Section 1 - Overview and Scope
(1) This policy supports the management of HDR candidature at the University of New England.
(2) The University of New England supports the equitable and transparent management of HDR Candidates.
(3) This policy applies to UNE Representatives and HDR Candidates.
(4) Within this policy:
- Part A – states the principles of this policy;
- Part B – covers enrolment requirements and management;
- Part C – covers minimum facilities requirements;
- Part D – covers change of supervision;
- Part E – covers ethics and research training requirements;
- Part F – covers leave entitlements;
- Part G – covers extension entitlements;
- Part H – covers transfers;
- Part I – covers cessation of candidature;
- Part J – covers general matters; and
- Part K – covers confidentiality and record-keeping requirements.
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Part A - Policy Principles
(5) UNE aims to support HDR Candidates through a timely and successful completion of their HDR candidature in the best interests of the candidate.
(6) The administration of this Policy and associated Procedures is governed by the following principles:
- fairness and equity
- principles of natural justice
- procedural fairness and transparency
- confidentiality
Part B - Enrolment
(7) Admission to higher degree by research programs shall be in accordance with the admissions criteria set out in the relevant HDR course rules published in the Postgraduate Research section of the UNE Course Handbook as they apply to the following HDR courses in the year of commencement.
Attendance Type (Study Load)
(8) HDR Candidates may enrol either full-time or part-time in any higher degree by research course, and may apply to change their study load during their candidature.
(9) HDR Candidates who wish to change their type of attendance should refer to the terms and conditions of their scholarship, where applicable.
(10) International candidates on a student visa are usually required to maintain a full-time enrolment while studying in Australia. An international candidate seeking to vary their type of attendance must check the requirements of their visa and consult with the UNE International Office.
Attendance Mode (Study Mode)
(11) HDR Candidates may enrol either on campus or online in any higher degree by research course, and may apply to change their mode of attendance during their candidature.
(12) HDR Candidates who wish to change their mode of attendance should refer to the terms and conditions of their scholarship, where applicable.
(13) HDR Candidates enrolled as on campus are expected to reside within the New England area and attend the Armidale campus, as required (unless on approved field work or other approved research travel).
Concurrent Enrolment
(14) HDR Candidates may not be concurrently enrolled in a Higher Degree by Research course at the University of New England or any other higher education institution except in instances where enrolment in a joint degree has been approved.
(15) HDR Candidates should not normally be enrolled concurrently in an undergraduate or postgraduate course at the University of New England. Candidates wishing to enrol concurrently must submit a request via the University’s candidature management system.
(16) Concurrent UNE degree/s must have relevant approvals from the:
- Principal Supervisor;
- Course Coordinator of the non-HDR program; and
- Graduate Research School
(17) The University has the right to refuse a request for a concurrent enrolment.
Part C - Minimum Facilities
(18) Once enrolled, HDR Candidates have will have a range of support provided, including but not limited to:
- University infrastructure;
- equipment required to undertake study;
- financial support (where eligible);
- ancillary; and
- supervision.
(19) This support is provided by both Faculties and Schools. The level of support provided to HDR Candidates is dependent on, but not limited to:
- study load;
- mode of study; and
- discipline of study.
Part D - Change of Supervision
(20) HDR Candidates must have a UNE Principal Supervisor recorded against their supervision team.
(21) HDR Candidates may change their supervision team over the duration of their degree as the project becomes more defined.
(22) HDR Candidates may wish to, or on the advice of their supervision team, appoint further Supervisors to fulfil specific roles or discipline expertise.
(23) All supervision changes must be in accordance with the Supervisor registration levels noted in the HDR Supervision Policy.
Part E - Ethics and Research Training Arrangements
(24) HDR Candidates and their Principal Supervisor must ensure that any approvals and/or training required are finalised before the research commences, where appropriate. This will include:
- ethics approvals;
- safety requirements and training; and
- biosafety and government permits.
Part F - Leave Entitlements
General Leave Provisions
(25) All candidates are entitled to:
- 20 days (full-time equivalent (FTE)) annual leave, per calendar year; and
- 20 days (FTE) personal leave, per calendar year (see personal leave for itemised entitlements)
(26) HDR Candidates must pay outstanding fees prior to submitting a leave of absence application.
