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ATAR Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose and Scope

(1) This Procedure outlines the processes for the establishment and review of Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATARs) at individual course level and the establishment and review of UNE’s ATAR adjustment factors.

(2) This Procedure applies to all UNE Representatives involved in the establishment and review of ATARs or ATAR adjustment factors at UNE.

(3) Within this Procedure:

  1. Part A outlines the process for establishment and review of ATARs at course level; and
  2. Part B outlines the process for establishment and review of UNE’s ATAR adjustment factors.

Part A - ATARs

(4) ATAR (or ATAR equivalence) is one of the criteria used by UNE in assessing an applicant’s eligibility for admission to study at UNE. UNE applies a guaranteed ATAR for admission to most UNE undergraduate courses

(5) Where relevant, a guaranteed ATAR is set in the establishment of a new course in accordance with the provisions of the Course and Unit Policy. Factors to be considered in the setting of the guaranteed ATAR may include sector benchmarking and any available evidence relating to potential student outcomes.

(6) As part of annual course monitoring activities, each school must consider the appropriateness of any guaranteed ATAR for each course. Relevant information that may assist in this assessment includes sector benchmarking, overall student outcomes and specific cohort outcomes.

(7) Where monitoring activities identify that a guaranteed ATAR should be amended, an amendment to the ATAR should be progressed through the course amendment process in the Course and Unit Policy.

Part B - ATAR adjustment factors

Current factors

(8) UNE applies ATAR adjustment factors to support accessibility to higher education for a diverse range of potential students. UNE’s adjustment scheme enable a maximum of ten additional points to be added to the ATAR of eligible applicants.

(9) UNE’s current ATAR adjustment factors are:

Factor  Points
Age > 21 +5
Rural, regional or remote home location +5
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander recognition +10
Non-English speaking background +5

(10) In accordance with the Admission, Credit and Enrolment Policy, additional points are automatically assigned to eligible applications and no additional application is required. Adjustment factors may not be applied to applications in all courses and may not be applied if other adjustments have already been made to the application.

Review Process

(11) UNE’s ATAR adjustment factors are reviewed annually. 

(12) Brand Partnership and Business Development, with assistance from Education Futures, will review the appropriateness and effectiveness of current adjustment factors, including through sector benchmarking and review of available data on student outcomes.

(13) Following the review, recommendations around continuation of factors, or any changes, will be presented to members of Academic Board, Teaching and Learning Committee, Curriculum Committee, School Education Committees and Head of Schools for comment.

(14) Final recommendations will be provided to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for consideration and if appropriate, approval. Any implemented changes to the ATAR adjustment factors will be published in this procedure.

(15) The approved recommendations will be provided to Academic Board for noting.

(16) While changes to adjustment factors wil normally be made through the annual review process, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor has the discretion to add a new, or change or remove an existing, adjustment factor outside the annual review process. Changes through this process will be reported to Academic Board for noting.

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Section 2 - Authority and Compliance


(17) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, pursuant to Section 65 of the Admission, Credit and Enrolment Policy, makes this procedure.


(18) UNE Representatives must observe this procedure.

(19) This procedure operates as and from the Effective Date. 

(20) To provide for exceptional circumstances arising from application of this procedure, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, on the recommendation of an Executive Dean or Executive Principal, may relax any provision of this procedure. 

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Section 3 - Quality Assurance

(21) UNE’s application of ATARs and ATAR adjustment factors are considered as part of annual reporting to Teaching and Learning Committee and Academic Board under the Admission, Credit and Enrolment Policy.