(1) The UNE Council Charter outlines the role of the Council in the structure and governance of the University of New England. (2) The University of New England (ABN 75 792 454 315) is a body corporate constituted and empowered pursuant to the University of New England Act 1993 (NSW) (‘UNE Act’) and University of New England By-law 2005 (‘UNE By-law’). (3) In accordance with the UNE Act, the Body of the University comprises the UNE Council, (4) Within this Charter: (5) The UNE Council as the University's governing authority, has functions conferred upon it by the (6) The overriding function of Council is to provide strategic leadership to the University. Council should have regard to the community it represents and ensure that the decisions that it makes reflect the values and expectations of its stakeholders and the community at large. (7) Council undertakes the following specific functions as its primary responsibilities, without limiting its broader functions or its capacity to fulfil other responsibilities: (8) While retaining its governance responsibilities, Council may have an appropriate system of delegations to ensure the effective discharge of these responsibilities. The Council may make rules in relation to any activity or function of the University provided they are consistent with the (9) With Council's role being to govern the University, the day to day management of the University is provided by the VC&CEO and their management team. To enable management of the University, the Council is responsible for: (10) The Vice-Chancellor is the University’s Principal Academic Officer and Chief Executive Officer (CEO). (11) The role of VC&CEO and its functions is determined by the (12) The VC&CEO is: (13) With respect to the VC&CEO's 's relationship to Council: (14) The VC&CEO provides supervision to and receives support from a team of (15) The VC&CEO may authorise committees of management, noting that the role of such management committees is to advise the relevant manager who retains the authority and responsibilities for those decisions. (16) UNE Council is composed of official, elected and appointed members as defined by the (17) Council is to have a majority of external members and a mix of skills, (18) The Council considers the mix of skills, levels of experience and personal attributes on the Council to inform professional development of Council as well as appointments of new members. (19) Under its powers of delegation (section 17 of the (20) The Committees of Council, established to support the Council in the discharge of its functions and duties are outlined below with links to the detailed terms of reference approved and amended by the Council from time to time. (21) The Chancellor is the Principal Officer of the University. The Chancellor role includes (22) The Chancellor consults at least annually with individual Council members regarding the performance of the Council; with the Council and (23) In the event that the Chancellor is unable to exercise their roles as above, the Deputy Chancellor shall have the power and authority vested in the Chancellor. (24) All Council Members must have expertise and experience relevant to the role of the Council and an appreciation of the object, values, functions and activities of the University and agree to abide the Council's Code of Ethics. (25) As responsible officers of the University, the members of the Council are subject to many of the requirements and liabilities imposed upon Company Directors under other State and Commonwealth legislation. Council Members are required to register as responsible persons with the Australian Charities and Not for Profits Commission (ACNC) and meet the criteria for a Fit and Proper Person as required by the Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency (TEQSA)). (26) Council member duties, as set out in Schedule 2A of the (27) Each Council member has the right for one vote on a matter before the Council. The majority of resolutions of the Council or Committee of Council require a majority of the members to vote in favour of the resolution [refer Schedule 1, clause 8 of the (28) To support their roles, Council members have access to insurance and protection, have access to the University Secretary, to a program of induction and professional development. (29) In addition to the specific duties of Council members, the Council has determined and adopted a Code of Ethics for the University which is aligned with UNE values and supported by policies and guidance and for its members for ethical and appropriate conduct. The six principles are: (30) As a complement to the general Code of Ethics, the Council has identified and adopts four principles within its Governance Integrity and Standards Policy: (31) In applying these principles the Council agrees to evidence the following in its governing manner: (32) The University Secretary is appointed by the Council. (33) Key governance accountabilities of the University Secretary include: (34) The University Secretary is supported by the Office of the Secretariat for management of the work of Council, Council Committees, Academic Board and Committees. The Secretariat may also support the boards of UNE Controlled Entities as agreed by those boards and as directed by the Director Governance and University Secretary. (35) The Council has established procedures for the calling of meetings and conduct of business at meetings and these are outlined in the associated policy to this Charter – Council Standing Orders. (36) Council shall ensure that its members have the necessary skills required to fulfil their duties on Council. (37) Council members are offered a Deed of Indemnity which can help to indemnify Council Members against liabilities and costs incurred in their professional capacity as a Council Member and which outlines the University's obligations to maintain a Directors and Officers insurance policy. Council Members may view a copy of the University's insurance policy and/or seek support or information from UNE’s Insurance Officer at any time via insurance@une.edu.au. (38) By determination of the Council (consistent with Schedule 1, clause 10 of the UNE Act) the University has agreed to pay a modest stipend to its Council members who are not already in fixed term or continuing roles at UNE or employed by NSW Government. This includes the (39) The Council member remuneration schedule allows for scaled payments (inclusive of superannuation) for roles of Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor, and Council Member, noting that: (40) The Chair of Academic Board, who is an academic staff member elected by the Academic Board does not receive additional payment for their role as Chair of Academic Board and Council member, but their (41) The University also covers approved costs for Council members to attend and participate in Council meetings or other approved Council business. (42) The Council and each of its Committees undergoes an annual self-review of its performance, and undertakes an external review of the Council approximately every 3 years (consistent with the Voluntary Code of Best Practice for the Governance of Australian Public Universities). The performance reviews of the Council are considered in planning of the Council and Committee agendas, work plan, report templates, member development, and other matters relating to the business of the Council. (43) The (44) The UNE Council Charter has the effect of a Rule is made by the Council consistent with section 29 of the University of New England Act 1993 (NSW). (45) The Custodian Steward of this the UNE Council Charter, the Director Governance and University Secretary is authorised to make administrative updates to this Charter. (46) Council members are bound by this Charter and must observe it relation to University matters. (47) This UNE Council Charter operates as and from the (48) Previous rules, policies and guidance within the scope of the Charter and their related documents are replaced from the (49) Other policies associated with this Charter include:UNE Council Charter
Section 1 - Overview & Scope
Part A - Council Authority, Function and Primary Role
Council Authority
Council Function
Council Primary Responsibilities
Part B - Council Relationship with Management and Vice-Chancellor
Council relationship with Management
Role and Responsibilities of the VC&CEO
Part C - Composition and Structures of Council
3 Official members
3 Elected members
Council Committees
Part D - Role of Council Members
Role of the Chancellor and Deputy Chancellor
Role of Council Member
Part E - Council Code of Ethics
University Secretary
Part F - Council Operations and Council Member Support
Standing Orders of Council
Council member induction & development
Council Member protection
Council member remuneration
Council evaluation
Council member terms of office, election, appointment or removal
Top of PageSection 2 - Authority and Compliance
View Current
This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.
