a private day.  
For example, if official business during a trip ends on a Friday but the trip is extended to include the following weekend, those weekend days are personal weekend days.  If a traveller commences a trip to Sydney on a Friday in order to attend a conference that starts on Monday, this is an example of personal weekend days. The University will not cover the costs associated with personal weekends, including hotel and per diem costs.

(33) All weekend days are excluded from the definition of private days for a trip and thus are considered incidental to the related OUB travel.  Nonetheless, the distinction between OUB weekend and personal weekends is important as the University will not cover the additional costs associated with personal weekends.

Travel Diary

(34) Travel diaries must be completed before travel for all domestic and international journeys for each traveller. The travel diary appears only when airfare, accommodation or car options are selected.

(35) Business and private components of travel must be reflected in the travel diary. Activity and location must have either business or non-business descriptors and any other pertinent information to assist with UNE’s travel tracking through UNE’s travel risk management provider.

(36) Where any non-business travel is undertaken, an applicable leave request (for UNE Staff) must also be submitted to Webkiosk and approved prior to travel booking being finalised.

(37) FBT is calculated from the travel diary input using the calculation nominated in the ‘Incidental private travel limit thresholds’ section.

Part B - Booking Travel

(38) FCM Travel is UNE’s travel management company (TMC).

(39) Once pre-trip approval has been sought and gained, the traveller can book their travel requirements (flights, accommodation, vehicle hire) through the online booking tool provided by FCM Travel.

(40) Travel can be booked by a staff member for themselves, or on behalf of a UNE guest, contractor or student. Where a booking is made on behalf of a UNE traveller other than staff, the online booking tool will require identification of traveller type (from a drop-down menu).

(41) The FCM Travel Hub provides both an online booking tool (self-book) as well as the option to book using the services of a consultant. Fee charges apply to all bookings and the online booking tool is encouraged for all travellers to ensure travel costs remain cost effective for the University.

(42) The online booking tool is to be used to book domestic travel, other than groups of 10 or more and point-to-point international travel. It is recommended to contact an FCM Travel Consultant in any instance where the OBT does not support your booking request.

(43) The TMC must be utilised for domestic travel, complex international and group travel bookings.

(44) Where unused airfare credits exist, FCM Travel consultants will use them to offset fare costs for future travel bookings for UNE travellers.  It is important for all travellers to utilise credits where applicable to ensure these do not expire.

(45) All associated travel information/documents must be attached to the request to travel in the pre-approval tool. This includes risk assessment forms, travel diary information, conference registrations, driver information for private vehicle use or personal insurance information.

(46) Unless unavoidable, travellers are to book the best fare of the day for flights and utilise negotiated discount hotel rates.  Reasons for booking outside best fare of the day and discount hotel rates out of policy will be requested for all travel, to enable tracking and reporting.

(47) Participation in any Frequent Flyer lounge membership or other loyalty programs will not influence the travel agent/travel booker in the selection of a supplier, carrier or fare.

(48) An FCM travel booking is required for ground travel greater than a 120km radius of Armidale campus (or your base campus).

(49) For local ground travel within a 120km radius of Armidale campus (or your base campus), approval is required by your Supervisor. If a UNE pool vehicle is to be utilised a vehicle must be booked using the UNE Fleet online booking tool. Note, an FCM travel booking is required for local ground travel where a claim will be made e.g. mileage allowance or meals. 

Booking Amendments

(50) Trip Requests with an “Approved” status can be amended if the traveller or travel arranger has not proceeded through to the FCM travel booking tool, however any changes made at this stage will re-initiate the full approval process.

(51) All other booking amendments must be made through FCM Travel, including last minute changes, flight cancellations or missed connections. Please be aware that fee charges occur across any booking change or cancellations.

Part C - Responsibilities

Responsibility of Traveller

(52) Travellers are responsible for self-assessing that they are physically and medically fit to travel.

  1. In making this assessment, staff are strongly encouraged to seek medical advice and clearance from a doctor for pre-existing medical conditions prior to travelling overseas.
  2. Where a pre-existing condition requires medical attention while travelling, the insurer may require medical evidence that you were ‘fit to travel’ upon commencement of travel.
  3. Any documentation pertaining to a traveller’s medical status is to be retained by the traveller for use if required.
  4. If not able to prove ‘fit to travel’ requirements costs may be incurred by the traveller where the insurer will not be liable to pay hence it is recommended to ensure all UNE travellers are medically fit to travel.

(53) It is the responsibility of the traveller to ensure that they possess a valid passport. Passports are considered personal in nature and the University will not reimburse costs associated with acquiring and maintaining a passport.

(54) Visas and other customs/immigration requirements relating to the business trip are the responsibility of the traveller and must be sought in a timely fashion. The FCM Travel Hub has a VISA requirement checker for CIBTVisas. 

(55) A third-party professional visa service will assist travellers to manage their application for a visa, should one be required for the traveller’s destination. Visas can be applied for via the FCM Travel Hub. Submissions will be managed and visas returned by the third party for collection by the traveller.

(56) The University will only pay for the cost of visas for countries to be visited while undertaking UNE business.

