(1) Procurement activities at the University of New England (UNE) are to follow consistent and effective standards of practice to ensure: (2) This Policy covers the core procurement related activities: (3) This Policy applies to: (4) The Policy must be followed by: (5) Within this Policy: (6) The following principles are central to procurement activities at UNE: (7) The Procurement Source to Pay Processes provides a high-level outline of the procurement process, noting this process is streamlined for routine or lower value supplier procurements and aligns to the quotation guidance in Table 2: Procurement Thresholds. (8) Business approval is required at various stages in the purchasing process and must comply with: (9) The business approver must undertake due diligence to satisfy themselves that the purchase is aligned with all functional policies and procedures. (10) Approvals must be (11) Quotations for goods and services must be completed using the designated quotations software endorsed by Strategic Procurement. (12) Quotations and orders must not be split to reduce the total value in order to avoid the requirements set out in this Policy, or to avoid financial or procurement delegations. (13) Where an exclusive sole supply arrangement is in place, only one (1) written quote needs to be obtained from that supplier irrespective of the value. List of approved sole supply arrangements must be obtained from Strategic Procurement. (14) Written quotations are not required where purchases can only be made at auction. (15) Quotes from panel of suppliers must be compliant with the relevant panel rules. (16) Standard exemptions may be approved in the following circumstances: (17) Exemptions approvals must be attached to purchase requisitions where an exemption was required due to not receiving the required number of quotations. (18) Financial Delegations for exemptions are set out in Table 3. (19) Exemptions must be: (20) The record of the exemption must be saved with the Purchase Order. (21) Where Procurement is the originator of the exemption, then the Chief Financial Officer must sign the exemption as the second approver. (22) Procurement will report exemptions to business unit managers to improve procurement practice and support business area planning activities. (23) All exemptions over $500,000 must be reported to the VC&CEO in the monthly Strategic Procurement Report and half-yearly to the Executive Team Committee (ExT) Committee. (24) All high-risk sourcing, or sourcing expected to exceed $250,000 in value, must be managed by Procurement. (25) Go to market strategy for procurement exceeding $250,000 will be competitive tender, unless Procurement determine an alternative strategy will provide a better value outcome. (26) Where no specific role is noted then a person with appropriate responsibility should be nominated by the Head of Cost Centre. (27) All tenders must comply with the following: (28) Purchase requisitions must: (29) Quotations must be received for a purchase order to be raised. (30) Purchase orders must: (31) Business units must ensure all goods are received in good order and condition, and/ or services performed satisfactorily before approving invoices. (32) Payments must only be made against approved budgets. (33) The dollar value of the contract variation must be added/subtracted from the existing contract value to determine delegations limits for variation approvals. (34) Where a contract variation relies on utilising contingency spend, the approval to spend must be approved by the appropriate financial delegate, and must not be the person managing the project/contract. Purchase orders should also be varied where required to align the contract variation payment. (35) Where a regional supplier offers comparable value, they may be selected in preference to another supplier. (36) For tenders for contracts greater than $700,000 to $3,000,000 in value, UNE may elect to comply with the NSW Local Jobs First Plan, where this is reasonable and in the best interests of UNE. (37) Strategic Procurement supports employment opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and supports sustainable growth of Aboriginal businesses through the University’s procurement of goods and services. (38) Wherever feasible, all construction tenders must apply an Aboriginal participation non-price evaluation criterion, so that the response may also be evaluated on its social commitments. (39) Business Units may contract directly with an Aboriginal-owned business that represents great than 50% ownership, and is recognised through an appropriate organisation for the supply of goods and services up to the value of $150,000 per supplier engagement. This exemption refers to item 14 in Section 2 for Quotation Exemption Rule. (40) Prior to contracting under item 35, documentation of Aboriginal ownership, and outlined in Item 35(a), must be provided to and approved by Procurement. (41) The Aboriginal owner business engaged by the Business Unit does not need to be a member of a NSW Government prequalification scheme or internal UNE Panel. If one or more Aboriginal businesses are identified, the Business Unit may engage with those suppliers before proceeding to a broader market engagement and must comply with Item 36. (42) Wherever feasible, Procurement will provide constructive feedback to unsuccessful tenderers on their tender responses. This feedback will be provided with a view to building the capability of Aboriginal businesses to apply successfully for future opportunities. (43) The VC&CEO makes this Policy consistent with the Vice-Chancellor Functions Rule. (44) This Policy operates as a from the (45) Previous policies relating to procurement are replaced and have no further operations from the (46) Notwithstanding other provisions of this Policy, the VC&CEO may approve an exception to this Policy where the VC&CEO determines the application of this Policy would otherwise lead to an unfair, unreasonable or absurd outcome. Approval by the VC&CEO under this clause must: (47) The implementation of this Policy will be supported through (48) Approve refers to the act of exercising delegations (financial or functional) to give approval. (49) Business, Business area or Business Units referred to in this policy include UNE faculties, schools, directorates, or controlled entities. (50) Contingency spend is spend over and above the initial predicted spend for a project/contract. Contingency spend is separate from and in addition to provision sums (estimates) for project/contract items. (51) Contract variations are classified as: (52) Contractors referred to in this policy are labour hire employed to fulfil a role similar to an employee even if they have an ABN rather than a construction contractor with a separate ABN hired to deliver an outcome. (53) Demand management is a proven mechanism to take costs out of an organisation without further reducing its capacity to execute. With demand management, UNE addresses the underlying drivers of external spending, aligns purchases to business needs and eliminates unnecessary consumption. Examples include considering if the "gold plated" solution is really necessary or would a regular fit for purpose solution suffice. (54) Emergency procurement procedures are designed for purchasing in emergency situations that require immediate action. An emergency situation exists when an incident occurs, requiring immediate action to be taken in order to preserve life, health or property. Such conditions could occur for example in a natural disaster. A lack of appropriate planning does not constitute an emergency. (55) Endorse refers to the act of providing endorsement of the proposed requirements/solution/way forward but does not constitute final approval. Final approval must be given by the appropriate delegate prior to progressing on. (56) Preferred supplier is one where UNE has an approved contract in place. (57) Probity includes ensuring impartiality, achieving best value for money, ensuring consistency and fairness of process. It also includes ensuring confidential information is secured and protected, and the identification and resolution of real or perceived conflicts of interest. This requires clear accountability and transparency such that ethical behaviour is easy to identify before, during, and after the procurement activity. (58) Reasonable quotation includes pricing that is not judged to be excessive based on the requester's experience and common sense, i.e. the price appears to reflect the supplier's costs plus a fair profit margin. If a quote appears excessive, a second quote should be obtained. Where possible the initial quote should be in writing. (59) Regional suppliers are those based near UNE in regional NSW. This includes but is not limited to suppliers headquartered in Armidale, Tamworth, and other regional towns in reasonable proximity to Armidale. Suppliers with operations based in and providing employment in regional towns near Armidale can also be included as a regional operator for the purposes of procurement. (60) Safe design includes consideration of design that will help reduce the chance of human failure. This includes a focus on function not just aesthetics. For example rubbish skips with side opening doors are preferable to skips loaded from the top. Or surfaces which meet the cohesion of friction standard (not mandatory) will prevent slips or falls by people or cattle. (61) Separation of duties meant the person approving the outcome of the procurement process must not be the same person who was involved in conducting the procurement. This also applies to contracts including extensions, and spending of contingency budgets. (62) Sustainability involves development which meets the needs of present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This includes environmentally-friendly products, with reference to re-cycling, energy efficiency, scarce-resource efficiency, low-waste technology. (63) SMEs are defined as small and medium enterprises from NSW, other states and territories of Australia and New Zealand, with up to 200 full-time equivalent employees. (64) SME ANZ content refers to content of the tender produced by SMEs based in Australia and New Zealand. (65) Selective tendering is the process of selecting a tender panel and then only sending a request for tender to the panel rather than to the open market. This can reduce the number of tenders received while still providing a value for money outcome after following a process with appropriate probity. (66) Value is the total value of the contract over the full term of the contract of the full value of the transaction. (67) Two envelope process is where the initial qualitative evaluation is done without access to the pricing information. (68) Whole-of-life costs include planning, design, construction and acquisition (including procurement costs), operations, maintenance, renewal and rehabilitation, depreciation and cost of finance, and disposal.Procurement Policy
Section 1 - Overview and Scope
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Part A - Procurement Principles
Part B - Procurement process
Part C - Procurement approvals and delegation schedule
Business approval
Functional delegations
Table 1: Functional delegations
Type of good or service
Delegation to approve
Information technology
Chief Information Officer, or delegate Technology and Digital Services
Staff recruitment and related matters
Director People and Culture, or delegate
Building works
Director Estate and Built Environment, or delegate
Director Marketing, Admissions and Growth, or delegate
Library services eg online subscriptions
Director Library Services and University Librarian, or delegate
Quotation requirements
Table 2: Procurement thresholds
Value, inclusive of goods and services tax
Less than $500
Up to $10,000
Where a panel exists then adopt the number specified in the panel rules. If not specified, one (1) reasonable quotation is required and needs to be in writing. An email from the relevant party is acceptable.
$10,000 to $50,000
Where a panel exists then the number specified in the panel rules. If not specified, a minimum of two (2) written quotations are required.
