(1) First aid provides the initial and immediate attention to a person suffering an injury or illness. The University will provide first aid facilities and resources that are adequate for the initial response to injury and illness that may arise at the workplace. (2) Legislative requirements relating to the provision of amenities and assistance in emergencies and minimum compliance requirements for first aid kits and first aid training are set out in the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 and the Safe Work NSW First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice 2015. (3) The provisions in this Procedure apply to (4) The University will provide first aid facilities and resources that are adequate for the initial response to injury and illness that may arise at the workplace. (5) When determining how many First Aid Officers are required at the University the following factors may be considered: (6) First Aid Officers must hold/be a: (7) The University will be responsible for the provision of suitable training for identified First Aid Officers. Individual Cost Centres will be responsible for the costs associated with that training. (8) Where the need for one or more First Aid Officers is identified, expressions of interest will be called from amongst the staff in the relevant area/s to fill the positions. (9) The selection of the appropriate First Aid Officer will be determined by the relevant Head of Cost Centre. (10) Upon appointment, a First Aid Officer will be formally notified by People and Culture, and a copy of the notification and their qualifications will be placed on their Personnel file. (11) Upon attainment of the relevant qualification, the allowance will be initiated for the period of the currency of the qualification. (12) Towards the end of the period of currency of the qualification, First Aid Officers will be advised that they need to renew their certification if they wish to continue in the role. (13) Training will be organised by the Organisational Development unit both for new First Aid Officers, and/or for renewing the qualifications of existing First Aid Officers. (14) First Aid Officers will ensure that an Incident Report Form is completed for every incident that they attend. (15) All officially appointed First Aid Officers will receive a First Aid Allowance to carry out their role, if such an allowance is set out in a current UNE Collective Agreement. (16) Such appointment and allowance will only apply for as long as: (17) Where a staff member who is currently a First Aid Officer accepts, or is transferred/redeployed to another position in the University, the continuation of their allowance will be subject to the need for a First Aid Officer in the new position/area. (18) Where a staff member is on leave without pay, the First Aid Allowance will not be paid for that period. (19) The First Aid Allowance will continue to be paid where a staff member is on annual leave. (20) For other types of leave in excess of four weeks, the First Aid Allowance will not be paid for that period. (21) Where there is a requirement in a staff member's substantive Position Statement to continue to hold such a qualification staff will not receive the allowance. (22) The University will ensure that adequately stocked first aid kits are available and under the control of a First Aid Officer. (23) All kits will be compliant with the provisions of First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice. In addition, depending on risk assessment outcomes for individual areas, additional items or equipment may be required. (24) The Head of Cost Centre is responsible for nominating a person to be responsible for ensuring that any specialised or remote first aid kits are adequately stocked and the items maintained. (25) The cost of replenishment of supplies for first aid kits is the responsibility of the Cost Centre. (26) The University will use a risk management approach for the provision of designated First Aid Room/s, sick bays, quiet rest areas or facilities for administering first aid facilities as defined by risk assessment. (27) The UNE Life Healthcare Centre is available for injured staff and medical emergencies. (28) Trained first aid personnel in charge of first aid room must: (29) Additional "sick bay" areas may be designated in various locations on campus. (30) For special events, such as graduations or open days, when large numbers of visitors are on campus, additional first aid facilities and persons qualified to administer first aid may be required. (31) Where (32) (33) The Director People and Culture, pursuant to the University's Workplace Health and Safety Rule, makes these Procedures. (34) (35) These Procedures operate as and from the (36) Previous Procedures relating to first aid are replaced and have no further operation from the (37) First aid is the immediate treatment or care of a person suffering a from an injury or illness until more advanced care is provide3d or the person recovers. (38) First aid Officer is a person who has successfully completed a nationally accredited training course and has been appointed as a First aid Officer by Head of Cost Centre or equivalent. (39) First aid facilities include first aid rooms. Health centres, clean water supplies and other facilities needed for administering first aid.WHS OP012 (interim) First Aid Procedure
Section 1 - Overview
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Procedure
First Aid Officer Qualifications
Selection of First Aid Officers
First Aid Allowance
First Aid Kits
First Aid Room
Special Events
Off campus
Authority and Compliance
Section 4 - Definitions
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For the purposes of this document the following definitions apply.