(57) Vaccinations are the responsibility of the traveller prior to travel, including any COVID vaccination required for the travel destination.  Any reimbursement is to be negotiated and approved with your travel approver.

(58) It is the responsibility of the traveller to comply with UNE’s Code of Conduct.

Responsibility of Travel Approver

(59) The person responsible for travel approval must satisfy themselves that:

  1. travel is for the benefit of UNE;
  2. cost to UNE has been minimised with the expectation that the ‘Best Fare of The Day’ has been used;
  3. correct cost code, project code and activity code have been allocated;
  4. all costs of the trip have been captured;
  5. the travel diary is fully completed noting an activity and location for each day of travel, including private travel;
  6. the traveller has acknowledged that they are ‘fit to travel' (applicable only to international travel). If the traveller is not ‘fit to travel’, their travel should be declined;
  7. travel is not to a restricted area;
  8. the risk assessment section in the pre-approval tool is completed for all international travel;
  9. where using a privately-owned vehicle, it is the only option for the trip and authorised, and that the appropriate vehicle documentation has been provided to the traveller’s supervisor. A UNE fleet vehicle is the preferred option;
  10. when combining business and personal travel that the personal travel is within the 25% threshold. If not, the traveller must pay for 50% of the airfare cost directly to FCM Travel prior to travel; and 
  11. if the mode of transport is a charter flight, confirm that relevant documentation is attached.  Refer to ‘Charter Flight’ section below).

Project Conditions

(60) Travellers must recognise the restrictions and limitations that may be imposed by project provisions when travel is funded from specific projects.

Part D - Health and safety while travelling


(61) Travellers should seek medical advice before travelling any long distance or overseas. The University recommends travellers refer to the travel health section of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) website and register with

Domestic travel risk assessment

(62) For travel activities (e.g. fieldwork) where the risk levels exceed those found on UNE campuses, travellers must assess the risks. The risk assessment must be reviewed and approved by the line manager.

International travel risk assessment

(63) For all international travel a risk assessment form must be completed by the traveller, approved by appropriate travel approver and also UNE Insurance.

International travel safety 

(64) Travellers must check the DFAT website ( for information about international travel destinations before travel is booked to:

  1. ascertain destination risk level;
  2. ensure risk level has not escalated before travel commencement;
  3. understand that current risk levels can be updated frequently during travel; and
  4. ensure all travellers are registered with DFAT prior to departure.

(65) Where there is concern about safety the University may prohibit or suspend the travel request.

  1. Except in exceptional circumstances, travel to destinations marked as 'do not travel' (DFAT Level 4) cannot be approved. Generally, no insurance will be available.
    1. In exceptional circumstances, approval to travel must be sought from the relevant senior line manager with final approval from the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer.
  2. Travellers to high-risk areas (DFAT Level 3) may not be able to be covered under the University’s travel insurance policy.  Approval must be sought for all international travel by completing the risk assessment information during the pre-approval process.


(66) The University will provide travel insurance to all University travellers whilst on authorised OUB travel, within the limits of the University’s insurance policy. This insurance covers incidental private travel and OUB weekends that fall within the 25% threshold of private travel.

(67) For dual-purpose travel, the traveller is responsible for ensuring they have insurance coverage for the private days, including personal weekends.

(68) UNE’s travel insurance policy has limitations on coverage for pre-existing health conditions which would result in the traveller not being ‘fit for travel’.  For this reason, travellers should be very careful in declaring that they are ‘fit for travel’ and seek medical certification if there is uncertainty with regard to pre-existing conditions as per Clause 52. 

(69) Cover in excess of 180 days of travel usually attracts an additional premium payable by the traveller/School.

Domestic and international accommodation

(70) The standard of accommodation chosen should provide a safe and secure environment.

Emergency situations overseas

(71) UNE’s travel risk management provider that provides travellers with 24-hour access to expert advice and assistance before you travel, while abroad, and in an emergency. Various services include:

  1. security advice, traveller tracking and assistance;
  2. emergency medical services;
  3. emergency extraction services;
  4. translation services; and
  5. travel advice.
    1. This service is only available for travel booked in accordance with this Procedure.
    2. Membership details and guide are available for collection from Reception, Finance Strategy and Business Intelligence (FSBI), Ground Floor, T C Lamble Building.

(72) For medical or emergency-related costs up to $500: the traveller will need to meet these costs either using their UNE credit card or their own funds and claim a reimbursement upon return.

(73) Amounts exceeding $500 will be direct-billed to UNE via the international health and safety services provider after approval is sought from UNE's authorised representatives. For medical or emergency-related costs greater than $500 contact UNE’s travel risk management provider in the first instance to manage the process for you.

Part E - Air travel

Class of travel

(74) The authorised standard of air travel on University business is economy class except as provided in an individual's employment contract or as approved by Executive Dean of Faculty, or Director and Senior Executive, subject to budget and grant conditions within financial delegation of the approver.

Excess baggage

(75) The University will only pay for excess baggage relating to equipment and items required to be carried as part of official business.

