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(1) The University has a legal obligation under the NSW Work Health and Safety (WHS) Act 2011 as a 'person conducting a business or undertaking' (PCBU), and the University’s Work Health and Safety (WHS) Rule, to provide a Primary Duty of Care to (2) The University also must meet the specific legislative requirements of Part 4.7 of the NSW Work Health & Safety Regulation 2017 to manage the general electrical safety in workplaces and energised electrical work. (3) This document follows the ‘Managing Electrical Risks in the Workplace Code of Practice’ and provides a framework and guidance for identifying and assessing hazards and risks and managing controls associated with electrical work, equipment and installations associated with University activities. (4) This procedure relates to all electrical work as defined under clause 146 of the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017, equipment and installations where workers perform tasks for the University within the control of the University, and includes contractors at University workplaces. (5) The University sets the minimum mandatory requirements in regards to electrical safety being: (6) There are several exemptions to electrical work that are identified at clause 146 of the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 and include some work on electrical equipment that is operated by electricity at extra-low voltage. (7) Electrical work must only be conducted and/or supervised by licensed and competent electricians. All electrical work must be supervised by a licensed electrician with an Electrical Supervisor’s Qualification (a qualified Electrical Supervisor can supervise themselves). (8) University Workers are only permitted to conduct electrical work on low and high voltage electrical installations if they are a licensed or registered electrical worker. This does not include extra low voltage work. (9) All electrical workers’ licences must be sighted, reviewed and recorded when the electrical worker presents for work at each University workplace. (10) Electrical workers are to wear clothing and safety equipment that provides appropriate safety protection to the head, body, arms, legs and feet. The level of personal protective clothing and PPE on each University site is also mandated by the site’s specific procedures. (11) All potential sources of electricity are to be identified and isolated if the work undertaken places the person at higher risk than normally associated with the job. Always test equipment to check it is de-energised before performing any work on it using the safety principle of ‘TEST FOR ‘DEAD’ BEFORE YOU TOUCH’. (12) Drawings are to be available of electrical circuits at all University workplaces. An electrician must verify that isolation has been achieved. Work may only proceed on de-energised equipment after the following has occurred: (13) Working de-energised on low voltage electrical equipment or circuits requires the electrical equipment or circuits to be effectively isolated from all relevant sources of electricity supply. (14) This may be done using opening switches, removing fuses or links, opening circuit breakers or removing circuit connections. (15) The standard steps in low voltage isolation are: (16) To secure the isolation and electrical equipment requires the disconnection and/or physical lock and tag applied to prevent unintended or inadvertent energisation. (17) A fundamental principle is that the point of isolation should be under the control of the person who is carrying out the work on the isolated conductors. (18) Tagging systems should also be used at the point(s) of isolation where possible for general information. (19) Locking off - Isolation points should be fitted with control mechanisms that prevent the electrical equipment from being inadvertently re-energised. The control mechanism should require a deliberate action to engage or disengage the device. It should be able to withstand conditions that could lead to the isolation failing, for example, vibration. (20) Tagging systems - Danger tags - Isolation involves using suitable warning or safety signs as well as locks or other controls to secure the isolation. Out of service tags - Out of service or caution tags are used to identify electrical equipment that is not safe to use or fit for purpose. (21) The ‘ Managing electrical risks in the workplace - model code of practice’ provides detailed guidelines for securing isolation. (22) It may be necessary to change an isolation point to allow for testing or fault finding on energised parts, for example testing that may be required before returning electrical equipment to service and commissioning new electrical equipment. (23) Any testing or fault finding on energised parts must be carried out in accordance with requirements for energised electrical work, as discussed in Section 7 of the ‘Managing electrical risks in the workplace - model code of practice’. (24) If electricity supply is restored to part of the circuit then safe procedures for restoring electricity supply must be followed. (25) All reasonable steps must be taken to ensure that restoring electricity supply following isolation does not pose risks to health and safety at the workplace. For example: (26) When electricity is restored tests must be carried out to confirm that polarity is correct, actives are