(1) The collections of the University of New England enrich our University environment and form an inseparable part of the teaching, learning, research and outreach at UNE. (2) This Policy and the overarching Rules apply to all collection activities of the University of New England, including collections of an object, group of objects, digital material or entire holdings of a museum or collection at the University. (3) Within this Policy: (4) Approval of a collection is required as each collection represents a commitment by the University to resource, care for and manage the collection in compliance with relevant regulations and standards. (5) To establish a new (6) The process to establish a new (7) Where a new collection is approved: (8) The University’s Collections will be reviewed periodically to ensure they remain fit for purpose, including that they: (9) The process of review would typically involve: (10) An approval for a UNE collection may be rescinded by the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer consistent with the University’s disposal or deaccession process. (11) The University may, where consistent with laws and regulations, collect and maintain cultural and historical objects/assets, scientific specimens, scholarly information, documents and images for the benefit of the University’s students, staff and wider community. (12) The University provides care, access, research and exhibition of collections and actively engages in interpretation and exploration of holdings, protecting and maintaining their value and significance. (13) The University will undertake quality assurance to ensure collections are managed in accordance with this Policy and Associated information to ensure acceptable conduct in acquisition, care, use and cataloguing of collections, that is consistent with relevant legislation, regulations and standards. (14) The University will only acquire items that enrich learning, teaching, research and outreach and are acquired through ethical collecting practices recognising relevance, provenance and clear legal title. (15) A Custodian, normally a Executive Dean of Faculty or senior officer of administration unit, or Director Library Services and University Librarian, must be appointed to provide oversight and accountability for each collecting area, so as to support University vision and strategies. The Custodian is also responsible for appointing the Collections Manager. (16) Collections Manager responsibilities include management of changes in the collection itself, administration and support of the collection, management of facilities and processes for facilitating use and access. (17) Accessioning: The University of New England will formally accession every item it acquires by documenting key information and assigning it a unique registration number/identifier and label. (18) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Materials: The University of New England recognises its responsibilities towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in respect to the cultural materials currently held in its Collections. The University will consider community and regulatory guidance and sector exempla (such as policy of the National Museum of Australia relating to Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ancestral human remains management and repatriation) for the management of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ancestral remains, secret/sacred items and cultural heritage material and specific responsibilities to care for collections (including repatriation to original or otherwise transfer of ownership) as appropriate. (19) Significance: Determining significance of collections is an aid to good management and informed decision making. It is a vital tool in sustainable management, assessing the relative importance of items and collections, and helping to focus resources and ensuring that the most significant items have priority for curatorial, conservation, research, exhibition and access programs. The University of New England will undertake as appropriate significance assessments of major collections as an effective way of taking stock of the strengths and weaknesses of collections, as well as articulating collection needs for strategic planning. (20) De-Accessioning and Disposal: (21) Loans: The University of New England may allow the temporary loan of items both into and from its collection, subject to risk assessment and appropriate steps to assure the safety, insurance and security of loan subject. (22) Loss or Damaged Items: (23) Management Procedures and purpose: Each University Collection will have management procedures consistent with this Policy which articulate their purpose, significance to the University, scope, themes covered and specific areas for future collecting. These procedural documents will be presented to the University Collections Committee for recommendation for endorsement by the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer and are to be reviewed every 5 years. (24) Documentation: (25) Assessment: Each collecting area of the University of New England will undergo an annual assessment process. This assessment will clarify the condition of the collection, the state of documentation and record keeping, the importance of the collection, its mission and scope as well as its outreach activities. The University will make available a self-assessment checklist to support this process. (26) Compliance with Legal framework: Collection activities are conducted within the context of Australian federal, state/territory and local laws, by-laws and regulations. The University of New England will abide by international agreements between Australia and other countries; and their obligations, and operate in accordance with relevant collection practice and standards, for example, the UNESCO Convention, CITES Convention, Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria; ICOM Code of Ethics for Museumsand Australian