Club memberships and Frequent Flyer points

(76) Loyalty and Frequent Flyer program fees will not be paid by the University. Loyalty and Frequent Flyer points accrued as a result of UNE travel may be used to upgrade to a class higher than that to which the traveller is entitled, or used for other work or leisure travel.

(77) Airline lounge memberships will not be paid by the University for frequent travellers. UNE staff are eligible for a discount for Qantas Club membership fees under the UNE corporate scheme number 110594. This is to be paid personally by the UNE traveller.

Charter flight

(78) Where destinations are not readily accessible by normal commercial carriers and/or it is economical to do so, requests to use charter or personal aircraft must be authorised by both the Chief Operating Officer and the Manager Treasury (

(79) Only charter companies registered with CASA or similar regulatory bodies can be used. Multi-engine aircraft are recommended.

(80) Ensure quote/s, approval by the Head Strategic Procurement a copy of Company's CASA Air Operator’s Certificate and details of aircraft for insurances purposes are attached to the travel booking tool.

Part F - Ground travel

Fleet and Logistic Services

(81) Where official travel begins in Armidale and the mode of transport is by vehicle, a UNE Fleet vehicle (includes department, pool, allocated and rental vehicles) is the authorised mode of transport. If a pool vehicle is not available or is impractical, the convenience and cost/benefit of taxis /Ubers should be considered for short trips in preference to booking a rental car.

(82) Access to a UNE Fleet vehicle includes the following:

  1. For ground travel greater than a 120km radius of Armidale campus (or your base campus) the FCM  pre-approval travel booking tool is used to first record the intention to travel and gain approval.
  2. Upon selecting the ‘Fleet Vehicle’ option, a link will be provided which will allow the traveller to then utilise the UNE Fleet online booking tool to book a vehicle. 
  3. A Travel Request number will also be provided in the pre-approval tool.
  4. For local travel within a 120km radius of Armidale campus (or the traveller’s base campus) and following Supervisor approval, utilise the UNE Fleet online booking tool to book a vehicle.
  5. The University has adopted a user-pays principle for the operation of its Fleet vehicles. Charges are inclusive of all costs excluding extras listed in (g).
  6. Vehicle must be refuelled before it is returned to UNE Fleet & Logistic Services.
  7. Extras include major repairs or insurance excess, fines and tolls, cleaning fees (only applicable if above Fleet & Logistics standard practices is required, e.g. pet hair, sand or smoking in the vehicle) and refuelling fees.
  8. By using a UNE Fleet vehicle, drivers agree to be bound by the UNE Vehicle Use Terms and Conditions. This document can be viewed prior to confirming the declaration when utilising the UNE Fleet online booking tool or a copy can be accessed from the Fleet & Logistic Services website.

(83) Refer to the Fleet & Logistic Services website, for rates and additional vehicle information. All charges for UNE Fleet vehicle hire will be billed directly to the nominated cost code allocated in the pre-approval request.

Private vehicle

(84) Travellers may only seek approval to use a private motor vehicle for travel on University business in exceptional cases where:

  1. scheduled University transport is not available, or the relevant delegate deems scheduled University transport to be unsuitable or inappropriate;
  2. scheduled public transport is not available, or the relevant delegate deems scheduled public transport to be unsuitable or inappropriate;
  3. a University vehicle is not available, or the relevant delegate deems a University vehicle to be unsuitable or inappropriate; and
  4. a hire vehicle or taxi is not available, or the relevant delegate deems a hire vehicle or taxi to be unsuitable or inappropriate.

(85) Where private vehicles are utilised, the University’s insurance policy does not cover the vehicle. Owners are liable for any damage that occurs to the vehicle. Owners should check with their insurance provider to ensure personal policies apply to vehicles utilised for work purposes.

(86) Use of a private vehicle can only be authorised by the Executive Dean of Faculty, Director or Senior Executive, or nominated deputy approver prior to travel.

(87) When completing travel requirements in the pre-approval tool, the waiver must be completed. This will appear once 'private vehicle' is selected as the mode of transport. Travellers must provide copies of their car documentation (registration, license and comprehensive insurance) as requested in the waiver to their Faculty or Directorate or travel approver for each required trip. This is also applicable to students undertaking travel for OUB. If travel is coordinated by a non-traveller, the coordinator must notify the traveller of the responsibilities of the waiver via email.

(88) Staff members using privately-owned vehicles may claim a mileage allowance of $0.87/km (all size engines). The amount claimed can only be for the business travel component and must not exceed the amount of the cost of the most efficient means of travel if a private vehicle has been selected in lieu of air flight. For example, if there are direct flights from Armidale to the destination, the amount claimed must be the lower of either the cost of the airfare on the day of travelling or a per-km rate. This must be attached to the PTA request. 

(89) UNE Representatives, travellers and students are not entitled to reimbursement for fuel receipts.

(90) Claims for mileage are made via the University's expense management system.

(91) All mileage allowance payments are processed through Finance as an un-taxed allowance, however, will still be reported on individual staff member’s annual payment summaries. Staff should keep a record of all official mileage for taxation purposes. UNE accepts no responsibility for the preparation of personal tax returns nor liability for such personal taxation matters.

