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Section 1 - Purpose & Scope
(1) These procedures outline the processes UNE employs to manage the academic and administrative mechanisms required to fulfil the obligations arising under the Student Support Policy.
(2) These procedures apply to all University of New England staff and students. They do not apply to:
- non-award courses;
- higher degree by research courses;
- award courses where UNE is not the conferring institution or there is a partnership-based policy;
- courses where UNE does not contribute towards teaching activities at that institution; and
- courses where teaching delivery is subject to partner policies (for example: UNE students undertaking study through another institution are subject to that institution’s policy for the duration of that study).
(3) In the event of an inconsistency arising between this procedure and the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (the ‘ESOS’ Act), the ESOS and its associated regulations will take precedence.
Part A - Student Support & Progression Process
Student Support
(4) Tier 1: Early Intervention – unit level
- Unit withdrawal after census
- where a student requests or initiates the unit withdrawal process after census date, Student Services will attempt to contact the student to discuss appropriate support. Support may be obtained from the School or Unit Coordinator with respect to unit reinstatement or access adjustment to support the student.
- Non-engagement with Unit
- where a student does not engage with the unit, an attempt to contact the student should be initiated by the relevant Unit Coordinator or other relevant staff;
- UNE will attempt to engage the student, and if the student does not engage, the student will be referred to Student Services for progression to Tier 2.
- Specialist support identification
- where a Unit Coordinator, or other relevant staff member identifies a student with a specialist support requirement, the staff member will refer the student to the relevant specialised support function.
- Failure of a unit
- all students who fail a unit for the first time will receive a communication from Student Services advising of available support services.
(5) Tier 2: At risk - Initial Intervention
- Results release – following results release, results data will be extracted to inform at risk determination.
- where the result changes following the initial assessment, this will be considered as part of the next cycle.
- a unit with an outstanding result (RE, RU, SET, SPS and SPE) will be considered as successful for the purposes of this intervention;
- At-risk determination
- students determined to be ‘At Risk’ will be notified that they may be at risk of not meeting progression requirements;
- students will be offered information with regard to support services, including the option of an Academic Support Plan;
- a general note will be placed on the student record to capture status;
- outreach from student services outlining supports and communicating special consideration options will occur.
(6) Tier 3: At risk – Mandatory Intervention
- Students determined to be at risk of not meeting course progression requirements will be notified that they will be subject to a mandatory Academic Improvement Plan which will encompass support to enable their learning success.
- a general note will be placed on the student record to capture this status;
- Student Services will conduct outreach to coordinate and support the student during the establishment of the Academic Improvement Plan.
(7) Tier 4: Unsuccessful Progression
- Course Progression Review – students identified as unsuccessful will be subject to a Course Progression Review:
- Notification – students will be notified that they are not maintaining satisfactory progression and that their record will be reviewed.
- A note will be placed on each student’s record.
- A list of all students identified (including transcripts and/or full progression reports) will be provided to the relevant Associate Dean Teaching and Learning or delegate for review.
- The review will take into consideration relevant support information and student compliance with any Academic Improvement Plan, and input from relevant subject matter experts.
- The Associate Dean Teaching and Learning, or delegate, will make one of the following determinations:
- based on the information available, the record is not of concern, or the student has an acceptable system of support in place and is permitted to continue to study without restriction.
- a restrictive condition is to be placed on the student which reduces study load or requires specific unit enrolment for the next teaching period.
- the student will be placed on probation with a requirement to complete specific units or value of credit points in the next teaching period or be excluded from the course.
- the student should be withdrawn from the award without formal exclusion. An alternative exit pathway may be offered to the student where available.
- the student is determined as unable to complete the award and will be excluded from the award for a set period or permanently.
- Students placed under a condition or on probation will be notified in writing by Student Services. The notification will include an explanation for the condition or probation as advised by the decision maker.
- A ‘Notice of Intent to Exclude’ will be issued to any student subject to a determination of exclusion, with the notification containing show cause instructions with regard to the student’s rights to appeal.
(8) Students may appeal an unsuccessful progression determination in accordance with the Assessment Appeals Policy. No appeals are permitted against the application of conditions or probation.
Records Management
(9) Electronic records must be kept in accordance with the University Records Management Rule .
Part B - Responsibilities of Staff and Students
(10) The Executive Principal Student Experience is accountable for the creation and upkeep of a monitoring mechanism for students who are identified as not meeting academic progression standards or being in danger of not meeting them. This encompasses information pertaining to a student’s academic progress. These entries will be maintained within the standard student record-keeping system(s).
(11) Monitoring and managing course progression for student visa holders is the responsibility of UNE International. Where a student visa holder has been identified as at risk or any other tier, UNE International must be informed.
- UNE International is responsible for ensuring that student visa holders’ study load is checked at the beginning of each period of enrolment.
- UNE International will forward reports of identified student visa holders with a tier 3 alert to Student Services and request contact with the student and establishment of an Academic Improvement Plan.
(12) Academic staff provide academic support to students during study or identified as being ‘At Risk’, and assist students requiring assistance.
(13) Students at the University must:
- fulfil the essential prerequisites of the course. This includes demonstrating the capability to complete the course prerequisites and progression requirements within the designated candidature period;
- engaging and complying with the University’s course progression processes;
- reading and acting upon, as appropriate, all notices and correspondence (written or electronic) from the University;
- maintain a successful outcome in 50% or more of the units undertaken;
- meet any conditions specified by the Course Coordinator at the commencement of the period of enrolment;
- complete their course within the approved maximum period of candidature specified in the course rules or General Rules, or Confirmation of Enrolment (student visa holders only) from the time of first enrolment; and
- comply with any conditions or requirements imposed under this procedure.
(14) Student visa holders must contact UNE International to discuss requests for a reduced study load, including as part of an Academic Support Plan, to ensure understanding of how a reduced study load may affect their electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) and consequently their student visa.
Top of PageSection 2 - Authority and Compliance
(15) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor pursuant to Section 25 of the Student Support Policy makes this procedure.
(16) UNE representatives, staff and students must observe this procedure in relation to progression.
(17) This procedure operates as and from the Effective Date. Previous procedures on Course Progression are replaced and has no further operation from the Effective Date.
(18) To provide for exceptional circumstances arising from any particular case, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, on the recommendation of a Dean or Executive Principal, may relax any provision of this procedure.