(27) The University has the right to refuse a request for a leave of absence.
Leave of Absence
(28) HDR Candidates may be eligible for leave of absence periods of up to 12 months over the duration of their degree.
(29) HDR Candidates may apply for a maximum of 6 months at any one given time.
Personal Leave
(30) HDR Candidates may be eligible for up to 20 (FTE) days per calendar year of personal leave provisions, including but not limited to:
- sick leave;
- family/caring responsibilities;
- family and Domestic Violence leave;
- compassionate and bereavement leave; and
- cultural leave.
(31) A HDR Candidate receiving a stipend and/or other means of financial support may have personal leave provision/s embedded within the funding agreement. Candidates should refer to the terms and conditions of their scholarship, where applicable.
Parental Leave
(32) HDR Candidates may apply for up to 60 working days (12 weeks) parental leave over the duration of their degree.
(33) International HDR Candidates on a student visa should check the requirements of their visa and consult with the UNE International Office.
Internship Leave
(34) HDR Candidates may apply for a period of internship leave to engage with a research end-user, where a formal agreement is in place.
Returning from Leave
(35) Prior to the end of an approved leave of absence, HDR Candidates must confirm their return from leave via the appropriate Return from Leave Form.
Part G - Extension Entitlements
General Extension Provisions
(36) HDR Candidates may apply for an extension of candidature only in exceptional circumstances, where complications occur beyond their control.
(37) HDR Candidates along with their Principal Supervisor must document any unexpected delays over the candidature lifecycle to support the extension of candidature request.
(38) HDR Candidates must pay outstanding fees prior to submitting an extension application.
(39) All HDR Candidates resume an ‘enrolled status’ while on an approved extension regardless of extension type, and are required to comply with all conditions of candidature.
(40) International candidates on a student visa seeking to extend their candidature should check the requirements of their visa and consult with the UNE International Office.
(41) The University has the right to refuse a request for an extension.
Extension of Candidature
(42) HDR Candidates may be eligible for extension periods of up to twelve-months extension of candidature (FTE) in total. However, extension requests will only be considered in periods of up to six (6) months.
Extension of Scholarship
(43) HDR Candidates receiving a stipend and/or other means of financial support may not have extension provision/s embedded within the funding agreement. Candidates should refer to the terms and conditions of their scholarship, where applicable.
Extension of Tuition Fee Offset
(44) HDR Candidates may be liable for tuition fees if the maximum candidature period is exceeded. Candidates should refer to the terms and conditions of their scholarship, where applicable.
Extension of Milestone
(45) HDR Candidates on an approved extension of milestone may have their candidature milestone/s and/or annual review date/s altered by the equivalent period. Please refer to the HDR Milestones Policy for an outline of the timing and sequence of milestones, including annual review.
(46) HDR Candidates thesis submission date will not be altered by the equivalent period. HDR Candidates are expected to work with their Principal Supervisor to reconcile time.
Part H - Transfers
(47) HDR Candidates seeking to transfer from Master(s) by Research to Doctorate studies may be permitted to do so following completion of the Confirmation of Candidature milestone meeting, as noted in the Candidature Milestones Policy.
Transfer to/from Other Institution
(48) HDR Candidates enrolled in a Higher Degree by Research course are permitted to transfer to another University at any given time.
(49) HDR Candidates must ensure data access and storage, publication and intellectual property matters are addressed with their supervision prior to a transfer application.
(50) A HDR Candidate receiving a stipend and/or other means of financial support may not be transferrable. Candidates should refer to the terms and conditions of their scholarship, where applicable.
(51) Applicants wishing to transfer from another University to UNE may so do in accordance with the HDR Admission and Enrolments Policy
Change of Enrolling School or Faculty
(52) HDR Candidates may be permitted to transfer between enrolling Schools and/or Faculties during their candidature.
(53) HDR Candidates must have the approval of the current and proposed new Supervisor, School (or nominee), the Graduate Research School and UNE International, where appropriate.
Change of Project Scope
(54) HDR Candidates will only be permitted one change of project scope of research or topic during their candidature, unless the change is due to approved extenuating circumstances and appropriate resourcing is available.