(92) Students are authorised to use private vehicles and others means such as public transport, where approved.

(93) Non-staff who are authorised to use their private vehicles on OUB will also be paid a mileage allowance at a rate of $0.79/km. A 'sundry payment form' is completed, authorised and forwarded to accounts payable for payment. Payment will be made into the nominated bank account of the traveller.

Rental Cars

(94) The University has arrangements with preferred rental car agencies: Hertz and Thrifty.

(95) Rental cars can be booked through the FCM Travel to receive the lowest negotiated rate. Accept the standard excess for CWD (Collision Waiver Damage) insurance but decline other offers to reduce excess, as the University's insurance coverage will enable a claim to cover these costs should an accident occur.

(96) Individuals are expected to refuel rental vehicles before their return to the agency to avoid premium fuel surcharges. Individuals must pay for refuelling with their UNE corporate card. Whenever possible, return the rental vehicle to the same location as collection, to avoid return service charges.

(97) Economy or mid-sized vehicles are the standard for rental car hire. If a different type of vehicle is required it should be 'fit for purpose' for the objective of the travel and must be approved.


(98) All vehicle accidents and/or incidents involving rental or University-owned vehicles require the immediate reporting of all damage regardless of whether other vehicles are involved. Collisions with animals, fence posts, gates, debris from highway, vandalism, etc. require immediate notification to the insurance company. If the accident or incident involves other vehicles, third-party drivers’/owners’ names, license plate numbers, driver's license numbers, names and addresses of witnesses should be obtained where possible. Report all incidents via UNE’s “Skytrust” incident and hazard reporting system and email a copy of the Skytrust report to

Hotel shuttle and airport buses

(99) Travellers are encouraged to utilise hotel shuttle buses and airport buses whenever possible for transfers.

(100) If the cost of transfers is not pre-arranged then the expense should be paid for via UCC or personally, with a receipt provided for reimbursement after travel.

Taxis and Uber

(101) Where airport shuttles or buses are not available or are uneconomical, travellers are to use taxis or Uber in preference to rental vehicles. Payment should be made by UCC or personally, and ensure all receipts indicate from/to location and purpose.

Rail travel

(102) University travellers may travel First Class rail for domestic travel.

(103) University travellers should generally travel economy class on international rail except in a global south country when approved, to travel first class on the basis of safety concerns.

(104) Where possible, rail travel must be booked through the FCM Travel Hub.

Bus travel

(105) If bus travel is required travellers must refer to the UNE Bus Guidelines for the preferred bus solution. Please refer to the Fleet & Logistic Services website and book through FCM Travel Hub.

Part G - Changes to travel arrangements

(106) Where changes to approved travel arrangements (including missed flights) are required, the traveller must, as soon as practicable, liaise with FCM Travel to arrange the change. The contact number for the FCM Travel consultant is located on the Travel Hub  and on your itinerary for reference.

(107) The FCM Travel consultant will assist and attempt to minimise the cost of any surcharges or penalties imposed by airlines, hotels, etc. The traveller must provide:

  1. details of the (proposed) change;
  2. reason(s) for the amendment; and
  3. details of any additional costs to be incurred because of the changes.

(108) All changes to approved travel, including changes to budgets, travel destinations and/or duration of travel must be directed through FCM Travel, with all changes monitored via reporting to approving officer. The University will assume responsibility for any surcharge that may be imposed after tickets have been issued if changes in the original travel plans were necessitated by OUB or for other compelling reasons. However, changes of a personal nature or for personal convenience or preference (including missed flights) will be treated as a deviation initiated by the traveller for which the University will not assume responsibility.

(109) The traveller is responsible to account for any adjustments to claimed allowances as a result of the change to the travel itinerary. Additional allowances can be claimed if the itinerary is extended. Alternatively, allowances must be refunded if the change to the travel itinerary has resulted in a reduced allowance claim.

Part H - Travel Expenses

(110) UNE does not expect a traveller to be out of pocket as a result of travel on University business. University Credit Cards (UCC), reimbursement or the payment of an allowance for domestic travel to cover meals and incidentals is permitted. However, a combination of these payment methods is not acceptable.

(111) UNE will not cover unauthorised or private travel expenses, including for personal weekends, or costs relating to personal activities.

Payment for expenses

(112) Travel services including airfares, car hire and accommodation will be billed to FCM Travel.  All incidentals are to be paid for by the traveller using their University Credit Card or their own funds, with reimbursement post-travel. 


(113) University staff can request a daily allowance for domestic travel to cover the cost of meals for travel which extends overnight. This may be claimed as a reimbursement upon completion of travel and submitted within 90 days of travel. As the allowance is paid in accordance with Appendix 1 for 'reasonable' travel expenditure, a detailed acquittal of expenditure is not required. Travellers cannot claim any expenditure in excess of the allowance amount as this would be deemed to be 'unreasonable' expenditure. When meals are provided free of charge, included in accommodation charges, conference charges or air and rail passage, no claim will be permitted. The allowance request must be submitted through the University's expense management system and approved by the traveller’s authorised approver before payment can be made.