Table 1 – Council Composition Summary
Council Composition
13 members
Chair of Academic Board
2 Minister–appointed members
5 Council-appointed members
At least 2 are to be UNE Graduates
1 Academic Staff member
1 Professional Staff member
1 Student member
Academic Board [note Section 15 of the UNE Act ; and Part 5 of the UNE By-law ]
Oversees academic governance at the University, provides advice to the Council and VC&CEO on academic matters, and provides a forum for discussion of research , teaching and student engagement and support.
A key role of the Academic Board is to monitor the quality and integrity of the University's academic programs.
The Board reviews and has oversight of the governance frameworks and policy instruments that guide the scholastic activities of the University. It provides a link between the University's internal quality assurance arrangements and the accountability of the Council for the quality of the higher education the University offers and for meeting the requirements of the Higher Education Standards Framework.
The Academic Board has established committees including Academic Board Standing Committee; Teaching and Learning Committee; Research Committee; and Curriculum Committee.
Standing Committee of Council
Approves any matter and may pass any resolution (except a special resolution) within the Authority of Council that in the opinion of the Chair requires urgent attention.
Meets as needed, usually by flying minute/email .
Audit and Risk Committee of Council
Approves Council policies relating to function of internal audit, risk management , compliance, business continuity and corruption and fraud .
Approves Internal audit plans, the annual timetable of audits, and risk management plan and Internal Audit Charter.
Advises Council regarding the Committee’s review of the process used for the preparation of financial statements.
Monitors external audit functions, internal audit functions, risk and fraud management, risk and regulatory compliance and control frameworks.
Finance and Infrastructure Committee of Council
Approves Council policies relating to financial matters and infrastructure (both technology and built infrastructure), including Management’s financial delegations from Council and Council's investment policy.
Approves, within its delegation, and exceeding VC&CEO delegation:
– projects,
– investments and expenditure,
– infrastructure plans
– purchase, sale or lease of assets,
– commercial activities,
– procurements,
– research , grant and funding agreements
including the associated business cases where relevant, or advises Council on such matters where the approval authority rests with the Council.
Project approval relates to the merit of a project.
Procurement approval relates to the procurement process and probity for an individual contract.
Approves within its delegation variations to budget, investment / expenditure / commercial / grants and agreements outside exceeding VC&CEO delegation.
Advises Council regarding the approval of UNE budget, annual financial statements and borrowings.
Monitors UNE’s financial performance, financial risk management, borrowings, controls/reporting systems, insurance/superannuation and commercial activities.
Receives advice on University Investment management and performance from the Investment Sub-Committee (as required).
Honorary Degrees Titles and Tributes of Council
Considers and make recommendations to Council on proposals for the award of honorary degrees, titles and tributes, conferment of Emeritus Professor, conferment of the title of Professor.
Innovation and Development Committee of Council
An advisory committee with the aim to stimulate the development and evaluate and provide feedback of new initiatives directed at continuous improvement and innovation in teaching; research ; industry collaboration; and/or the business operations of the University.
Ensure that the University has allocated appropriate resources, and has effective processes, to develop a pipeline of initiatives.
Ensure that the University has processes in place to allocate resources to identified priority initiatives, including the agility and flexibility to redirect resources from activities that do not deliver the outcomes required to achieve the University's Strategic Plan to identified priority initiatives.
Nominations Committee of Council
Advise Council on the suitability of nominations for appointed members of Council.
Advise Council on submissions to the Minister for Ministerial appointments to Council, and
Advise Council in relation to recommendations for appointment of members to the Council by the Council.
Remuneration Committee of Council
Approve organisational structure of senior executive , remuneration policies and strategies, and range of salary packages of Senior Managers*.
Advise Council relating to collective industrial agreements (such agreements to be approved by Council).
Advise Council on recognition and reward for Council members and/ or for External Members of Council Committees who are not Council Members.
Monitor effectiveness of HR and IR policies and procedures and risks, collective industrial agreement negotiations, appointment and removal of Senior Managers by the VC&CEO.
Monitor the implementation of Council's reward and recognition policies.
*NB: Please note the term ‘Senior Managers’ in this context has the meaning of the Senior Executive and other Senior Leaders engaged under Common Law Contracts.
Temporary or occasional Committees
The Council may convene a temporary committee of Council as needed for a specific purpose. Some occasion committees of Council include:
Chancellor's Selection Committee (convened as required to oversee the selection of new Chancellor with the approval of appointment resting with the Council)
Vice-Chancellor’s Selection Committee (convened as required to oversee the selection of new VC&CEO with the approval of appointment resting with the Council)
Governance Working Party (informal working group of Council to discuss general governance matters such as policy etc and advise the Council).