(1) The University offers casual employment where work is to be performed on an hourly or sessional basis to perform work of an ad hoc or irregular nature. (2) This policy applies to the appointment of casual academic and professional staff at UNE. This policy does not apply to student casuals. (3) Casual employment positions do not need to be advertised. Where advertising is undertaken, the advertisement must include a task description, level/salary together with the minimum educational and skill levels required for the position. (4) The selection process for all appointments will, at a minimum, consist of: (5) Each employment contract of work undertaken is a separate and distinct period of service. (6) Casual staff may be employed at any time. (7) Casual staff are engaged with no guarantee or expectation of work beyond the period of their current employment contract. (8) An appropriate supervisor will be appointed for all casual staff. (9) Payment of casual staff will be in accordance with the provisions of the Enterprise Agreements. (10) Rates of pay for casual staff include a loading in lieu of benefits including but not limited to annual leave and sick leave. (11) Casual academic staff are paid by the session for lectures and tutorials, or other category/ies in accordance with the current Enterprise Agreement; or by the hour for marking, demonstrating or other required activities. A session consists of a notional number of hours involving preparation, delivery, reasonable contemporaneous marking and student consultation. (12) Casual professional staff are entitled to overtime where hours worked are in excess of ten (10) ordinary hours per day. (13) Casual professional staff members may be eligible to apply for conversion to continuing or fixed-term employment in accordance with the provisions of the current professional staff Enterprise Agreement. (14) All staff, including casual staff, are expected to perform to a satisfactory standard while carrying out their responsibilities. (15) The University may terminate the employment of a casual staff member by giving one hour's notice. (16) The casual staff member may terminate their employment by giving the University one hour's notice. (17) Should an overpayment of salary or other debt occur the University will seek to recover any overpayment or debt in accordance with its usual processes. (18) The Director People and Culture is authorised to administer this policy and to make procedures to apply under this policy. The procedures must be consistent with this policy. (19) This is a Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer's policy and vested authority is granted for decisions made under this policy to the nominated parties. The Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer retains discretion over decisions made under this policy. (20) Casual staff means casual academic staff, professional staff and English Language Teachers who: (21) Continuing employment means all employment other than fixed-term or casual. Continuing employment may be full-time or part-time. (22) Enterprise Agreements means the UNE Academic and English Language Teaching Staff Enterprise Agreement 2020-2022 and the UNE Professional Staff Enterprise Agreement 2019-2022, each as extended or varied from time to time, and is taken to include any agreement that replaces or varies one or more of these documents. (23) Fixed-term employment means employment for a specified term or ascertainable period, for which the instrument of engagement will specify the starting and finishing dates of that employment, (or lieu of a finishing date, will specify the circumstance(s) or contingency relating to a specific tasks or project, upon the occurrence of which the term of the employment shall expire), and for which, during the term of employment, the contract is not terminable, by the University, other than during a probationary period, or for cause based upon serious or wilful misconduct. Fixed-term employment may be full-time or part-time. (24) Student Casual means a person that meets the definition of a student and is engaged under the same terms as casual staff.Casual Staff Appointments Policy
Section 1 - Overview
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Policy
Conversion — Professional staff
Termination of Employment
Section 4 - Definitions
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For the purposes of this Policy the following definitions apply: