Records Management Rule

Records Management Rule

This Rule provides the basis for the management of University records in compliance with the State Records Act 1998 (NSW) and the legislative instruments issued under it by NSW State Records. This is achieved via a University-wide records management program to manage records throughout their lifecycle - from the design of recordkeeping systems, to the creation and capture of records, to records destruction or permanent retention as State Archives.

This Rule ensures that records of the University that are of enduring evidential or informational value are managed, protected and preserved for future reference, contributing towards the development of efficient and effective knowledge management at the University of New England (UNE).

As part of our commitment to good recordkeeping under the NSW State Records Act, UNE is required to ensure that all staff, including casuals and contractors, complete an appropriate training package. All staff are therefore required to complete the Records & Information Management Online course. This requirement applies regardless of which systems the staff member may be required to use while at UNE.

Please click here to complete the training if you haven’t already done so.

Please read through the entire Rule and ensure you fully understand the requirements of the Rule. If you have any questions, in the first instance please discuss with your Supervisor, otherwise you can send an email to