Section 1 - Policy
(1) The Chancellor is appointed by the Council of the University and is the Principal Officer of the University.
(2) The power and authority of the University Council is drawn from the University of New England Act 1993 (NSW) (the Act). The authority of the Chancellor comes from section 10 of University of New England Act 1993 (NSW), from section 5 of the University of New England By-law 2005; and has such authority as may be delegated to the Chancellor by the Council.
(3) In addition to these and the roles identified below, the Chancellor, as a member of the University Council, is subject to many of the requirements and liabilities imposed upon Company Directors under other State and Commonwealth legislation.
(4) In the event that the Chancellor is unable to exercise his/her roles as described below, the Deputy Chancellor shall have the power and authority vested in the Chancellor.
(5) The role of the Chancellor is multifaceted and includes:
- chairing Council meetings, overseeing the development of its agendas and providing leadership to Council so that it can meet its responsibilities and perform its duties as defined in the UNE Act;
- on Council's behalf, annually reviewing the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer's salary and performance using key performance indicators,
- advising and working with the University Council and the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, providing counsel and encouraging free, trusting and frank communication on all issues concerning the well being of the University;
- together with the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer and Chairs of the Committees of Council, ensuring that Council has all the necessary information that it needs for decision-making;
- encouraging Council and senior management to work in a cohesive manner to the benefit of the University;
- acting as an important public face of the University, promoting the aims and objects of the University, having community influence and forging links with the broader community, companies and governments;
- without specific appointment, exercising the right of membership of any committee of the University;
- determining whether any matter may be brought to the Standing Committee of Council, which in the Chancellor's opinion, requires urgent attention; and
- officiating at Graduation Ceremonies and taking part in other significant University and public occasions.
(6) To enable the Chancellor to perform his or her role, he or she will:
- consult with the University Council, the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer and, normally with the knowledge of the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, the senior management, to provide and receive advice;
- work closely and co-operatively with the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer and the senior management;
- develop an understanding of the University community, its needs and aspirations; and
- with the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, provide advice about the University and its partners, to the governments of the day.