$50,000 to $250,000
Where a panel exists then the number specified in the panel rules are required. If not specified, a minimum of three (3) written quotes are required.
Over $250,000
Open tender where no panel exists. Where a panel exists then the number specified in the panel rules is required. If not specified, a minimum of three (3) written quotes from the panel.
Quotation Exemptions
Table 3: Exemption delegations
Authorised to grant exemption
Up to $250,000
Category Managers in Procurement
$250,000 to $2M
Head Strategic Procurement
Over $2M
Chief Financial Officer
Any value for Non-Standard Exemptions
Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer
Strategic Sourcing
Table 4: Sourcing delegations
Up to $250,000 and low risk
$250,000 to $2M or high risk
Over $2M whatever the risk
Business requirements
Category Managers in Procurement
Category Managers in Strategic Procurement
Head of Cost Centre
Procurement Plan/ Sourcing Strategy
Head of Cost Centre
Business unless exemption required, then Category Managers in Procurement
Category Managers in Procurement unless exemption required, then Head Strategic Procurement
Head Strategic Procurement unless exemption required, then Chief Financial Officer
For noting
Not applicable
No applicable
Executive Team Committee (ExT)
Evaluation Plan
Head of Cost Centre
Category Managers in Procurement
Category Managers in Procurement
Go to market documents
Business, Legal Services
Business, Legal Services
Category Managers in Procurement
Category Managers in Procurement
Sourcing outcome
Category Managers in Procurement
Head Strategic Procurement
Approve implementing sourcing outcome
Appropriate financial delegate per Financial Delegations Rule
Appropriate financial delegate per Financial Delegations Rule
Executive Team Committee
For noting
Not applicable
Executive Team Committee
Not applicable
Business, Category Managers in Procurement
Business, Category Managers in Procurement
Legal Services
Legal Services
Legal Services
Appropriate financial delegate per Financial Delegations Rule
Appropriate financial delegate per Financial Delegations Rule
Appropriate financial delegate per Financial Delegations Rule
Tender processes
Purchase Requisitions and Purchase Orders
Contract variations
Regional suppliers
Aboriginal business engagement
Section 3 - Authority and Compliance
Top of PageSection 4 - Quality Assurance
Roles and responsibilities
Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer (VC&CEO)
Financial delegation holders
Approve engagement of supplier, consistent with this policy and approved budget
Chief Financial Officer
Evaluates requests for exemption with a value $2,000,000 over, and approves where compliant with relevant policy
Head Strategic Procurement
Category Managers, Procurement
Business approver
Chief Information Officer
Provides function approval for procurement related to information technology
Director People and Culture
Provides functional approval for procurement related to staff recruitment and related matters
Director Estate and Built Environment
Provide functional approval for procurement related to building works
Business Units
Controlled Entities
Ensure staff involved in procurement activities complete training through UNE Finance team website
Student involved in procurement activities covered in this
Ensure staff purchase from UNE’s nominated contracts and that all purchases are compliant with the contract
Comply with this policy and Gifts and Benefits Policy
Section 5 - Definitions (specific to this Policy)
View Current
This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.
Can be paid by University credit card, in accordance with the Financial Delegations Rule and Credit Card Policy.
When the good or service cannot be paid by University credit card, the transaction can be processed without a Purchase Order (PO).
Approve exemptions in accordance with Clause 18 of this Policy
Evaluates request for exemption for non-standard requests, and approves where compliance with relevant policy and in accordance with financial delegations
Supports Business Units/ Areas:
• providing procurement advice, and procurement methodology
• with significant procurement activities
• to adopt positive demand practices
Maintain a register of procurements and exemptions
Report monthly to the VC&CEO on procurements, including exemptions approvals >$500,000
Report to business approvers on exemption requests to improve procurement practice
Develop and maintain online resources and training for staff and suppliers for procurement activities
Evaluates requests for exemption with a value between $250,000 up to $2,000,000 and approves where compliant with relevant policy
Evaluates all requests for exemption originating from business units to Strategic procurement, and provides approval where compliant with relevant policy
Evaluates requests for exemption up to $250,000 and approves where compliant with relevant policy
Supports business units in all procurement activities
Conducts procurement activities for all procurement with a value greater than $250,000
Ensure proposed purchase meets all functional policies
Obtains approval from function delegate where required
Identify and plan for supply requirements, and develop procurement plans
Engage Procurement where required for procurement activities
Confirm requirements and prepare approved business case/ scope of purchase/ scope of work before go to market for quotes or tenders
Manage contracts and suppliers to ensure delivery of expected value
Complete training provided through UNE Finance team website
Ensure compliance with policy
Complete training provided through UNE Finance team website
Ensure compliance with policy