Minimum/Maximum Period of Candidature
(55) The maximum period of candidature for Masters by Research candidates is two years FTE.
(56) The maximum period of candidature for Doctoral Candidates is four years FTE.
(57) HDR Candidates entered into a formal agreement by way of a Cotutelle or Joint Award should refer to the terms and conditions of their agreement for maximum period of candidature.
(58) HDR Candidates who have consumed all candidature allocation and exceed the maximum allotted time may be terminated from candidature.
(59) The University reserves the right to charge tuition fees to all HDR Candidates who have consumed the allocated candidature period.
Part I - Cessation of Candidature
(60) HDR Candidates may voluntarily withdraw from their HDR course at any given time, prior to submission of the thesis for examination.
Termination of Candidature
(61) HDR Candidates who fail to complete a milestone and/or annual review may be terminated from candidature.
(62) Cotutelle or Joint Award candidates’ enrolment may be terminated if the Graduate Research School are satisfied the Cotutelle/Joint Award terms and conditions and/or requirements can no longer be fulfilled.
(63) HDR Candidates who fail to fulfil their financial requirements of associated student fees and charges in a timely manner, may be terminated from candidature.
Part J - General Matters
Relaxation of a Rule
(64) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research may vary the HDR Candidature Management Policy, where appropriate.
Part K - Confidentiality and Record-Keeping Requirements
Records Management
(65) Records relating to any action or decision made under this policy and associated procedures must be retained in the University’s Records Management System (RMS) in accordance with the University Records Management Rule.
(66) All information generated during the course of any proceeding conducted under this policy must be managed in accordance with the Privacy Management Rule.
Top of PageSection 3 - Authority and Compliance
(67) The Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, pursuant to Section 29 of the University of New England Act 1993 (NSW), makes this University Rule.
(68) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research, is authorised to make procedures and processes for the effective implementation and operation of this policy, and to publish as associated documents any tool that will assist with compliance.
(69) Rule/Policy Administrator for this policy is the Director Governance and University Secretary, who is authorised to make minor administrative updates to this policy.
(70) UNE Representatives and HDR Candidates must observe this policy in relation to HDR candidature management. Non-compliance may be a breach of the Code of Conduct and may be addressed under disciplinary provisions of the relevant Enterprise Agreement.
(71) This policy is consistent with all legislative standards and regulatory frameworks, including the Higher Education Support Act (HESA), the Higher Education Standards Framework (HESF), the Education Services for Overseas Students Act (ESOS Act) and the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students. Further information regarding compliance obligations is available via the Compliance Register.
(72) This policy operates as and from the Effective Date. Previous policy relating to HDR candidature management are replaced and have no further operation from the Effective Date.
(73) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this policy, the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer may approve an exception to this policy where the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer determines the application of the policy would otherwise lead to an unfair, unreasonable or absurd outcome. Approvals by the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer under this clause must be documented in writing and must state the reason for the exception.
Top of PageSection 4 - Quality Assurance
(74) The Dean, Graduate Research will report on HDR Candidate management though the Graduate Research Committee to the Research Committee at each meeting of those Committees. Through scheduled reporting, the VC&CEO will receive reports on HDR Candidature Management and compliance with this Policy and subsequent procedures.
Top of PageSection 5 - Definitions (specific to this policy)
(75) ‘Admitted HDR Candidate’ – means a candidate who has been admitted to an HDR course at UNE and who is entitled to enrol in candidature or has completed candidature in an HDR program, and is under examination.
(76) ‘Co-supervisor’ – means additional members of the supervisory team.
(77) ‘Enrolled HDR Candidate’ - means an HDR candidate who is enrolled in an HDR program at UNE.
(78) ‘Cessation’ - means the ending and/or stopping of.
(79) ‘Arrears’ - means finances and/or debts owed.
(80) ‘Withdrawal’ - means a complete discontinuation of studies.
(81) ‘Concurrently’ - means at the same time.
(82) ‘Applicants’ - means a prospective candidate who makes a formal application for admission.
(83) ‘Accrued’ – means received or accumulated in regular or increasing amounts over time.