Fraud and Corruption Control

Fraud and Corruption Control Policy

The Fraud and Corruption Control Policy establishes a Fraud and Corruption Control System (FCCS) consistent with the Australian Standard on Fraud and Corruption Control (AS 8001:2021). The Policy provides guidance on how to prevent, detect and respond to incidents of fraud and corruption and:

  1. reinforces management’s commitment to, and responsibility for, identifying risk exposures to fraudulent and corrupt activities, and ensuring all UNE Representatives and students are aware that UNE has zero tolerance for fraud or corrupt conduct; and
  2. requires UNE Representatives to perform their duties with honesty and integrity in accordance with the framework of ethical conduct that underpins the expected standards of behaviour for all members of the University community. The Code of Conduct policy sets the standards of ethical behaviour expected of staff and students. Staff should abide by the principles set out in the Code of Conduct and students should abide by principles set out in the Student Behavioural Misconduct Rules.

Please read through the entire Policy and ensure you fully understand the requirements of the Policy. If you have any questions, in the first instance please discuss with your Supervisor, otherwise you can send an email to