(114) Where the University Credit Card has been used to pay for meals and incidentals, the traveller must not claim a reimbursement or allowance.


(115) For OUB travel, reimbursement of actual expenses upon return from travel is available to a traveller to cover meals and incidentals where the University Credit Card or appropriate allowance has not been utilised.

(116) Reimbursement requests can be submitted through the UNE Zeno Expense Management System, ensuring receipts are scanned and attached to evidence spend. 

Credit Cards

(117) A University Credit Card (UCC) is the primary payment method for travel expenses, other than airfares, accommodation and vehicle hire (please refer to the UNE Credit Card Policy). Staff members who frequently travel are required to hold a UCC to facilitate the payment of travel expenses and must apply for and receive a University credit card in accordance with the UNE Credit Card Policy.

(118) In circumstances where payment is to be made for group expenditure, the most senior official should use their UCC to settle the account.

Travel Advances

(119) Due to the provision of UCC and allowances, there should be no need to pay travel advances. In the limited instances of travel to remote overseas destinations where the traveller is expected to meet non-travel related expenditure (such as research or grant-related expenditure) a travel advance may be requested through the Zeno expense management system. Acquittals are to be processed against the advance group that will be automatically created, any over or under spend will be identified and managed through the system.

Payment of Expenses for Non-staff

(120) Non-staff members are only able to claim travel-related expenses via a reimbursement, and only for those items not previously paid directly by other means. A claim for reimbursement is made with a 'sundry payment claim form' and sent to

Prohibited Expenses

(121) Prohibited travel expenditure items, are:

  1. Tips (except where customary in your destination country);
  2. Newspapers;
  3. Toiletries;
  4. In-room movies; and 
  5. Other expenditure deemed by the Head of Finance to be private in nature.

International Expenses

(122) For OUB international travel, two methods are available to a traveller to cover meals and incidentals:

  1. The UCC up to the relevant allowances per person in Tables 5 and 6 of Appendix 1.  Any amounts incurred in excess of the established rates will be considered personal, will be recovered from the traveller, and reimbursed to the University; or
  2. Reimbursement upon return of travel, based on actual expenses, or as per allowances in Tables 5 and 6 of Appendix 1.

Entertainment expenses while on official travel

(123) Travellers are expected to manage costs appropriately when providing hospitality or entertainment for guests and visitors. Entertainment and hospitality costs must be authorised by the Head of Cost Centre before being incurred. Hospitality and/or entertainment must at all times have a clear purpose for University business.

(124) Entertainment expenses are charged to a UCC and must be acquitted in accordance with the Credit Card Policy.

Other Expense Claims

(125) Any amounts for part-day travel will be determined with reference to the time a journey is commenced and completed using the point of departure and arrival as reference.

(126) Any amounts incurred in excess of the established rates will be considered personal, will be recovered from the traveller.

Accommodation, meals, and incidentals


(127) Domestic daily accommodation and incidental rates in Australian city and regional centres (with the exception of meal allowances, addressed at clause 130 of these Procedures) are outlined in Tables 1-4 of Appendix 1.  They provide reasonable rates when planning travel within Australia on approved University business. These rates should only be exceeded in an exception, e.g. where the traveller, OBT or the travel management company is unable to secure accommodation due to special events, a short notice booking, clauses within the traveller's employment contract or remote location.


(128) Tables 5 and 6 of Appendix 1, outline UNE rates for meals and incidental costs incurred in international countries. These tables provide reasonable rates when planning international travel on approved University business. These rates should only be exceeded in an exception, e.g. where the traveller, OBT or the travel management company is unable to secure accommodation due to special events, a short notice booking, clauses forming part of the traveller's contract or remote location.

Meal Allowances

(129) Meals not paid for by UCC during domestic travel can be claimed under meal allowances.

(130) Domestic meal allowances are paid upon return from travel and should be submitted within 90 days of travel.  These are to be managed by the traveller in the expense management system. Staff are to ensure that they only claim meals that fall within their travel time i.e., you must be travelling/absent over the meal period time. Breakfast 7am; Lunch 1:30pm; Dinner 6:30pm. Refer to Table 1 of Appendix 1.


(131) Airbnb is an approved booking channel for corporate travel at UNE. Airbnb can be accessed via the Airbnb tile on the UNE Travel Hub webpage. Airbnb for Business allows travellers to search and reserve lodging for business trips when a hotel reservation may not be logical (e.g. long stays, relocation, group accommodations, the city is sold out or very compressed).

(132) Airbnb provides 24/7 premium support for all business travellers, including assistance with check-in, cancellations, and rebooking if there is an issue with your original selection. The platform also allows UNE Travel to gain access to data and reporting and the ability to use a traveller locator map for safety purposes.

Staying with Family and Friends

(133) The University recognises that there are times when staying with family or friends is a preferred option for travellers on University business. This is acceptable and encouraged by the University provided that overall work performance is not affected by any discomfort or inconvenience created by the home visit.

(134) It is also acceptable in these circumstances to take hosts to dinner using allowance daily rate value only but not expended on meals and incidentals being provided by the host at their home during the stay.

