(1) The purpose of Research UNE (RUNE) is to acquire, store, make discoverable, and make accessible where possible, all the research outputs of the University of New England, including material identified as submitted research outputs in the Open Access to UNE Research Publications and Data Policy. (2) RUNE provides a stable, secure and long-term archive for the research outputs of UNE Authors. Compliance with this Rule enables UNE Authors and the University to meet the requirements of government agencies and research funding bodies for responsible reporting of research outputs of the University. (3) This Rule governs the deposit and management of research outputs in RUNE. This Rule defines the deposit principles and content of RUNE, and provides a framework against which deposit, collection and access decisions may be made. (4) This Rule must be read in conjunction with Research UNE Deposit, Collection and Access Procedures, which support this Rule, and the Open Access to UNE Research Publications and Data Policy. (5) This Rule applies to all individuals associated with the University, and working and/or publishing under the auspices of the University of New England. This includes employees, emeriti, adjunct and honorary appointments, research students and postdoctoral fellows. In this Rule, these individuals are referred to as the UNE Author. (6) This Rule applies to all material which represents the research and scholarly output of the University. (7) UNE Authors are required to submit their research outputs to RUNE under the terms of this Rule, including the Deposit Licence. (8) RUNE will include research and scholarly material that satisfies at least one of the following criteria: (9) UNE Authors submitting a research output to RUNE will agree to the terms stated in the Deposit Licence. (10) By submitting a research output to RUNE, I: (11) The University, through RUNE: (12) Success of this Rule will be demonstrated by: (13) The Director Library Services and University Librarian or delegate is responsible for overseeing the operation and technical standards of RUNE. (14) UNE Authors are responsible for ensuring the quality and accuracy of all data they submit to RUNE. (15) RUNE is subject to the University of New England's website "Disclaimer" notices including the "Copyright Takedown Notice" form. (16) Non-compliance with this Rule may result in action being taken in accordance with the University Code of Conduct for Research. (17) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research, in consultation with the University Legal Services, the Copyright Specialist and Director Library Services and University Librarian, and where appropriate the relevant Head of School, will be responsible for: (18) The Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, pursuant to Section 29 of the University of New England Act 1993 (NSW), makes this University Rule. (19) (20) The Rule Administrator, Director Library Services and University Librarian, is authorised to make Policies and Associated information for the operation of this University Rule. The Policies and Associated information must be compatible with the provisions of this Rule. (21) This Rule operates as and from the (22) Previous policy on RUNE Deposit, Collections and Access and related documents are replaced and have no further operation from the (23) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this University Rule, the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer may approve an exception to this Rule where the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer determines the application of the Rule would otherwise lead to an unfair, unreasonable or absurd outcome. Approvals by the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer under this clause must be documented in writing and must state the reason for the exception. (24) A UNE Author is an individual associated with the University of New England, and publishing under the auspices of the University, including employees, emeriti, adjunct and honorary appointments, research students and postdoctoral fellows. (25) Deposit Licence is the licence between the UNE Author and the University by which research outputs are deposited in RUNE. (26) Research UNE (RUNE) is the institutional repository for the research outputs of UNE, governed by the Research UNE Deposit, Collection and Access Rule. (27) Non-traditional research outputs are research outputs which do not take the form of published books, book chapters, journal articles or conference publications, including but not limited to, original creative works, live performance of creative works, recorded/rendered creative works, curated or produced substantial public exhibitions and events. (28) Research funding bodies are public or private organisations in Australia and internationally, which fund research. (29) Research outputs means scholarly and research literature, including articles, conference papers, and selected creative works created by a UNE author. (30) The Copyright Act 1968 identifies categories of material that receive copyright protection, including literary, artistic, dramatic and musical works, sound recordings, cinematograph films, television and sound broadcasts and published editions of works. This protection governs those who wish to make, use, sell, import, export, reproduce, adapt and disseminate such material. The Act also provides for other rights and exceptions.Research UNE Deposit, Collection and Access Rule
Section 1 - Overview
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Rule
Terms of Deposit
The Deposit Licence
Quality Assurance
Authority and Compliance
Section 4 - Definitions
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For the purposes of this document the following definitions apply.