(1) Council Documents require amendment from time to time to update terminology and correct typographical and grammatical errors that have been identified. It is not efficient to have such minor changes approved by Council each time, and the task is delegated to the University Secretary under this Rule. (2) This Rule applies to all Council Documents. (3) Council authorises the University Secretary to carry out the following actions in respect of Council Documents (and all incidental actions reasonably required to give effect to the actions): (4) Replace references to "senior staff" or "senior management" with: (5) Replace any other out-of-date reference with its current terminology. (6) Correct typographical and grammatical errors. (7) Certify documents that have been approved by Council. (8) Council Documents means Council rules, policies, procedures, standing orders and other documents.Council Documents Rule
Section 1 - Overview
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Policy
Section 4 - Definitions
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This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.