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Student International Mobility Rule

This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Overview

(1) Increased participation by Students in international mobility programs is one of the University of New England's (UNE) internationalisation strategies. Periods of work and/or study in other countries have direct benefits for the participants and host institutions and indirect benefits for others who come into contact with them and so profit from their experience.

(2) This Rule provides the framework for Student international mobility at UNE and must be read in conjunction with the Student International Mobility Procedures that support this Rule.

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Section 2 - Scope

(3) This Rule applies to:

  1. Outbound (UNE) Students who spend a period of time studying or working overseas which will count towards their course or unit;
  2. Inbound (non-UNE) Students who participate in a UNE Student Mobility Program; and
  3. UNE Representatives.

(4) This Rule does not apply to:

  1. Students wishing to undertake study at another Australian institution; and
  2. Students enrolled in higher degree by research courses.
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Section 3 - Rule


(5) UNE is committed to providing opportunities for our Students to participate in international mobility programs to expand their exposure to, and experience of, languages, culture, study and work of other nations and cultures.

(6) International mobility programs must make use of knowledge and skills that are relevant to the course being undertaken by the Student, enhance that knowledge and skills base, and develop some or all of the desired attributes of a UNE graduate.

(7) All Inbound Student applicants must meet UNE's English language requirements for admission irrespective of the study location or study mode.

(8) UNE may apply quotas on the number of offers to Inbound Student applicants for any particular mobility program.

(9) UNE is obliged to meet legislative and regulatory requirements relating to mobility programs including the requirements of the Educational Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act) for Inbound Students.

Student Mobility Programs

Student Exchange

(10) A Student Exchange Program consists of:

  1. Outbound Students enrolling at, and paying tuition fees to, UNE during the period of an overseas exchange at a Partner Institution for which they will receive advanced standing for those studies towards their UNE course; or
  2. Inbound Students studying on a non-award basis at UNE whilst remaining enrolled with, and paying tuition fees to, their home institution for which they will receive advanced standing for those studies towards their course at their home institution.

Study Abroad

(11) A Study Abroad Program consists of:

  1. Outbound Students studying for a period of time on a fee-paying basis at an overseas institution for which they will receive advanced standing towards their UNE course; or
  2. Inbound Students studying on a full-fee paying, non-award basis at UNE for a minimum of one trimester or a maximum of one academic year.

Short Term Mobility (including Work Integrated Learning Activities)

(12) A Short Term Mobility Program consists of:

  1. Outbound Students undertaking an overseas experience for a period of time less than a trimester which will count towards their UNE course or unit e.g. clinical placements, professional experience, practicum, study tours, and in-country language units; or
  2. Inbound Students studying at UNE for less than one trimester e.g. internships, study tours.

Written Agreements

Student Exchange Program Agreements

(13) UNE must have in place a Student exchange agreement with that partner before the first Student covered by that agreement departs from, or arrives in, Australia.

Work Integrated Learning Placements

(14) Before a Placement is approved an agreement must be in place between:

  1. UNE and the Student; and
  2. UNE and the Placement Provider (i.e. industry partners, professional and community organisations or Partner Institutions).

Roles and Responsibilities

(15) Outbound Students are responsible for:

  1. completing and submitting all relevant forms and documentation by the advertised deadline;
  2. complying with the conditions in the Statement of Responsibilities for Students participating in a UNE Overseas Mobility Program;
  3. ensuring they are enrolled in the applicable UNE unit/s (where required) by the relevant HECS census date;
  4. enrolling in the appropriate units at the Host/Partner Institution and adhere to the requirements of their Student visa for the entirety of the mobility program;
  5. checking their UNE email account weekly during the Student Mobility Program;
  6. providing UNE with an address and other contact details while overseas;
  7. providing UNE with evidence of comprehensive travel and health insurance before departing Australia: and
  8. complying with all relevant University rules, policies and procedures.

(16) Inbound Students are responsible for:

  1. completing and submitting all relevant UNE application forms and documentation by the advertised deadline;
  2. formally accepting the Offer of Admission and paying the compulsory Overseas Health Cover (OSHC) by the notified date to receive a Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) for their Student Visa application;
  3. all tuition fee costs (excluding Student Exchange Program participants) and other costs as appropriate e.g. Overseas Student Health Cover;
  4. attending UNE International Orientation; and
  5. complying with the relevant rules and policies of UNE.

(17) UNE International is responsible for:

  1. the administration and management of:
    1. Inbound Student Exchange and Study Abroad Program applications;
    2. non-language based Outbound Student Exchange Program applications;
    3. OS-HELP Loans for Outbound Students;
    4. Department of Education and Training Mobility applications and funding; and
    5. coordination of orientation and support services for Inbound Students.

(18) Schools are responsible for the administration and management of Short Term Mobility Programs organised by the School including:

  1. providing Students with information about Short Term Mobility opportunities;
  2. ensuring that all appropriate information (including insurance documents) has been provided to Students prior to the commencement of their Short Term Mobility Program;
  3. entering relevant details in the University Travel Management System (SmartBook) for Students participating in a Short Term Mobility Program; and
  4. providing UNE International with information on participating Students in accordance with the associated Procedures.

Management of International Mobility at UNE

(19) The International Mobility Committee reports to the Academic Board Teaching and Learning Committee and provides broad oversight of the strategic design, development and review of UNE's international mobility opportunities for Students.

(20) Membership of the International Mobility Committee comprises:

  1. one academic member from each School nominated by the Head of School;
  2. Director, International (or nominee);
  3. Manager, Exchange and Study Abroad, UNE International; and
  4. Secretary (non-voting) provided by UNE International.

(21) Terms of Reference of the International Mobility Committee are:

  1. to promote and provide advice about international mobility and funding opportunities to the University;
  2. to provide academic input into UNE's international mobility opportunities and funding applications;
  3. to advise the Executive Principal Brand Partnerships and Business Development and the Teaching and Learning Committee on the broad development, operation and review of UNE's international mobility opportunities; and
  4. to meet two to three times annually.

Authority and Compliance

(22) The Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, pursuant to Section 29 of the University of New England Act 1993 (NSW), makes this University Rule.

(23) UNE Representatives and Students must observe it in relation to University matters.

(24) The Rule Administrator is the Executive Principal Education Futures who is authorised to make Policies and Associated information for the operation of this University Rule. The Policies and Associated information must be compatible with the provisions of this Rule.

(25) This Rule operates as and from the Effective Date.

(26) Previous policy on University Mobility and Exchange and related documents are replaced and have no further operation from the Effective Date of this new Rule.

(27) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this University Rule, the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer may approve an exception to this Rule where the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer determines the application of the Rule would otherwise lead to an unfair, unreasonable or absurd outcome. Approvals by the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer under this clause must be documented in writing and must state the reason for the exception.