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Prizes and Scholarships Rule

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.

Section 1 - Overview

(1) This Rule provides the framework for the establishment, management and administration of coursework Prizes and Scholarships awarded by the University.

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) This Rule applies to:

  1. coursework Prizes and Scholarships awarded by the University;
  2. all University Representatives involved in the management, administration and promotion of coursework Prizes and Scholarships awarded by the University; and
  3. all eligible Candidates and recipients of coursework Prizes and/or Scholarships awarded by the University.

(3) This Rule does not apply to University Medals or coursework Commonwealth Scholarships.

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Section 3 - Rule


(4) The University bestows Prizes and Scholarships in order to encourage and reward excellence and attract, retain and support its Students.

(5) Candidates for Prizes and Scholarships will be assessed using defined eligibility and selection criteria as outlined in the approved Conditions of Award.

(6) Eligibility and selection criteria will be applied fairly and equitably.

(7) In the interests of equity for all students, and for accountability in relation to the selection process, the University ensures that all selection criteria are objectively demonstrable and assessable.

(8) The University, at its discretion, may decide to terminate named Prizes or Scholarships in accordance with the Advancement Policy.

Classification of Prizes and Scholarships

(9) The University classifies Prizes and Scholarships into two categories:

  1. University Funded; and
  2. Donor Funded.

(10) All new Prizes and Scholarships must be initiated, developed and approved prior to being activated. The requirements, which must be satisfied prior to activation, are dependent on the classification of the Prize or Scholarship.

Awarding of Prizes and Scholarships

(11) A student may be awarded more than one Scholarship if the combined value of all Scholarships awarded by the University in one calendar year is no more than $10,000.

(12) There are no restrictions on the number of external Scholarships a student can hold.

(13) There is no limit to the number of Prizes awarded to an individual student.

(14) The University retains the right to make the final decision on the selection of Prize and Scholarship recipients.

Authority to Award Prizes and Scholarships

(15) Scholarships and University-wide Prizes

  1. University-wide coursework Prizes are awarded under their respective conditions or by the authority of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic). Coursework Scholarships are awarded under their respective conditions, or by the Coursework Scholarships Committee.

(16) School/Discipline and Unit Prizes

  1. School, discipline and unit Prizes will be awarded by a body within the University as specified in the Prize conditions.
  2. Where the responsibility for awarding a Prize is not specified, the relevant Head of School or School Teaching and Learning Committee has authority to award relevant School, discipline and/or unit Prizes. Where there are multiple stakeholders in the selection of recipients, their respective rights and responsibilities must be clearly articulated and agreed before the recipient is selected.

Responsibilities for Prizes and Scholarships Administration

(17) Establishment of a Prize or Scholarship

  1. The Office of Advancement is responsible for:
    1. consideration of offers to establish Prizes and Scholarships, either by donation or bequest, taking into account advice of any School concerned, and acceptance of such offers in accordance with the Advancement Policy; and
    2. overseeing completion of the Condition of Award form including agreed terms and conditions of award of such Prizes and Scholarships, including the amendment of such terms and conditions, in accordance with established Rules and Policies.

(18) Donor Liaison and Recognition

  1. For Prizes and Scholarships that are funded by donor/sponsors, the Office of Advancement will:
    1. negotiate the terms and conditions of new and amended Prizes and Scholarships with the donor/sponsor;
    2. notify the donor in writing of the name/s of the Prize and/or Scholarship recipient/s;
    3. liaise with Corporate Communications to publicise the establishment of new Prizes and Scholarships and the awarding of Prizes and Scholarships (as applicable);
    4. coordinate events to recognise donors;
    5. renegotiate with donors/sponsors for the continuation of the Prize and/or Scholarship in the final year of funding agreements; and
    6. review Prizes and Scholarships awarded and ensure that they are awarded in accordance with established agreements.

(19) Selection of Prize and Scholarship Recipients

  1. The Administering Body will select and approve Prize recipients.
  2. Student Administration and Services (SAS) will be responsible for all administrative aspects of the receipt and processing of Scholarship applications (where applicable) and providing recommendations to the Coursework Scholarship Committee on who should receive a Scholarship.
  3. The Coursework Scholarship Committee will approve Scholarship recipients.

(20) Payment of Recipients of a Prize or Scholarship

  1. Student Administration and Services will administer all payments to recipients in liaison with the Financial Services Directorate.


(21) Selection of Prize and Scholarship recipients is at the University's discretion and is not subject to appeal. The right of the UNE and/or NSW Ombudsman to investigate maladministration of this process is acknowledged.

Records Management

(22) Electronic records of the establishment and awarding of each Prize and Scholarship are to be retained in accordance with the University Records Management Rule.

Authority and Compliance

(23) The Vice-Chancellor, pursuant to Section 29 of the University of New England Act, makes this University Rule.

(24) University Representatives and Students must observe this Rule in relation to University matters.

(25) In the event of a conflict between this Rule and any School policy or practice, this Rule shall take precedence.

(26) The Rule Administrator is authorised to make procedures and guidelines for the operation of this University Rule. The procedures and guidelines must be compatible with the provisions of this Rule.

(27) This Rule operates as and from the Effective Date.

(28) Previous Rules/Policies and related documents on Prizes and Scholarships are replaced and have no further operation from the Effective Date of this new Rule.

(29) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this University Rule, the Vice-Chancellor may approve an exception to this Rule where the Vice-Chancellor determines the application of the Rule would otherwise lead to an unfair, unreasonable or absurd outcome. Approvals by the Vice-Chancellor under this clause must be documented in writing and must state the reason for the exception.

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Section 4 - Definitions

(30) Administering Body means the area of the University assigned responsibility for aspects of the management and administration for particular Prizes or Scholarships.

(31) Candidate is a Student or prospective Student or graduate of the University who has met the requirements to be considered for the bestowal of a Prize and/or Scholarship, including submission of an application where that is required.

(32) Effective Date is the date on which this Rule will take effect.

(33) Eligibility criteria are the conditions required for candidates to be considered for the bestowal of a Prize and/or Scholarship award (e.g. must be an Australian citizen or international student).

(34) Prize is an award usually made on the basis of academic performance. The benefit is usually financial but may include a certificate or some other form of recognition.

(35) Scholarship for the purposes of this Rule, means any scholarship or bursary and is an award usually made on the basis of academic merit and/or equity providing a benefit to a student undertaking a course of study. The benefit is usually financial and may include full or partial remission of fees, costs associated with studying and/or living allowance or stipend.

(36) Selection criteria are the bases on which to differentiate between eligible candidates to determine which of them will receive the Prize and/or Scholarship (e.g. academic merit or financial need).

(37) Student means an Admitted Student or an Enrolled Student, at the relevant time.

  1. Admitted student means a student who has been admitted to a UNE course of study and who is entitled to enrol in a unit of study or who has completed all of the units in the UNE course of study.
  2. Enrolled student means a student who is enrolled in a unit of study at UNE.

(38) UNE Act means the University of New England Act, 1993, No 68 (NSW).

(39) University Representative means a University employee (casual, fixed-term and permanent), contractor, agent, appointee, UNE Council member, adjunct, visiting academic and any other person engaged by the University to undertake some activity for on behalf of the University. It includes corporations and other bodies falling into one or more of these categories.