switched and, where applicable, phase sequences are correct before electrical equipment is used. For further information refer to AS/NZS 3017:2007 Electrical installations – Verification guidelines. (27) If work is left unfinished, the workplace must be left in a safe state including, for example, by: (28) High voltage (HV) mains and apparatus are only to be worked on by authorised HV personnel who hold the relevant qualifications and systems of work. (29) High voltage high voltage electrical installation should prepare an Installation Safety Management Plan for their workplace. The plan should address the risks associated with the operation and maintenance of the high voltage installation. (30) All persons are prohibited from carrying out any kind of electrical work on any electrical circuit or apparatus that remains in an electrically-energised condition. (31) The Operation Manager and/or Site Manager are responsible for ensuring all electrical personnel are aware of and apply the ‘NO LIVE ELECTRICAL WORK’ rule. (32) Energised electrical work is only to be performed by a contracted appropriately licensed and registered person in accordance with Regulation 158 of the WHS Regulations 2017 (NSW). (33) Where work involves working near live parts, all exposed conductors and other live parts in the immediate work area must be confirmed as de-energised or if not practicable, protected from inadvertent contact as a minimum using insulating barricades. (34) To verify equipment is in a safe condition and is ‘Fit for Duty’, whenever an electrical circuit is newly-installed, broken or reconnected, the integrity of the completed work must be tested by a licensed electrician before being energised. (35) A competent Safety Observer is required when there is a risk of contact with live electrical parts or where the electrician performing the task deems an observer as an appropriate control. (36) A Low Voltage Rescue (LVR) Kit is to be present when there is a possibility of contact with live parts (e.g. fault-finding, testing and commissioning where there are unprotected live parts) or as required by a risk assessment. The kit’s contents are to be checked before each use against the standard requirement. (37) Installations include infrastructure that supplies electricity to a building, including the main switchboards, distribution boards, metering, fixed wiring, socket outlets, and fixed electrical equipment. (38) Electrical Certificates of Compliance must be completed immediately on the completion of any new work to an electrical installation. Electrical Certificates of Compliance are not required for repairs. A copy of the certificate is to be retained in the site’s electrical file. (39) For the purposes of Research and Testing undertaken on the University sites, a full risk assessment with consultation with Estate and Built Environment and WHS Team must occur for any temporary electrical installation. (40) Access to electrical switchboards and control panels is restricted to Estate and Built Environment qualified workers and approved electrical contractors. (41) Most circuits are protected by circuit breakers to prevent overloading. Reports of tripped circuit breakers and requests to reset tripped circuits or RCDs must be made to Estate and Built Environment (Ph: 6773 2065) during work hours or Safety and Security (Ph: 6773 2099) after hours. (42) Tripped circuit breakers, RCDs and other electrical devices must not be re-energised until the reason for their operation has been identified and the fault has been rectified. Steps outlined in this procedure under ‘Restoring Power’ are to be followed. (43) Only a qualified electrical worker from Estate and Built Environment is permitted to restore power and reset tripped circuits. No other person is to be instructed to reset tripped circuits. (44) All areas in front of switchboards and/or rooms must be kept clear to allow for isolation access in the case of an emergency. All switch rooms housing switchboards must have all emergency egress paths kept clear at all times. (45) All temporary switchboards are to comply with the requirements of AS3012: Electrical installations - Construction and demolition sites. (46) Overhead lines on University sites will be suitably flagged on or near the lines. (47) No work should be carried out under or near overhead power lines (particularly with heavy machinery, elevated working platforms (EWPs), truck-mounted working platforms, cranes or similar) unless the ‘No Go Zone’ requirement limits have been established for the particular situation and overhead line. (48) Where any work is to be conducted adjacent to overhead power lines, the asset owner (electrical entity) is to be contacted to confirm safe working distances, and any other controls required. This information is to be included in the Safe Working Methods Statement for the activity being completed. (49) Any excavation work or work that will affect underground services must be approved through Estate and Built Environment prior to commencement. (50) No pegs or metal poles are to be used for securing ‘temporary structures’ such as marquees unless approved by Estate and Built Environment. (51) The existence of redundant or unused cabling and wiring presents a potential hazard due to unexpected live conductors. Conductors may be ‘live’ because of inadequate isolations or induced voltages. (52) All redundant cables shall be