(1) The purpose of this policy is to establish and communicate the delegated authority levels for amending and executing the approved budget. (2) This Rule applies to all staff of the University and members of the Council. (3) Within this Rule: (4) In order to enable the orderly execution of the approved business plan and budget, and in accordance with Section 16 and 17 of the University of New England Act, 1993, the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer is delegated authority to collect revenue, enter obligations, incur expenditure and transact investments up to the maximum level identified in the tables below. (5) The authority provided to the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer under Article 3 comprises: (6) Authority above the maximum level of the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer indicated in the tables is subject to prior approval by Council or Committees of Council as established under the University of New England Act, 1993. (7) Where funding is received under a grant scheme or other funding agreement, the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer has the delegation to expend funding up to the amount received where that expenditure is consistent with the terms and purpose of the agreement. The use of this delegation is conditional on the fact that the expenditure is reported immediately to the Finance and Infrastructure Committee and Council for information following signing of the agreement. (8) For approvals of Council and Committees of Council, the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer is delegated the authority to sign all documents and to do all things reasonably required to implement the approval in accordance with its terms. (9) The Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer may delegate their authority to other positions within the University, provided however that no position may have a delegated financial authority that is higher than the authority of the position to which the holder of that position reports and in no circumstance higher than the authority of the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer. Such delegations will be maintained in the Tables, and Council will be advised of any changes to these delegations within three (3) months of the change. (10) For approvals of the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Financial Officer and Head of Finance are nominated to approve purchase orders, and authorise expenditure as reasonably required to implement the financial administration aspects of approval in accordance with its terms. (11) Delegations pass to the person acting in the role where so approved by the delegate’s direct manager in writing. (12) All delegations are governed by Section 21A of the University of New England Act and paragraph 10 of the University’s Commercial Activities Rule. (13) Staff nominated to sign cheques and/or release University funds via electronic funds transfer (EFT) can do so at any value provided they have satisfied themselves that the expenditure has been authorised in accordance with the authority limits set above. (14) Staff issued with a University Credit Card will have an authorised upper limit which may be varied from time to time by notice from the University. Use of credit cards is subject to clause (15) and to Credit Card Policy which may limit use for some categories of purchases. Where travel or airfare expenditure charged to a traveller’s credit card exceeds $10,000 then the travel must be approved via the University’s Travel Management System in accordance with the schedule of authorities detailed in Table 1 prior to travel being undertaken. (15) This document should be interpreted using the following principles: (16) The authority level for the approval of contract variations is to be assessed at the full value of the revised contract, not just the variation amount. For example; if a contract was initially approved for $1,000,000 and a variation is sought for $100,000 then the approval for this variation can only be granted by those individuals or Committees who have authority for $1,100,000. (17) Approvals under all delegations are subject to specific approved budget allocations and adherence to conflicts of interest policy. (18) In relation to the University’s annual operating and capital budgets approved by Council: (19) The University Council (or delegated committee) makes this Rule. (20) (21) This Rule is consistent with UNE’s obligations under Section 16 and 17 of the University of New England Act 1993 (NSW). (22) (23) This Rule operates as and from the (24) Notwithstanding other provisions of this Rule, the Council may by resolution approve an exception to the Rule where it is determined the application of the Rule would otherwise lead to an unfair, unreasonable or absurd outcome. (25) The implementation of this Policy will be supported and measured by the Chief Financial Officer conducting an annual review of UNE’s financial management, particularly investment practices and performance, and reporting on compliance with this Policy to the Finance and Infrastructure Committee and Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer. (26) Capital Expenditure is expenditure as described in the Asset Management Financial Rule that creates a future economic benefit for the University. Capital expenditure is incurred when funds are expended to acquire, build or upgrade assets. This expenditure will create an asset which appears on the University’s Balance Sheet.Financial Delegations Rule
Section 1 - Overview and Scope
Part A - Delegations to support execution of the approved budget
Table 1 – Authority to Commit Operating Expenditure
Operating Expenditure Delegation
Payroll Expenditure Delegation
Office of the Vice-Chancellor and CEO
Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer
*provided that procurements in excess of $2 million are subject to approval by Executive Team Committee in accordance with the committee Terms of Reference.
#Where funding is received under a grant scheme or other funding agreement the VC&CEO has the delegation to expend funding up to the amount received where that expenditure is consistent with the terms and purpose of the agreement.$6,000,000
- Office of the Director Governance and University Secretary
Director Governance and University Secretary
Senior Manager Internal Audit
Head Records Policy and Governance
Senior Manager (Secretariat)
- Corporate Communications and Events
Directors and Associate Directors
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Chief Financial Officer
Finance Strategy and Business Intelligence
Head of Finance
Treasury Manager
Other Directors, Deputy Directors, Heads and Associate Directors
Office of the Chief Operating Officer
Chief Operating Officer
Integrated Services and Operational Intelligence
Director Estate and Built Environment and Associate Directors (2iC)(EBE)
Chief Information Officer & Deputy Chief Information Officer (2iC) Technology and Digital Service (TDS)
Director People and Culture
Associate Directors People and Culture
Other Directors , Deputy Directors and Heads
Director Legal Services
Director UNE Residential Services
Director Centre for Animal Research and Training (CART), and Director SMART Farms
Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Pro Vice-Chancellor Indigenous
- Education Futures
Executive Principal Education Futures
Executive Dean of Faculties
Associate Dean of Faculty & Deputy Dean of Faculties
Faculty Coordinator
Head of School
Other Directors , Deputy Directors and Associate Directors
- Student Journey
Executive Principal Student Journey
Director Library Services and University Librarian
Executive Directors, Directors, Heads and Associate Directors
- Brand Partnership and Business Development
Executive Principal Brand Partnerships and Business Development
Director Marketing, Admissions and Growth
Directors, Deputy Directors & Associate Directors
Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research
‐ Research
Research Director
Directors of Research Centres and Head of Research Institutes
Nominated Staff*
Table 2 – Authority for Capital Expenditure
Capital Expenditure Delegation
Asset Disposal Delegation
Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer
Chief Operating Officer
Chief Financial Officer
and Associated Directors (2iC)Estate and Built Environment (EBE) $100,000
Chief Information Officer and Deputy Chief Information Officer
Head of Finance
Director Library Services and University Librarian
Director Centre for Animal Research and Training (CART), and Director SMART Farms
Table 3 – Authority to Transact Investments
Investment Authority
Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer
Short Term (1 Year or less) and Medium Term (less than 5 years) to be within benchmarks set in the Financial Management Policy.
Chief Financial Officer
Short Term (1 Year or less) and Medium Term (less than 5 years) to be within benchmarks set in the Financial Management Policy.
Head of Finance
Short Term (1 Year or less) and Medium Term (less than 5 years) to be within benchmarks set in the Financial Management Policy.
Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer
Long, medium or short term,investments by way of equity,debt or other instruments in an associated entity of the University
Part B - Delegations to support execution of the operating and capital budget
Top of Page
Section 2 - Authority and Compliance
Section 3 - Quality Assurance
Section 4 - Definitions
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$100,000 Legal Contracts
$20,000 Other
$1,000,000 research contracts
*Nominated staff members must be nominated by Director or above and approved by the Chief Financial Officer or Head of Finance. The standard delegation for nominated staff will be $15,000 or as otherwise approved by the Chief Financial Officer or Head of Finance. Finance Strategy and Business Intelligence will maintain a register of financial delegations.
Director Estate and Built Environment
*Provided that procurements in excess of $2million are subject to approval by Executive Team Committee in accordance with the committee’s Terms of Reference
For the purposes of this Rule the following definition applies.