Museums and Galleries Association Code of Ethics. (27) Copyright & Privacy: Items held in some Collections may be subject to copyright. Where applicable, permission for reproduction must be sought from the copyright owner, in accordance with Australian copyright law. Similarly some collections may contain materials such as photographs or information that is covered by Privacy laws. Records of consent for the collection and use of personal information are required to be kept consistent with UNE's Privacy Management Rule. (28) Valuation: Regular valuations of the University of New England Collections is necessary for a number of collection management functions. Collections will be re-valued every five years according to a regularly rotating schedule. Valuations will be conducted by independent valuers, recognised as experts in the relevant field. Valuation methodologies will vary according to the collecting area. Scientific collections will be valued according to a recollection calculation determined by current industry standard such as the Council of Australian Museum Directors for natural science collections. Cultural collections will require determination of fair market value. Resourcing for valuations should be considered in resource management plan agreed with the Custodian. (29) Risk Management: The University of New England will stock take collections to verify the physical presence and location of collection material to maintain inventory control over its collections. The location of all items within the collections must be known at any given time, and the movement of items is controlled by recording changes in location. The University of New England will at all times provide as secure and appropriate a physical environment as possible for the storage, display and transportation of its collections. Security measures include correct procedures for moving and handling items. (30) Resourcing Plan: The Collections Manager should maintain a resourcing plan for the Collection which is endorsed by the Custodian. (31) Responsibility: A Executive Dean of Faculty, or senior officer of an administrative unit or the Director Library Services and University Librarian should normally be designated as the responsible Custodian for a specific Collection. This responsibility should be recognised in that person’s position description. The day-to-day management of each collection should be delegated to one staff member. In this Policy the person is referred to as ‘Collection Manager’. (32) Staff and Volunteers: Staff and volunteers should be inducted into the procedures relating to the management of the collection and expectations of conduct, including supervision, working safely, etc. consistent with general University policies. (33) Support: Support and advice in relation to this Policy is available from the Associate Director University Collections as well as through publications of international, national and professional museum standards, as outlined by UNESCO, CITES, ICOM, Australian Museums and Galleries Association, and the National Standards for Australian Museums and Galleries. (34) Care and Maintenance: The University of New England will take physical measures wherever possible to inhibit deterioration of the collections, and provide appropriate care and maintenance for its collections to ensure they are kept in stable condition. Resourcing of care and maintenance forms part of the resourcing plan. (35) Continuity of Facilities: An assessment of facilities (digital and physical) for continuity and meeting expectations in terms of a specific collection (considering relevant factors that might include security; access; climate and pest control, etc.) should be undertaken at least annually and reported as part of assessments and review. (36) Storage and Display: The University of New England aims to provide appropriate conditions at all times for the storage and display of its collection, including appropriate environments and housing materials as specified by international standards. Virtual exhibitions and displays may be used to complement, augment, enhance or replace the physical display of the collections. (37) Exhibitions: Collection Managers should have procedures for events and exhibitions. (38) The University will facilitate and promote access to the collections in accordance with preservation and display requirements, ethical and legal constraints, confidentiality, security and cultural practice. (39) Access / Use: The University of New England will facilitate and promote access to the collections by students, staff, and the public in accordance with its strategic vision. Access to collections and exhibitions may allow both physical and virtual contact with an item either by a University employee or student, the general public or other interested parties, as permitted by the University. (40) Research: The University of New England encourages research, analysis and inquiry into its collections, whenever funding, resources and access conditions allow. Researching collection items is vital to their continued relevance, enhances their interpretive value and builds upon the current knowledge of the collection. Any material developed as a result of research and use of the collections is to be made available to the University and should include proper acknowledgement of the relevant University of New England Collection. (41) Teaching: The University of New England encourages teaching disciplines to consider and incorporate interactions (virtual or physical or both) with collections as part of enhancing learning and education experience. (42) Community: The University of New England recognises and supports access to collections by Community members and has in place processes to facilitate appropriate access, including exhibitions, displays and specific programs (including loaning of collections). (43) All Collections Managers, Custodians and Associate Director University Collections have a key role in the promotion of