removed where possible. If not possible both ends of the cable shall be capped, labelled and the site’s electrical line diagram (schematic) updated to reflect the redundant cable. (53) Electrical drawings are to be available for inspection at all University sites. Before use, electrical drawings should be checked to establish if a drawing reflects the ‘AS INSTALLED’ condition of the equipment. Where possible, the drawing should also be reviewed to check it matches the current installation. (54) Electrical drawings marked in any other way than ‘AS INSTALLED’ must not be taken as an accurate record when servicing constructed and commissioned equipment. Electrical drawings are to be reviewed and updated after initial installations or after any subsequent alteration to an electrical installation. All accessible and stored copies of the drawings are to be replaced with the current version. (55) All electrical drawings are to be readily available, to everyone concerned with working, testing, commissioning or fault finding on switchboards and electrical equipment. (56) Thermographic inspections are required to assess the performance of all switchgear on site. Thermographic surveyors should be accompanied at all times by an Electrician who is familiar with the University workplace and who can provide access to electrical panels. These requirements exist regardless of whether the surveyor is also a licensed Electrician or not. (57) The inspection or survey should take place when equipment is operating at a normal or higher than normal capacity and the results are to be recorded and any identified issues are to be actioned before returning to service. (58) All electrical equipment and its sources are to be identified and labelled in accordance with Australian Standards (AS3000, AS3007, AS3012, AS3760). (59) Electrical switchboards will be clearly labelled with a unique identification and appropriate warning labels to distinguish the following: (60) Serious injuries and fatalities can be prevented by the use of RCDs, commonly referred to as “safety switches”. RCDs are typically provided at the electrical distribution board for lighting and power circuits. In some situations, RCDs are installed at the socket outlet. (61) The auditing of electrical distribution boards, the installation of new RCD protection, and the inspection and testing of existing RCDs is an ongoing maintenance process. This process is carried out by a qualified FMS electrician or an appointed electrical contractor in accordance with AS/NZS 3760:2010. (62) All new installations or upgrades to switchboards and/or electrical control panels must be protected to IP2X compliance (finger safe) or higher, pending the location and areas, to minimise hazards from accidental contact with live electrical equipment, conductors within the switchboard and/or the cubicle door when it is open. (63) The minimum requirements for legacy switchboards are that all areas that can be accessed without the use of a tool are to be protected to IP2X. This includes the areas where operators or electricians carry out the operation or reset equipment. (64) Emergency stop buttons that isolate the electrical supply should be incorporated into the design of all new laboratories and workshops and used on fixed electrical equipment such as lathes and drill presses. The emergency stop buttons must be easily accessible and clearly labelled. (65) Supervisors must ensure that plug-in electrical equipment is regularly visually inspected for obvious faults or defects, with the inspection to be incorporated as part of workplace safety inspections. These inspections should include checking for damage, discolouration from heat, damage to cords, and condition of operating controls and buttons. (66) These inspections should occur at least annually. (67) The University provides competent workers to complete electrical testing and tagging through the Estate and Built Environment. (68) It is the responsibility of the local supervisor to identify equipment for testing. Priority is given to equipment that fits one or more of the general or environmental risk factors listed below: (69) Portable electrical appliances and tools are to be inspected and records kept in accordance with AS/NZS 3760 – Electrical Safety Standard. (70) All portable electrical appliances including hired and personal equipment, flexible extension cords, portable RCDs and power boards are to be inspected, tested and tagged by a competent person. (71) All portable electrical appliances, flexible extension cords, portable RCDs and electric portable outlet devices (power boards) without a valid inspection tag must be immediately removed from service. (72) Electrical equipment that fails a test will be immediately removed from use by either: (73) ETT services will be provided annually. A small number of areas including some engineering workshops or laboratories will be provided with ETT services once every six months. (74) Where new equipment is introduced to the workplace, the supplier is responsible for providing a safe product and therefore electrical testing and tagging is generally not required. The equipment should be visually inspected prior to first use. (75) Equipment that has been repaired or serviced must be tested and tagged by the repairer prior to being reintroduced to service. (76) Only personal electrical equipment that is genuinely used for University