Policy Feedback
Step 1 of 4: Enter your comments on individual clauses
In step 1 provide your comments on specific content. Select (comment icon ) to open a comment box to type your feedback then click "save comment" to close the comment box. In step 2 you will provide general comments.
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- AVOID jump between web pages or applications while commenting – open a new browser window if you need to to switch
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- DON'T leave your submission half way through. If you need to take a break, submit your current set of comments. You can go back in and start a new comments , just jump to where you left off.
(1) These Procedures apply to all staff and Honorary Appointees at the University undertaking (2) The following applies to Professional Staff: (3) Academic staff: Prior to commencing any private paid outside work Academic staff must seek the approval of their Head of Cost Centre by completing a Private Paid Outside Work Application form. (4) In exceptional circumstances, paid outside work within normal working hours may be approved, provided that the operational efficiency of the unit is not affected and the time commitment to the University is not compromised. (5) While part-time staff members are not required to seek permission to engage in (6) Where approval is given to undertake (7) The staff member is responsible for: (8) Approval to undertake paid outside work should be considered taking into account: (9) The University does not assume any responsibility or liability for, warrant or indemnify in any way the activities of staff involved in (10) Staff are responsible for considering whether the work could be regarded as involving a conflict of interest. Staff should ask themselves whether or not the nature of the outside work could be perceived by an independent, unbiased observer to place their own interest or that of another organisation above or in conflict with that of the University or if the relationship or benefits provided could cause an observer to question the independence of the work. (11) If extensive use of University facilities is essential to undertaking the work, it is matter for the judgement of the Head of Cost Centre as to whether the work constitutes core University business more appropriately carried out by the Cost Centre under contract, than as private work. However, limited use of University facilities may be approved, in which case arrangements must be made to reimburse the University for the costs of the use of the facilities. (12) It is inappropriate to use professional staff to support (13) If an academic staff member wishes to involve other members of academic staff in the (14) In certain limited circumstances, approval may not be required to undertake (15) These exceptions apply to ad-hoc or occasional instances or engagement only. Any sustained advisory or engagement role would require approval. Staff should discuss these activities with their Head of Cost Centre to ensure they are complying with University policy. (16) The Procedure Administrator, the Director People and Culture, pursuant to the University's Remuneration and Working Arrangements Policy, makes these Procedures. (17) (18) These Procedures operate as and from the (19) Previous Procedures relating to Private paid Outside Work are replaced and have no further operation from the Private Paid Outside Work Procedures
Section 1 - Scope
Section 2 - Procedures
Conflict of Interest
Use of University facilities
Use of professional staff
Involvement of other Academic Staff
Paid Outside Work that does not require approval
Authority and Compliance