(135) Providing the University with accommodation details will assist UNE in contacting the staff member including in emergency situations.

Part I - Additional travel guidelines

Travel time

(136) Travel time, including time spent waiting for connecting flights for University-related travel, is deemed to be time spent on University business.

(137) OUB also includes unavoidable delays between business activities (e.g. delayed conference/meeting commencement, delayed flights).

(138) Where travel is overseas and the traveller is entitled to a recovery day (i.e. flight time of more than 12 hours) it will be considered a business day when calculating the private component of total travel time.

Time off in lieu

(139) Time in lieu for a lost weekend day or public holiday can only be taken if it would be lost to travel assuming no private travel component.  Time in lieu should be taken by mutual agreement between the supervisor and the employee.

(140) Weekends away between days conducting UNE business are not eligible for time in lieu claims.

(141) This flexible working arrangement while on OUB is upon mutual agreement between the supervisor and the employee.

Working from home

(142) Where a staff member is approved to 'work from home' (by appropriate People and Culture staff) this does not represent OUB. Primary place of employment is at Armidale, Tamworth, Taree and Sydney campuses. A staff member's remote work arrangements should not have a significant impact on the work of their colleagues or faculty/ Division/ centre/ office/ School/ section and should be cost neutral for the University. 

(143) Travel between the remote worksite and the base campus is the responsibility of the staff member.

(144) For a travel request to be approved and travel insurance provided, it is on the basis that the travel must occur to achieve the business outcome. If the work is the staff member's substantive work, then a travel request should not be raised. 

(145) In relation to travel to other campuses and work locations, the University will be responsible for expenses up to the cost of travel from the base campus to the other campus or work location and the staff member will be responsible for any travel expenses in excess of this limit.

Group travel

(146) A single PTA can be raised for a group travelling on an identical itinerary in FCM Approve. A group PTA can be created in FCM Approve by clicking ‘Raise Travel Request’ on the FCM Approve dashboard. You must allocate a lead traveller or UNE staff member responsible for the group travelling. You are then able to list all members of the group when prompted on the form to list any other travellers accompanying you. All travellers should be listed on supporting documentation and risk assessments as well as on the PTA form.  Once a group PTA is approved, you get quotes or make the booking in the following way:

  1. For a group for up to 9 people, contact a FCM consultant on (02) 9423 8010 or by email
  2. For a group of 10 or more people, contact FCM Groups by email at

(147) A single PTA number can be raised if all travellers are travelling on the same itinerary and the trip is being paid by UNE from the same cost centre/project. A separate PTA is required if the itinerary is different or an individual has to pay for the travel. For example, if one member of your group departs from a different location or deviates from the collective itinerary in any way, that person will require their own PTA. A template can be made from the group PTA and modified for any members requiring an individual PTA.

(148) When organising group travel, consideration must be given to the number of staff travelling on any one method of passage at the same time, for reasons including but not limited to confirmation that insurance coverage for group travel is in place and the impact of business continuity is considered should an accident occur. Where a large group of travellers are on the same itinerary, an additional premium may be payable (contact for clarification).

(149) All group travel over 10 persons bookings must be facilitated by FCM Travel consultants. Contact details are located on the FCM Travel Hub web page. Payment for group travel bookings will be invoiced to UNE Accounting and requires no credit card payment at the time of booking.

(150) For all group travel on all domestic and international journeys, travel diaries for each traveller must be completed before travel.

(151) Both business and private components of travel must be reflected in each travel diary. Activity and location must reflect either business or non-business descriptors and any other pertinent information to assist with UNE’s traveller tracking through UNE’s travel risk management provider.

Accompanying travellers

(152) The University does not reimburse travel expenses of an accompanying traveller unless there is a bona fide business, compassionate or medical purpose for an accompanying spouse or individual, and a senior executive has approved it.

(153) UNE does not provide travel insurance coverage for accompanying travellers unless they are an accompanying spouse or dependent children.

Top of Page

Section 3 - Authority and Compliance

(154) The Procedure Administrator, the Chief Operating Officer makes these procedures in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer.

(155) UNE Representatives and students must observe these procedures in relation to University matters.

(156) These procedures operate as and from the Effective Date.

(157) Previous procedures relating to travel are replaced and have no further operation from the Effective Date of these new procedures.

Top of Page

Section 4 - Definitions

For the purposes of these procedures the following definitions apply.

(158) Best Fare of the Day - The most direct and economical airfare available at the time of booking via the University’s approved travel suppliers and systems, while also meeting the business requirements of the UNE traveller.

(159) DFAT – Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

(160) Domestic travel – travel within Australia.

(161) Expense Management System (EMS) – all expenses, including reimbursements, allowances and credit card expenses must be processed through the EMS.

(162) Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) – tax payable by the University on the value of certain benefits provided to their employees, or to associates of those employees, in respect of their employment. 

(163)  Group Travel – a group of 10 or more travellers travelling on the same itinerary in FCM Approve.

(164) Insurer – the University insurer.

(165) International Travel – All travel outside Australia (including New Zealand).

