(1) These rules cover all UNE awards unless excluded below. (2) Exclusions: (3) Documentation relating to any decision made under these rules must be recorded on the central University record management systems. (4) The Commonwealth's Educational Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS) places legal obligations on the admission, enrolment, study load, progress and intermission of international students separately and additionally to these rules. Specific and additional rules applying to international students are provided in the Annex. (5) Academic progression is defined in the University's Assessment Policy using a Grade Point Average (GPA) calculation. (6) Students who do not achieve the required GPA as specified in the University's Academic Progression Rule may be: (7) Appeals against the application of Paragraph 6 shall be considered by the Head of School concerned. (8) These rules shall apply to all theses, dissertations exegeses and/or portfolios submitted as part of the requirements for a higher degree by research. (9) Section 51 (2) of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) gives the Librarian the right to copy theses under the stated conditions. However, the University has the right to restrict access to thesis held by the University Library and is prepared to allow the author of a thesis to restrict access to the thesis for certain purposes. The options open to a student who submits a thesis are set out in the 'Right of Access to Thesis' Form, which the student is required to complete on submission of the thesis. (10) A student who submits a thesis shall complete the Form stating the restrictions, if any, that the student wishes placed on access to the thesis. A copy of the Form will be held by the University in the institutional repository. (11) As a condition of submitting a thesis for examination in the absence of a restriction, the student shall grant to the University a non-exclusive licence to publish the thesis in whole or in part in the institutional repository. (12) In consultation with the Head of School and where it is decided that it is in the University's best interests, the Vice-Chancellor may direct the Librarian to withhold a thesis from unauthorised inspection for a specified period. The specified period shall not be less than the period that may have been requested by the student under Paragraph 10. (13) In cases where a restriction is placed on a thesis, all copies of the thesis or held by the University regardless of format shall be deposited in the University Library, which shall be responsible for ensuring that the conditions of the restriction are complied with. (14) The University requires all students to have access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to: (15) The University does not provide ICT facilities excepting those available to students who are on the campus or at a UNE Access Centre. The University requires all students to make suitable arrangements prior to enrolment to meet the requirements of Paragraph 14 which shall include accessing their UNE email address and learning management system at least once weekly. (16) Admission into undergraduate Bachelor courses is governed by the University Admission Rules. (17) Admission into all other courses is governed by the specific course rules. (18) Admission into all courses is subject to the University English Language Admission Requirements Policy. (19) Admission to more than one course is subject to the rule governing Concurrent Candidature (Paragraph 23 - 26). (20) The University reserves the right to decline admission to a course or other studies to any person for a reason that in the opinion of the University is appropriate. (21) The University may withdraw a student with failure from a unit; or may have conditions imposed on their subsequent unit/course enrolment on the grounds of unsatisfactory progress or unprofessional or unethical conduct. Unsatisfactory progress or unprofessional or unethical conduct includes: (22) Appeals against the application of this rule shall be considered by the Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean in relation to a unit withdrawal. The decision of the Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean shall be final. (23) A student enrolled in a degree of bachelor with honours may not enrol concurrently in another course without the permission of the Course Coordinator. (24) A research higher degree student whose course is administered by the Higher Degrees by Research Committee may not enrol in any other course except with the Committee's permission. (25) Subject to individual course rules and subject to the joint agreement of the course coordinators a student may enrol as a concurrent candidate in up to two courses; or, in one course and in non-award units. The total maximum study load shall be set jointly by the relevant course coordinators. (26) A concurrently enrolled student whose academic progress is inadequate may be excluded from one or both courses under the Assessment Policy as the course coordinators jointly decide. (27) The Course Coordinator has discretion to: (28) Except where an appeal is provided for under other University policy, the Course Coordinator's decision is final. (29) The Head of School has the discretion to: (30) Except where an appeal is provided for under other University policy, the Head of School's