business will be tested, following the approval of the supervisor. Common personal items including mobile phone chargers will not be tested. These items must be regularly visually inspected by the owner and removed from the University if there is any sign of damage or fault. (77) Personal electrical equipment used in student accommodation will not be subject to ETT processes. However, students may be asked by a senior resident or other (78) Electrical equipment requiring testing that is not able to be tested with a Portable Appliance Tester (e.g. three phase equipment) must be tested and tagged by a licensed electrician in accordance with AS/NZS 3760:2010. (79) Records will be captured during the testing process by the ETT worker or contractors engaged to complete the testing. The records will be maintained by: (80) Records will be stored in the University’s corporate record keeping system, in accordance with Records Management Rule. (81) Power boards used at the University must comply with AS/NZS 3105 Approval and Test Specification for Electrical Portable Outlet Devices. Power boards are considered a temporary measure and may only be used in office environments if they are fitted with overload protection and connected to a General Purpose Outlet (GPO). (82) Extension leads must be compliant with AS/NZS 3199 Approval and Test Specification for Cord Extension Sets. When in use, extension leads must be: (83) The use of double adaptors and ‘piggyback’ adaptors are prohibited for use on all University workplaces. (84) Only portable RCD power boards may be used on plant outside of office environments where it is not connected to a safety switch. (85) All welding sets are to be inspected and tested before being put into service. These are to be regularly inspected and tested while in service and consistent with the requirements of AS/NZS 3760. (86) AS/NZS 3760:2010 specifically excludes medical devices and electrical devices in patient care areas. Medical electrical equipment intended to be connected to patients, research participants or students must be designed and certified to meet the requirements of AS/NZS 3200 and maintained in accordance with AS/NZS 3551:2012. (87) The inspection, testing and maintenance of medical electrical equipment are the responsibility of the faculty, school or research institute that owns the equipment. (88) All electrical incidents are to be reported immediately to the relevant supervisor, Estate and Built Environment and to WHS. An incident report is to be completed in SkyTrust with all electrical incidents being appropriately investigated. (89) It is important that any person who has suffered an electric shock, no matter how minor, seeks medical attention as soon as possible after the event. Contact with electricity can have serious health effects that may be delayed. (90) A qualified electrical worker from Estate and Built Environment is to inspect the electrical installation and/or the socket outlet and equipment involved in the incident. Equipment involved in an electrical incident will be removed from service pending further inspection and testing. (91) Roles and responsibilities shall be allocated according to the following table: (92) The Procedure Administrator makes these procedures. (93) (94) These Procedures operate as and from the (95) Previous Procedures relating to electrical safety are replaced and have no further operation from the (96) ‘Electrical work’ is defined in State and Territory legislation and generally means work on or near any of the following: (97) Worker, as defined by the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, is a person that carries out work in any capacity for a person conducting a business or undertaking, including work as:WHS OP038 Electrical Safety Procedure
Section 1 - Overview
Section 2 - Scope
Top of PageSection 3 - Procedures
Electrical Work
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Low Voltage Electrical Isolation
Securing the Isolation
Fault Finding and Testing
Restoring Power
Leaving Unfinished Work
High Voltage Electrical Work
Energised Electrical Work
Safety Observers (competent assistants)
Low Voltage Rescue Kit
Electrical Installations
Temporary Electrical Installations for Experimental Research and Testing
Switchboards and Control Panels
Safe Access to Switchboards/Rooms
Temporary Switchboards (construction and demolition work)
Overhead Lines and Underground Services
Redundant Electrical Cables and Equipment
Electrical Drawings
Thermographic Inspections
Identification and Labelling
Residual Current Devices (RCD)
Protection Against Direct Current
Legacy Switchboards
Emergency stop buttons
Plug-In Electrical Equipment
Testing and Tagging of Electrical Equipment
Frequency of Testing
New Equipment
Repaired Equipment
Personal Electrical Equipment
Record Keeping
Electrical Leads, Power Boards and Double Adaptors
Welding Sets
Medical Electrical Equipment
Electrical Incidents
Reporting Electrical Incidents
Medical Attention and Response
Roles and Responsibilities
Facilities Management Service Directorate
Site Electrical Supervisor (or delegate)
Contractor to University
Electricians (Facilities Management Service Directorate, or contractor)
Safety Observer
Deans, Directors and Heads of Schools
Ensure compliance with the electrical procedure within their area of control.
Employees and Other Workers
Authority and Compliance
Section 4 - Definitions