(166) Mileage Rate - Includes all costs associated with the use of the private/own vehicle.

(167) Private time - Time taken during normal working hours during a period of travel to pursue activities or interests that are not official university business.

(168) Receipts – A written acknowledgement of having received a specified amount of money for a product or service. All claims for reimbursement of expenses must be supported by receipts (EFTPOS slips are not acceptable). All transactions incurred on the University Corporate Card must be supported by a tax invoice/receipt. 

(169) Restricted Areas – Any country or region where the threat to the health & safety of the University traveller is considered high. All international travel requires a ‘Risk Assessment Form’ to be attached to the booking, which is used for obtaining insurance coverage. Travel to DFAT Level 4 countries is not permitted.  

(170) Tax Invoice – A receipt that contains sufficient information to enable the following key items to be readily identified:

  1. The Supplier’s identity and Australian Business Number (ABN)
  2. The nature of the sale
  3. The amount of GST payable

(171) Travel Allowance – An agreed amount (for meals and incidentals) to cover expenses that will be incurred.

(172) Travel Diary – an upfront diary which needs to be completed by travellers who undertake official university business.

(173) Travel Hub – the travel portal located on the UNE website housing all necessary travel tools and information.

(174) UNE Traveller – any person who travels on approved University business or who travels as an approved representative of the University.

(175) UNE Vehicles - includes vehicles provided as part of a salary package but excludes vehicles under salary sacrifice arrangements.

Appendix 1

Travel Procedures – Appendix 1

Table 1: UNE reasonable amounts for meal and incidental expenses











32.10 36.10 61.50 129.70 23.00
* incidental expenses - are minor but necessary expenses associated with work-related travel e.g.: car parking ticket, bus ticket or a charge for using the phone or internet for work-related purposes at your overnight accommodation.

Table 2: UNE reasonable amounts for domestic accommodation expenses




Adelaide 200.00-300.00
Brisbane 200.00-300.00
Canberra 200.00-300.00
Darwin 200.00-300.00
Hobart 200.00-300.00
Melbourne 200.00-300.00
Perth 200.00-300.00
Sydney 200.00-300.00
High-cost centres See Table 3
Tier 2 country centres (see Table 4) 200.00-250.00
Other country centres 150.00-200.00

Table 3: UNE reasonable amounts for domestic travel expenses – high-cost country centres accommodation expenses

Country centre


Country centre


Albany (WA) 150.00-250.00 Jabiru (NT) 150.00-250.00
Alice Springs (NT) 150.00-250.00 Kalgoorlie (WA) 150.00-250.00
Armidale (NSW) 150.00-250.00 Karratha (WA) 150.00-250.00
Ararat (VIC) 150.00-250.00 Katherine (NT) 150.00-250.00
Ballarat (VIC) 150.00-250.00 Kununurra (WA) 150.00-250.00
Benalla (VIC) 150.00-250.00 Launceston (TAS) 150.00-250.00
Bendigo (VIC) 150.00-250.00 Lismore (NSW) 150.00-250.00
Bordertown (SA) 150.00-250.00 Mackay (QLD) 150.00-250.00
Bourke (NSW) 150.00-250.00 Maitland (NSW) 150.00-250.00
Bright (VIC) 150.00-250.00 Mount Gambier (SA) 150.00-250.00
Broken Hill (NSW) 150.00-250.00 Mount Isa (QLD) 150.00-250.00
Broome (WA) 150.00-250.00 Mudgee (NSW) 150.00-250.00
Bunbury (WA) 150.00-250.00 Muswellbrook (NSW) 150.00-250.00
Bundaberg (QLD) 150.00-250.00 Nambour (QLD) 150.00-250.00
Burnie (TAS) 150.00-250.00 Newcastle (NSW) 150.00-250.00
Cairns (QLD) 150.00-250.00 Newman (WA) 200.00-300.00
Carnarvon (WA) 150.00-250.00 Nhulunbuy (NT) 150.00-250.00
Castlemaine (VIC) 150.00-250.00 Norfolk Island (NSW) 150.00-250.00
Christmas Island (WA) 150.00-250.00 Northam (WA) 150.00-250.00
Cobar (NSW) 150.00-250.00 Nowra (NSW) 150.00-250.00
Cocos (Keeling) Islands (WA) 300.00-400.00 Orange (NSW) 150.00-250.00
Dalby (QLD) 150.00-250.00 Port Hedland (WA) 150.00-250.00
Dampier (WA) 150.00-250.00 Port Lincoln (SA) 150.00-250.00
Dearby (WA) 150.00-250.00 Port Macquarie (NSW) 150.00-250.00
Devonport (TAS) 150.00-250.00 Rockhampton (QLD) 150.00-250.00
Dubbo (NSW) 150.00-250.00 Roma (QLD) 150.00-250.00
Emerald (QLD) 150.00-250.00 Shepparton (VIC) 150.00-250.00
Esperance (WA) 150.00-250.00 Swan Hill (VIC) 150.00-250.00
Exmouth (WA) 150.00-250.00 Thursday Island (QLD) 300.00-400.00
Geelong (VIC) 150.00-250.00 Toowoomba (QLD) 150.00-250.00
Geraldton (WA) 150.00-250.00 Townsville (QLD) 150.00-250.00
Gladstone (QLD) 150.00-250.00 Wagga Wagga (NSW) 150.00-250.00
Gold Coast (QLD) 150.00-250.00 Wangaratta (VIC) 150.00-250.00
Gosford (NSW) 150.00-250.00 Weipa (QLD) 150.00-250.00
Griffith (NSW) 150.00-250.00 Whyalla (SA) 150.00-250.00
Halls Creek (WA) 150.00-250.00 Wilpena-Pound (SA) 150.00-250.00
Hervey Bay (QLD) 150.00-250.00 Wollongong (NSW) 150.00-250.00
Horn Island (QLD) 300.00-400.00 Wonthaggi (VIC) 150.00-250.00
Horsham (VIC) 150.00-250.00 Yulara (NT) 550.00-650.00