decision is final. (31) The Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean has the discretion to: (32) Except where an appeal is provided for under other University policy, the Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean's decision is final. (33) The Unit Coordinator has discretion within that unit to: (34) Except where an appeal is provided for under University policy, the Unit Coordinator's decision is final. (35) Students may vary their unit and course enrolment by the dates advised by the University. (36) The University reserves the right to limit the number of enrolment variations and to charge a fee beyond that limit. (37) Students will be informed of the times, dates and venues for examinations and special examinations by means of an examination timetable available through the UNE web site before the start of the examination period. (38) The examination timetable will be published at least five weeks prior to the start of the relevant examination period. (39) Students enrolled in on- campus units are obliged to sit the examinations for those units on the campus in which the unit was taught. Students enrolled in off-campus units may nominate an external examination centre when they enrol or by contacting the University directly. Off-campus students are responsible for contacting the University directly to request any change to their examination centres. Any change requested within three weeks of the start of the affected examination period will incur a venue-change fee. Any change requested within the week prior to the affected examination period will be granted at the University's discretion, payment of the venue-change fee and whether the change is possible. (40) Off campus students studying within Australia may be required to travel up to 120 km to an Australian examination centre. Students outside Australia are required to travel up to 300 km to an overseas examination centre and are required to pay a fee to UNE for each examination. Students nominating an overseas examination centre must contact Student Administration and Services to discuss the arrangements and fees for their examination. (41) Use of dictionaries in an exam is subject to the Assessment Policy. (42) Students who have completed course requirements must graduate and are not permitted to defer graduation. (43) A student who has completed the requirements of a course shall not be permitted to enrol in further units in that course. (44) The Graduation Lists submitted to the Academic Board for approval before each ceremony are the lists of students who have been certified as having completed their course requirements. (45) Students shall not be deemed graduates nor may they attend a graduation ceremony until they are approved to do so by the Academic Board. (46) Students deemed graduates who are unable to attend the graduation ceremony following their graduation in the award may apply to attend the next ceremony for presentation of their previously issued testamur. (47) Subject to course rules, a completed major will appear on the testamur and academic transcript. (48) For the purpose of assisting verification of the entitlement of a student to professional accreditation, the University may release to an agency or authority approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor or Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic) information concerning the academic record of a student. If the information is released before graduation then it shall be accompanied by a statement that graduation has not occurred and graduate status remains subject to the approval of the Academic Board. (49) Students may apply for intermission (approved leave of absence) of up to two years after which the student's place in the course will lapse unless the student resumes study in the course at that time. (50) Students may apply for intermission prior to the census date after which it is assumed that the whole teaching period will be counted for the student's maximum period of candidature. (51) A student who resumes study after intermission will resume the course under the new course rules in operation at resumption. The Course Coordinator may exercise discretion in the application of the course rules that may have changed during intermission. The Course Coordinator's decision is final. (52) The University is not responsible for any reduction or withdrawal of income support or similar benefits after grant of intermission. (53) A student who is enrolled as a non-award or cross-institutional student shall be subject to these General Rules. (54) Students will be liable for all normal fees charged by the cross-institution including tuition fees or student contribution charges. (55) Students granted permission to enrol elsewhere remain subject to all UNE rules and policies as well as to the equivalent requirements of the cross-institution. (56) Units completed under permission to enrol elsewhere are subject to UNE and course rules governing advanced standing. (57) Permission must be sought in advance of enrolment elsewhere. Retrospective permission will not be given. (58) Applications will not normally be approved : (59) Applications will be considered for reasons of accelerated progression. (60) Advanced standing will only be granted for non-UNE units deemed as equivalent to passing grades in the Assessment Policy: equivalents to the UNE Conceded