Employment of Close Relatives and Other Close Associates Policy

Employment of Close Relatives and Other Close Associates Policy

Staff must avoid any Conflicts of Interest in the appointment and management of, or interactions with, a person with whom they have a Close Personal Relationship, in accordance with the University's Code of Conduct for Staff. A Conflict of Interest can arise when a staff member makes or participates in employment decisions affecting another person with whom the staff member has a Close Personal Relationship.

The University acknowledges that its staff may have Close Personal Relationships with each other. However, a Close Personal Relationship together with a Reporting Relationship between two employees is undesirable, and as far as possible should be avoided.

Please read through the entire policy and procedures and ensure you fully understand the requirements of the Policy. If you have any questions, in the first instance please discuss with your Supervisor, otherwise you can send an email to peopleandculture@une.edu.au