Table 4: Tier 2 country centres

Country centre

Country centre

Albury (NSW) Kingaroy (QLD)
Ayr (QLD) Maryborough (QLD)
Bairnsdale (VIC) Mildura (VIC)
Bathurst (NSW) Naracoorte (SA)
Bega (NSW) Narrabri (NSW)
Ceduna (SA) Port Augusta (SA)
Charters Towers (QLD) Portland (VIC)
Chinchilla (QLD) Port Pirie (SA)
Coffs Harbour (NSW) Queanbeyan (NSW)
Colac (VIC) Queenstown (TAS)
Cooma (NSW) Renmark (SA)
Cowra (NSW) Sale (VIC)
Echuca (VIC) Seymour (VIC)
Goulburn (NSW) Tamworth (NSW)
Grafton (NSW) Taree (NSW)
Gunnedah (NSW) Tennant Creek (NT)
Hamilton (VIC) Tumut (NSW)
Innisfail (QLD) Warrnambool (VIC)
Inverell (NSW) Wodonga (VIC)
Kadina (SA)  

Table 5: UNE International allowances

Cost Group







1 60.00 25.00 85.00
2 95.00 30.00 125.00
3 130.00 35.00 165.00
4 170.00 35.00 205.00
5 200.00 40.00 240.00
6 240.00 45.00 285.00

Table 6: Table of countries













Albania 2 Ecuador 4 Laos 3 Russia 4
Algeria 3 Egypt 3 Latvia 4 Rwanda 3
Angola 4 El Salvador 3 Lebanon 3 Saint Lucia 5
Antigua and Barbuda 6 Eritrea 4 Lithuania 3 Saint Vincent 4
Argentina 2 Estonia 4 Luxembourg 5 Samoa 4
Armenia 3 Ethiopia 2 Macau 5 Saudi Arabia 4
Austria 5 Fiji 3 Malawi 2 Senegal 4
Azerbaijan 3 Finland 6 Malaysia 3 Serbia 3
Bahamas 6 France 5 Mali 3 Sierra Leone 2
Bahrain 5 French Polynesia 6 Malta 4 Singapore 6
Bangladesh 4 Gabon 6 Mauritius 4 Slovakia 4
Barbados 6 Gambia 2 Mexico 3 Slovenia 3
Belarus 2 Georgia 2 Monaco 6 Solomon Islands 4
Belgium 5 Germany 5 Morocco 4 South Africa 2
Bermuda 6 Gibraltar 4 Mozambique 3 Spain 5
Bolivia 3 Greece 4 Myanmar 3 Sri Lanka 3
Bosnia 2 Guatemala 4 Namibia 2 Sweden 5
Brazil 3 Guyana 4 Nepal 3 Switzerland 6
Brunei 3 Hong Kong 6 Netherlands 5 Taiwan 5
Bulgaria 3 Hungary 3 New Caledonia 5 Tanzania 3
Burkina Faso 3 Iceland 6 New Zealand 4 Thailand 4
Cambodia 2 India 3 Nicaragua 3 Tonga 3
Cameroon 4 Indonesia 3 Nigeria 4 Trinidad and Tobago 6
Canada 5 Iran 1 North Macedonia 2 Tunisia 2
Chile 3 Iraq 4 Norway 6 Türkiye (Turkey) 3
China 5 Ireland 5 Oman 6 Uganda 3
Colombia 3 Israel 6 Pakistan 2 Ukraine 3
Congo Democratic Republic 5 Italy 5 Panama 4 United Arab Emirates 6
Cook Islands 4 Jamaica 4 Papua New Guinea 4 United Kingdom 5
Costa Rica 3 Japan 5 Paraguay 2 United States of America 5
Cote d’Ivoire 4 Jordan 6 Peru 4 Uruguay 3
Croatia 3 Kazakhstan 2 Philippines 4 Vanuatu 4
Cypress 4 Kenya 4 Poland 3 Vietnam 3
Czech Republic 3 Korea Republic 6 Portugal 4 Zambia 2
Denmark 6 Kosovo 2 Puerto Rico 6    
Dominican Republic 4 Kuwait 5 Qatar 6    
East Timor 4 Kyrgyzstan 2 Romania 3