Pass or similar will not attract advanced standing. (61) Periods of full time candidature for courses are based on the normal full-time study load for a teaching period of 24 cp (credit points). (62) Unless specified in course rules, periods of full-time candidature are based on the following: (63) Higher degrees by research, including higher degree by research preliminary programs, are not currently included in this rule. (64) Periods of candidature for part-time candidature are based on half the normal study load for a full-time student in the course such that the period of candidature for part-time students will normally be at least double that of full-time students. (65) Honours and postgraduate students will be advised of their period of candidature on admission to the course as either a full-time or part-time student. (66) Periods of candidature are calculated pro-rata by teaching period for students whose enrolment varies between part and full-time. (67) Students may be required to undertake compulsory practical experience as part of their course. Where a course includes compulsory practical experience, a student will not complete the course until all the practical experience requirements have been met and approved by the unit/course coordinator. (68) Any failure to meet professional and/or ethical standards, as detailed either in the course rules or as appropriate for professional accreditation, during practical experience is handled through those rules or requirements and/or through the University's Student Behavioural Misconduct Rules. (69) Prizes and scholarships are awarded by the University under the terms of each prize and scholarship. Selection for an award is made by the person, school or committee as required by the terms of the prize or scholarship. The decision of the awarding person, head of school or committee chair is final. (70) University Medals are awarded under the University Medals and Prizes Policy. The decision of the awarding committee, person or school is final. (71) At the end of a period of exclusion a student may apply for admission under the rules of the current course at the time of admission. The Course Coordinator may impose conditions on the admission if the application is accepted. Students may be readmitted under the rules of the course in which they were previously enrolled with the approval of the course coordinator. The Course Coordinator's decision is final. (72) An excluded student may apply to enrol in another course before the period of exclusion has expired. The decision of the Course Coordinator of the course sought is final. (73) A student who has twice failed a unit may not enrol again in that unit without permission of the course coordinator. (74) A student who has passed a unit may not re-enrol in that unit except by permission of the Course Coordinator and acceptance that Commonwealth fee support may not be available. (75) A unit can only be counted once towards a component of a course. (76) A General Rule may be relaxed by the Council by application from the Head of School through the Academic Board. The Council's decision is final. (77) In exceptional circumstances a student may apply to rescind an award in which they have graduated. (78) An award may be rescinded by Council on the recommendation of a Head of School through the Academic Board to Council. The Council's decision is final. (79) The rescission shall not be confirmed until the testamur for the award for which rescission is sought has been returned to the University or alternative documentation acceptable to the University that the testamur in unavailable, is provided. (80) Students who are prevented from completing unit assessments due to unusual and unforeseen circumstances may apply for special consideration under the Special Assessment Policy. (81) Applications are governed by the University Special Assessment Policy. (82) Students with successive and/or frequent special assessment applications on the same or similar grounds and who have not sought help through Student Assist as a special needs student may be disallowed further special assessment on those repeated grounds. (83) Special examinations on special examinations shall not be granted. (84) The normal maximum study load for a full-time student is 24 credit points in one teaching period. (85) A student who is enrolled in 18 credit points or more in a teaching period is deemed to be a full-time student for that teaching period. (86) A student who is enrolled in less than 18 credit points in a teaching period is deemed to be a part-time student for that teaching period. (87) A student granted permission by the Course Coordinator to exceed the normal maximum study load will not be granted any concession or special assessment arising from the excess study load. The Course Coordinator's decision on an application for excess study load is final. (88) The Course Coordinator may exercise discretion and set a maximum study load below 24 credit points in a teaching period if the Course Coordinator believes this to be in the student's best interests. The Course Coordinator's decision is final. (89) Where a student is enrolled in more than one course, the student's total enrolment in a teaching period is subject to the joint agreement of the course coordinators concerned. (90) Students wishing to enrol in teaching methodology units must satisfy the appropriate