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WHS OP018 Off Campus Workplace Inspections Procedure

Section 1 - Overview

(1) WHS P004 Risk Management Protocol documents the University Work Health and Safety (WHS) risk management approach that includes the completion of workplace inspections as a key risk management task. This document details the specific process of conducting Off Campus Workplace Inspections using WHS F031 Off Campus Workplace Inspection Checklist.

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) This operating procedure specifies the requirements for the completion of the self-assessment tool WHS F031 Off Campus Workplace Inspection Checklist. It is to be utilised by staff who:

  1. Have been approved by management and/or their supervisor to work from home or another location on a regular/scheduled basis;
  2. Are applying for, or reviewing variation to their primary place of work ('working remotely') to an off campus location.

(3) This operating procedure and associated form does not apply to field work, excursions, or work related travel to seminars or conferences.

(4) This document has been developed in accordance with:

  1. How to Manage Work Health and Safety Risks Code of Practice;
  2. Work Health and Safety Act and Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017.
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Section 3 - Procedure


(5) As per WHS P002 WHS Responsibilities Protocol:

  1. Directors and Heads of School are responsible for ensuring implementation of all WHS Procedures relevant to their operations; and
  2. The task of completing periodic workplace inspections is the responsibility of Managers and their Deputies.

(6) The self-assessment tool WHS F031 Off Campus Workplace Inspection Checklist is to be completed by the staff member that is applying for or reviewing variation to their primary place of work, or working from home. It is the responsibility of the staff member's supervisor to ensure the checklist is completed and reviewed.

Frequency of Off Campus Workplace Inspection Checklists

(7) WHS F031 Off Campus Workplace Inspection Checklist should be completed on an annual basis for all staff operating under these arrangements. Completion of the checklist is triggered in WHS F025 Workplace Inspection Checklist and is the responsibility of the direct supervisor of relevant staff to ensure it is completed.

Corrective Actions

(8) The tracking and implementation of corrective actions is the responsibility of the Manager and/or their Deputy that sign off the checklist.

Risk Score Calculator

(9) All risk score calculators used in the WHS risk management activities at the University are as illustrated below and included on WHS F031 Off Campus Workplace Inspection Checklist to facilitate the risk assessment of any hazard identified during the inspection process. (Click here for Risk Score Calculator)

Sign Off

(10) Sign off is required by the staff member that completes the form as well as those responsible for the control measures, and subsequent review of control measures (to ensure they are adequate and effective in their intent).


(11) A copy of the completed WHS F031 Off Campus Workplace Inspection Checklist must be recorded in TRIM Container A16/4159 utilising a TRIM license in your School/Business Unit. Only the HR Team is able to view records in this container.

Authority and Compliance

(12) The Rule Administrator, pursuant to the University's Work Health and Safety (WHS) Rule makes these procedures.

(13) University Representatives must observe these Procedures in relation to University matters.

(14) These Procedures operate as and from the Effective Date.

(15) Previous Procedures relating to Off Campus Workplace Inspections are replaced and have no further operation from the Effective Date of this new Procedure.

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Section 4 - Definitions

(16) Competent Person means a person who has acquired through training, qualification or experience the knowledge and skills to carry out the task.

(17) Effective Date means - takes effect on the day on which it is published or on such later day as may be specified in the procedure.

(18) A Worker, as defined by the WHS Act, is a person that carries out work in any capacity for a person conducting a business or undertaking, including work as:

  1. An employee, or
  2. A contractor or subcontractor, or
  3. An employee of a contractor or subcontractor, or
  4. An employee of a labour hire company who has been assigned to work in the person's business or undertaking, or
  5. An outworker, or
  6. An apprentice or trainee, or
  7. A student gaining work experience, or
  8. A volunteer, or
  9. Person of a prescribed class.

(19) University Representative means a University employee (casual, fixed term and permanent), contractor, agent, appointee, UNE Council member, adjunct, visiting academic and any other person engaged by the University to undertake some activity for or on behalf of the University. It includes corporations and other bodies falling into one or more of these categories.


All comments provided are made available the Policy Owner and must comply with the UNE Code of Conduct.