use and access of University Collections, including: (44) The Custodian of this Policy, the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, pursuant to Section 29 of the University of New England Act 1993 (NSW), makes this policy. (45) (46) This Policy operates as and from the (47) Previous museum or other committees related to collections activities at UNE will be replaced by this Policy. To allow for an orderly transition, such committees or groups will be deemed to have been replaced and have no further operation 90 calendar days from the (48) Further information regarding specific legislation and regulations relevant to collections activities, including (but not limited to) Anatomy Act 1977, Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016, Copyright Act, Human Tissue Act 1983, Library Act 1939, National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, Protection of Cultural Objects on Loan Act 2013, Protection of the Environment Administration Act 1991, State Records Act 1998, and UNE Act 1993, is available from the Compliance pages on the UNE Website or the Compliance Manager. (49) This Policy and Associated information will be disseminated and monitored by the University Collections Committee, who will advise the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer regarding amendments. They will be reviewed every five years to reassert the objectives and priorities of the University collections. (50) University Collections Register. A register of official UNE collections past and present (as identified in 2019). (51) Collections Status is the current status of a collection. This may be:University Collections Policy
Section 1 - Overview & Scope
Part A - Establishing and Reviewing a University Collection
Establishment of a new University Collection
Table 1 – Guidance re new ongoing collection establishment process
Tip: The Associate Director University Collections at UNE can be consulted about new collections proposals.
Review and Assessment of a University Collection
Part B - Managing Collections
Tenets of University Collections Management
Collection Management Responsibilities
Part C - Promoting, accessing and using University Collections
Use and Access Tenets
Part D - Authority and Compliance
Summary of Roles and Responsibilities
Top of Page
Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer
Section 2 - Implementation and Review
Section 3 - Definitions
View Current
This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.
1. Proposal
2. Assessment of Proposal
3. Decision
Proposer to include:
Proposed Custodian: Consider the proposal including if the collection is
Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer or delegate:
If approved:
University Collections Committee:
Facilities and Access
Tip: Lawful Collections: A collection might not be lawful because:
A. Current regulations prohibit or restrict the collection of certain items. For example:
B. There may be no clear ownership, permission or consent for the University to include a specimen, image, sound recording or object in a collection. For example:
Tip: If you are in doubt as to what collections the University might hold relevant to a teaching, research or outreach activity or whether an item, object, digital material, property, gift or donation should be or is part of a collection – contact the Associate Director University Collections in the first instance, or in need the University Collections Committee or the Office of the Vice-Chancellor.
Responsibilities within this Policy
Approval or Disapproval of a new collection or to disestablish an existing collection.
Overall responsibility for Collections Compliance.
Note: The Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer may consider advice regarding UNE collections from the University Collections Committee or other approved body.
University Collections Committee
Monitor University Collections activities (including authority to call for reports and information regarding collections to fulfill this oversight function).
Advise the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer regarding collections matters.
Associate Director University Collections
Maintain the University Collections Register.
Support best practice collections processes across the University.
Communicate about UNE Collections including promoting use and access of University Collections .
Responsible for a collection (or collections) including resourcing, and the appointment and supervision of a Collections Manager.
Responsible for ensuring Collections are self-assessed annually and that reporting on collections is made available when required.
Assigned compliance responsibilities.
Collections Manager
Responsible for day-to-day management of a Collection consistent with standards, reporting to the collection Custodian.
Key role in promoting and facilitating access and use of collections.
Key role in organising compliance of collection.
Must abide by this Policy – ensuring that collection activities are only conducted in accordance with these standards and that instructions are followed when using or accessing collections.
Executive Principal Brand Partnerships and Business Development
Must consider this Policy relating to gifts and donations, requesting assessment of potential collections to the relevant Collections Manager.
Chief Financial Officer
May support the Custodian and Collections Manager by scheduling periodic valuations of University Collections .
Compliance System Manager
Provide up to date guidance on relevant standards, regulations and relevant agreements within the Compliance system, to support compliance of collection activities.
Key role in investigating University Collections and extending the understanding of University Collections .
Responsible for complying with relevant regulations and maintaining appropriate standards when accessing and using Collections for research.
Key role in integrating Collections activities into academic programs for enrichment and education.