Gifts and Benefits Policy

Gifts and Benefits Policy

UNE Representatives are required to report all gifts offered or received (accepted or declined) to the University via within 10 working  days of receipt. UNE Representatives must not ask for or encourage the giving of any form of gift or benefit in general or in connection with the performance of their duties.

Acceptance of hospitality gifts must be approved prior to acceptance of the gift.

UNE Representatives may not receive or provide a gift and/or benefit:

  1. to/from a student where they have responsibility for the enrolment, assessment or course decisions;
  2. by way of loans and the like for any functions or duties performed of not performed;
  3. in the form of a monetary (or equivalent) gift; or
  4. when it could create or be perceived to create Conflicts of Interest. Examples of gifts or benefits creating or being perceived as Conflicts of Interest may include but are not limited to:
    1. a staff member responsible for purchasing consumables receives a gift from a sales representative of a supplier company;
    2. a staff member responsible for managing a project receives a gift from a representative of a company that may potentially provide services for the project;
    3. a staff member accepting offers of hospitality by a potential bidder to a tender process; or
    4. a staff member responsible for the assessment of students of the University accepting a gift from a student.

Please read through the entire Policy and ensure you fully understand the requirements of the Policy. If you have any questions, in the first instance please discuss with your Supervisor, otherwise you can send an email to