Teaching/Education Course Coordinator that they have sufficient curriculum knowledge before enrolment will be approved. The Course Coordinator may direct as part of admission and enrolment those teaching methodology units that are authorised for the students' enrolment program. The Course Coordinator's decision is final. (91) A testamur is the official certificate of the University that attests to a particular person who, having satisfied award requirements, graduates with a particular award. (92) It is a legal document issued under the seal of the University and is issued in original form only once for each specific award conferred. (93) A certificate of replacement for a testamur may be requested by a graduate and issued by Student Administration and Services on such conditions as determined by the Council. (94) On the recommendation of the Academic Board, the Council may approve the incorporation of a UNE partner's logo, heraldic achievement [coat of arms] and/or name into an official testamur of the University of New England. Approval shall not be granted by the Council unless the partner's governing body or Chief Executive Officer has officially approved in writing the use of its logo, achievement and/or name and that this approval is provided to the Council at the time of the application to it for its incorporation. The award represented by the testamur remains an award of the University of New England. (95) Students wishing to transfer to another course must apply to transfer. Transfer is subject to admission to the new course being approved. Enrolment in the new course is not permitted until admission to the new course has been granted. (96) Where the University discontinues or changes the rules of a course, provision will be made to either allow transfer of affected students to another course without unreasonable disadvantage to the students concerned or to enable the student to continue under the previous rules for a designated period to allow completion. (97) Where a student elects to continue under the existing course rules, course coordinators will be permitted to exercise discretion in the application of course and unit major rules to avoid undue disadvantage to the student concerned. (98) The requirements for a unit's successful completion are detailed in the Course and Unit Catalogue as published by the University in accordance with Commonwealth legislation. (99) The Course and Unit Catalogue contains primary details of the unit including its official description, objectives and curriculum, graduate attributes, and dates of any intensive schools. (100) Detailed unit requirements are subject to the University's Assessment Policy. (101) Students may withdraw from units subject to the following conditions: (102) The University is not responsible for any reduction or withdrawal of income support or similar benefits after withdrawal from a unit or course. (103) These are additional rules to meet compliance with the requirement of the Commonwealth's Educational Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 and the associated National Code. These rules apply to on-campus international students including international students who are resident in Australia studying with a UNE Partner Institution. The application and adherence to this Annex is monitored and managed by the Director of English Language and International Services or the Director of International Marketing and Pathways, as appropriate. (104) For any appeal or complaint involving an international student the International Student Complaints and Appeals Procedure must be referred to. (105) Academic Progress and Grade Point Average (106) In addition to the GPA, the academic progress of international students is subject to extra progression requirements and the Early Intervention Strategy. (107) International students who are identified at risk of not making satisfactory course progress as specified by the Academic Progression Rule and the Early Intervention Strategy may be counselled, referred to an appropriate academic skills programme, be warned, have conditions placed on their continued enrolment by the Course Coordinator, be excluded from the course for a period, or have their place in the course terminated. The Manager, International Services and Compliance must be consulted prior to any action being taken in respect to an international student under this clause. (108) Advanced Standing outcomes for international students are to be forwarded immediately to the Manager, International Admissions and Operations. (109) An international student may not be withdrawn from a unit without prior consultation with the Manager, International Services and Compliance. (110) An international student may not enter into concurrent candidature without prior consultation with the Manager, International Admissions and Operations. (111) International students may not vary their enrolment without prior consultation with the International Services Manager. (112) For international students, UNE produces a form letter indicating completion status that will accompany the academic transcript as and when requested by a student. At the end of each teaching period, graduation checks will be completed within four weeks of the release of the examination results. (113) International students applying for deferral are governed by the University operating procedure, Deferring and