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(1) These Procedures provide guidance for UNE Authors in providing open access to the outputs of UNE scholarship and research, and in enabling UNE Authors to meet the requirements of research funding bodies for responsible publication and dissemination of research outputs. (2) These Procedures apply to UNE Authors publishing under the auspices of the University of New England, and Library Services staff, and are to be used in conjunction with the Open Access to UNE Research Publications and Data Policy. (3) Each UNE Author will submit to Research UNE (RUNE) the following, as (4) appropriate/applicable for each research output, as soon as it is available: (5) Submission of the post-peer review version of a research output is required even if this version will not become openly accessible. (6) Where the publisher allows only the pre-peer-reviewed version to be made open access, or where the publisher places an embargo on the post-peer review version being made open access, a UNE Author may choose to submit refereed research articles and conference papers at the pre-peer review stage, with corrigenda added following peer review if necessary. (7) Instructions for submitting research outputs to RUNE are provided on the Library Services web site. (8) Where a UNE Author wishes to apply for a waiver on submitting a research output to RUNE, the UNE Author must make a case to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor or designate. (9) Each UNE Author may also submit other research outputs to RUNE under the terms of the Research UNE Deposit, Collection and Access Rule. (10) Material forming the whole or part of work examined and accepted for the award of a University of New England Higher Degree by Research, and associated metadata, is covered by the HDR Higher Degree Research Candidature Rule and the submission process for theses. (11) The University Library, through the Copyright Office and the Learning and Research Services Librarians, will provide information and advice to UNE Authors to support submission of research outputs, including: (12) The Library Services will provide information and advice to UNE Authors by a variety of means, including information sessions and seminars, web pages and individual consultations. (13) Article processing fee/charge is the payment sometimes required by a publisher for the work to be published as open access. (14) Author is the creator of an original work. (15) Research UNE (RUNE) is the institutional repository for the research outputs of UNE, governed by the Research UNE Deposit, Collection and Access Rule. (16) Copyright is a set of exclusive rights automatically granted to authors and creators of original works, such as literary works, film, musical works, sound recordings, paintings, photographs, software and industrial designs that are expressed in tangible or material form. It does not protect the ideas themselves. (17) Embargo is a requirement, usually from a publisher, that open access be delayed for a specified period of time. (18) Metadata are descriptions of research data and/or research material sets in accordance with established metadata schema. (19) Non-traditional research outputs are research outputs that do not take the form of published books, book chapters, journal articles or conference publications, including but not limited to original creative works, live performance of creative works, recorded/rendered creative works, curated or produced substantial public exhibitions and events (see ERA 2012 Submission Guidelines for more details). (20) Open access means immediate, permanent, unrestricted, free, online access to the full text of refereed research publications. (21) Post-peer review version is the version of the paper after peer review, with revisions having been made. (Sometimes this is referred to as the post-print version.) This means that in terms of content, the article is as published. However, in terms of appearance, this might not be the same as the published article, as publishers often reserve for themselves their own arrangement of type-setting and formatting. Typically, this means that the author cannot use the publisher-generated pdf file, but must make his/her own pdf version for submission to a repository. (22) Pre-peer review version is the version before revisions arising from peer review are made. This is sometimes referred to as the pre-print version. (23) Research data means data as facts, observations, computer results, measurements or experiences on which an argument, theory or test is based. Data may be numerical, descriptive or visual. Data may be raw or analysed, experimental or observational. Data include records that are necessary for the reconstruction and evaluation of reported results of research and the events and processes leading to those results, regardless of the form or the media on which they may be recorded. (24) Research funding includes grants or funds set aside by Schools or Research Institutes to support research activities. (25) Research funding bodies are public or private organisations in Australia and internationally, which fund research. (26) Research outputs means scholarly and research literature, including articles, conference papers and selected creative works created by a UNE Author. (27) UNE Author is an individual associated with the University of New England, and publishing under the auspices of the University, including employees, emeriti, adjunct and honorary appointments, research students and postdoctoral fellows. (28) Waiver is where the UNE Author seeks approval for a research output to be exempt from being available under the terms of this policy.Open Access to UNE Research Publications and Data Procedures
Section 1 - Overview
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Procedures
Submitting Research Outputs
Library Services Support
Section 4 - Definitions