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Terms of Reference (Vice-Chancellor approved) - Landscape Management Committee

Section 1 - Overview


(1) The Landscape Management Committee is established as a Vice-Chancellor’s Committee and is delegated a number of functions in relation to the development, management, and maintenance of the natural bushland and landscape spaces at the University of New England, Armidale Campus.

(2) The establishment of this Committee and the delegation of powers to it are actions authorised by the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer in accordance with Section 17 of the University of New England Act 1993 (NSW) 

(3) This document serves as the ratified Terms of Reference under which the University Landscape Management Committee will operate.


(4) The formation and continued existence of the Landscape Management Committee allows for effective:

  1. reporting and information flow;
  2. consideration of recommendations developed by the Landscape Consultative Group;
  3. delivery of appropriate feedback to the Consultative Group, as appropriate;
  4. management review;
  5. demonstration of accountability and proactive interest;
  6. budget and resource allocation;
  7. implementation of management responsibility; and
  8. provides a forum to exercise and demonstrate due diligence.
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Section 2 - Committee Membership

(5) The Committee shall consist of:

  1. Chief Operating Officer (COO)(Chair);
  2. Director Estate and Built Environment;
  3. Deputy Director Graduate Studies; and
  4. Up to two (2) external members appointed by the Chair, with particular expertise relevant to the Committee.

In Attendance

(6) Official Attendees:

  1. Relevant Senior Executive(s) and/or nominees (unless the Chair directs otherwise).

(7) Other:

  1. Any person invited by the Chair;
  2. Various University specialist staff may be invited to attend meetings;
  3. External experts, who may be invited to attend meetings as determined by the Landscape Management Committee, but who will not have voting rights.
  4. Observers are welcome to attend the Landscape Management Committee, provided that permission has been sought and approved by the Chair, prior to the meeting.  Observers may address the Landscape Management Committee and answer questions only on the invitation of the Chair.  Observers are not entitled to vote.

(8) If a member of the Landscape Management Committee cannot attend a Committee meeting, their deputy may attend in their place and hold the same voting rights as the absent member.

Term of Office

(9) Ex-officio members will be Committee members whilst they hold their primary office.

(10) Committee members outlined in clause 5(a)-5(d) will be Committee members for two (2) years, or if membership is required beyond that time, the length of time shall be at the discretion of the Committee Chair.

(11) External members of the Committee described in clause 5(e) will be members for two (2) years, or if membership is required beyond that time, the length of time shall be at the discretion of the Committee Chair. 


(12) The Chair will hold office for the remainder of their term on the Committee.  If the Chair is unavailable to act as Chair for any period, the Chair may select a temporary Chair from current Committee members, to act during that period.

Gender representation objectives

(13) The objective will be to ensure, so far as is practicable, that the membership of the Committee includes the following gender representation:

  1. Where the Committee has five or more members, at least two of each gender; and
  2. Where the Committee has four or fewer members, at least one of each gender.
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Section 3 - Terms of Reference


(14) The Landscape Management Committee will operate to make recommendations to the University’s Senior Executive relating to landscape management matters at the University, and is charged with the following duties:

  1. promotion of a positive and proactive development, management, and maintenance of the natural bushland and landscape spaces based on responsiveness, inclusion and consultation;
  2. strategic review, endorsement and recommendation for sign off of the Estate and Built Environment and associated initiatives, relative to landscape maintenance;
  3. setting of objectives and targets for sign off by the Senior Executive, to set the benchmarks for continuous improvement in all areas of landscape management; and
  4. circulation of minutes to all members of the Landscape Management Committee along with feedback to the Armidale Campus Landscape Consultative Group on issues escalated from the Landscape Consultative Group.


(15) The Chair of Landscape Management Committee will report to the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer on the business conducted by the Committee. Reports will normally be by email and will include minutes of each meeting.

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Section 4 - Delegations

Delegation from the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer

(16) The Landscape Management Committee has delegated authority from the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer to perform on behalf of the Chief Operating Officer the approval, advice, recommendation and monitoring functions set out in these Terms of Reference and all matters ancillary to those functions. The Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer retains the discretion to withdraw, modify or override this delegation at any time.

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Section 5 - Conduct of Committee Business


(17) The Landscape Management Committee will meet at least once every three (3) months, to ensure:

  1. due attention is given to matters tabled with the Committee;
  2. continuity and follow up of action items; and
  3. no momentum loss, particularly where there are cases of absenteeism.

Business Papers

(18) An agenda and any accompanying reports will be circulated at least seven (7) working days before each meeting.


(19) A quorum is achieved where there are at least half of the invited attendees present and where the number of management representatives does not exceed half of that number.

Use of Technology

(20) For its business papers, meetings and otherwise to conduct its business the Committee and its members may use technology including telephone, video-conferencing, telepresence, email and internet as arranged by the Chair and/or the Committee Secretary.


(21) The Landscape Management Committee will operate as a consultative committee, with the appropriate management representative(s) delegated as the decision maker on all items raised after consultation has been duly exercised. If any item raised falls outside the authority of the management representatives, the Committee will make recommendations directly to the Chair.

(22) Where the Chair deems that a vote is required to resolve an issue (where recommendations cannot be agreed upon via general consensus) a majority of the attendees must be in favour of a motion for it to be passed (assuming a quorum has been achieved).

Records and Reports

(23) Committee meetings are recorded via utilisation of template agenda and minute sheets, provided by the University. These templates include an appendix that specifies the distribution list of the agenda and minutes for each meeting.

(24) Minute records are to be circulated to the following people within seven (7) days of the meeting being held to:

  1. all members of the Committee; and
  2. any guests that attended the meeting.

(25) The Secretary is responsible for ensuring all Committee agendas, minutes (once confirmed at the following meeting) and reports are recorded in TRIM.

Disclosure of Information

(26) Disclosure of business papers, minutes and other information received by the Committee should be made via the Chair or Secretary to the Committee.


(27) Once every twelve-month period, the Committee shall devote at least one part of one meeting to the review of its policies, practices, and procedures over the preceding twelve (12) months.

Secretary to the Committee

(28) A Secretary will be appointed by the Chair.

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Section 6 - Definitions

(29) Words and phrases used in this document have the following meanings unless the context requires otherwise:

  1. Senior Executive means the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer and his/her direct reports above Director level.
  2. UNE Act means the University of New England Act 1993 (NSW) 
  3. UNE By-law means the University of New England By-law 2005 (NSW)


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