Suspending International Student Enrolment (Irrespective of study location in Australia). (114) International students seeking to enrol elsewhere must obtain prior permission from the Course Coordinator. (115) International students must maintain a study load (usually 24 cp per teaching period) which will enable them to complete the course within the expected duration as specified via the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) registration. The study load requirement for international students is governed by the University operating procedure Duration: Study Load and Mode for International Students in Australia Irrespective of Study Location. (116) In exercising their powers for international students, Course Coordinators must consult with the Directorate of English Language and International Services. (117) Any decision to suspend a major or course currently registered on CRICOS must be made in consultation with the Directorate of International Marketing and Pathways. (118) In exercising their powers for international students, Unit Coordinators must consult with the Directorate of English Language and International Services. (119) International students may only participate in practical work experience arrangements where it is prescribed by the course rules as a compulsory unit and where appropriate supervision and assessment arrangements are in place. (120) The Course Coordinator may exercise discretion and set a maximum study load below 24 credit points in a teaching period if the Course Coordinator believes this to be in the student's best interests. The Course Coordinator's decision is final. For international students this provision is incorporated into the Early Intervention Strategy for International Students Studying in Australia (Irrespective of Study Location in Australia — excluding Higher Degrees by Research Students). (121) The study load requirement for international students is governed by the University operating procedure Duration: Study Load and Mode for International Students in Australia Irrespective of Study Location. (122) International students must be enrolled in at least one on-campus unit in any compulsory teaching period and must not complete more than 25% of their total units in their course as OF or OL. (123) The Manager International Services and Compliance is to be consulted prior to approval being granted to transfer an international student between courses. (124) The Manager International Services and Compliance is to be consulted prior to approval being granted to transfer an international student between courses. (125) The Manager International Services and Compliance is to be consulted prior to approval being granted to transfer between Registered Providers or Locations. (126) The Unit Guide must be made available to all international students prior to their enrolment in a course, either in print or through referral to an electronic copy. (127) International students seeking to withdraw from a unit must first consult with the Manager International Services and Compliance. (128) The University is not responsible for the potential effect of voluntary withdrawal from a unit on an international student's visa.General Rules
Section 1 - Rules
Record Keeping Requirements *
International Students *
Academic Progress and Grade Point Average
Access to Theses *
Access to Information and Communication Technologies*
Compulsory Withdrawal from a Unit or Course
Concurrent Candidature *
Discretionary Powers of Course Coordinators *
Discretionary Powers of Heads of Schools *
Discretionary Powers of Pro Vice-Chancellors and Deans *
Discretionary Powers of Unit Coordinators *
Enrolment Variations
Non-Award and Cross-Institutional Students
Permission to Enrol Elsewhere *
Period of Candidature
Bachelor Degrees
144, and 192 points
10 years
240 points
12 years
end-on honours (48 points)
2 years
Undergraduate Diplomas
48 points
4 years
6 years
Graduate Certificates
24 points
2 years
Graduate Diplomas
48 points
4 years
72 points
6 years
Masters degrees by Coursework or Coursework and Dissertation
48 points
4 years
72 points
6 years
96 points
6 years
Professional Doctorates
144 points
6 years
Practical Experience
Prizes, Scholarships and University Medals *
Re-admission of Excluded Students
Re-enrolment in a Unit and Satisfying Completion of Course requirements
Relaxation of a Rule *
Rescission of an Award
Special Assessment
Study Load *
Teaching Methodology Units Enrolment
Transfers *
Transition to New Courses *
Unit Requirements and Unit Guides
Withdrawal *
Top of PageSection 2 - Annex
General Rules applying specifically to On-Campus International Students
Appeals and Complaints
Advanced Standing
Compulsory Withdrawal from a Unit
Concurrent candidature
Enrolment Variations
Permission to enrol elsewhere
Period of Candidature
Powers of Course Coordinators
Powers of Pro Vice-Chancellors and Deans
Powers of Unit Coordinators
Practical Experience
Study Load and Mode
Unit Requirements and Unit Guides
View Current
This is not a current document. To view the current version, click the link in the document's navigation bar.
24 cp course one teaching period
48 cp course two teaching periods
144 cp course six teaching periods
192cp course eight teaching periods
240 cp course ten teaching periods
The time limits for completion of a course whether undertaken on a full-time or a part-time basis are as follows: