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Distinguished Service Medal Rule

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.

Section 1 - PRINCIPLES

(1) The award of the Distinguished Service Medal is made by the University to demonstrate its recognition of a member of the General Staff who has made outstanding commitment to service in the University or outstanding application of exceptional skills, judgment or dedication in the service of the University, normally over a considerable period of time.

(2) The Medal is the highest award offered by the University to its General Staff members and may be considered similar in status to an honorary doctorate awarded to a distinguished member of the Academic Staff.

(3) The Medal is separate from the Vice-Chancellor's Award for Excellence, and is awarded for achievements, that in the view of the University are above and beyond those that merit a Vice-Chancellor's Award.

(4) Posthumous awards. The University may award posthumously the Medal to a General Staff member who has died within the past 12 months, as a mark of the University's respect for the that member's past distinguished service.

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(5) The Medal is awarded to a University member appointed on the General Staff terms and conditions of employment.

(6) General Staff nominees may be full-time, part-time, permanent or contract employees. Periods of broken service shall not disallow a nomination. In all cases, the criteria for eligibility shall be the provisions of paragraphs 1.1 and 2.1.

(7) Providing that the criteria for eligibility and award are met, there shall be no specific limit to the number of Medals awarded in any one year. However, the University will recognise the Medal's eminence and will award an appropriate number of medals that does not diminish its status.

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(8) 3.1 The criteria for selection for award of the Medal are not specific but normally include circumstances where, in the opinion of the Honorary Degrees, Titles and Tributes Committee:

  1. the nominee has been instrumental in the leadership, development and/or support of a program, project or initiative that has substantially enhanced (above and beyond that which merits a Vice-Chancellor's Award for Excellence) the reputation, organisation or operation of the University and typically (but not necessarily) over a significant period of time; and/or
  2. the nominee has made a significant contribution to the life, operation and/or support of the University at a sustained level above and beyond what is expected of a University general staff member over a significant period of time.
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Section 4 - AWARD

(9) The award shall comprise a Citation and an engraved Medal bearing the awardee's name, the words 'For Distinguished Service in the University' and the year of presentation.

(10) The Medal shall be presented by the Chancellor at a suitable graduation ceremony after the conferment of the honorary doctorates for that ceremony. The Vice-Chancellor shall read the citation and present the staff member to the Chancellor to receive the Medal.

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(11) Proposals for the award of a Medal must first be discussed with the Vice-Chancellor and must include a current Curriculum Vitae, outline of the reasons for making the proposal and a draft Citation on the nominee suitable for presentation at a graduation ceremony.

(12) Proposals must be signed by an appropriate Pro Vice-Chancellor or Chief Officer and the appropriate Head of School or Director.

(13) Proposals, after being discussed with the Vice-Chancellor, will be provided to the Vice-Chancellor's Committee for discussion and endorsement.

(14) The Vice-Chancellor shall refer the proposals he/she deems appropriate to the Honorary Degrees, Titles and Tributes Committee of the Council for consideration.

(15) The Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor may make recommendations directly to the Honorary Degrees, Titles and Tributes Committee for the award of Medals at their own discretion.

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Section 6 - SELECTION

(16) Proposals referred to the Honorary Degrees, Titles and Tributes Committee of Council will be considered as follows:

  1. the names and details of nominees for award of honorary degrees will be placed before the Committee as confidential business under Council Standing Orders;
  2. the Committee shall consult, as appropriate, with the Pro Vice-Chancellor/Dean of the appropriate Faculty or the Pro Vice-Chancellor or Chief Officer of the appropriate Division, prior to recommending the award of a Medal;
  3. in the event that a nominee dies before the promulgation of the selection, the Committee will recommend to the Chancellor whether the award should be made posthumously under the appropriate provisions of this Policy and its Procedures.

(17) The Committee's recommendations for awards of a Medal will be submitted to the Chancellor who will report to the Council under confidential business, giving the Curriculum Vitae and citation of the person recommenced and the reasons for the Committee's recommendation. No reference will be made to Council of people considered but not recommended by the Committee.

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(18) Proposals for Distinguished Service Medals will be called for by the Office of the Chief Governance and Planning Officer in September and March of each year.

(19) All proposals must be submitted directly to the Office of the Vice-Chancellor.

(20) Medals will be awarded at the March/April graduation ceremonies (called for in September) or the October graduation ceremony (called for in March).

(21) Posthumous Awards. In the event of a posthumous award, the University will invite the next-of-kin to nominate a representative to attend the graduation ceremony, hear the citation read and to receive the Medal.