(1) The Advisory Group is established as an Advisory Group of the Vice-Chancellor and is delegated a number of functions in relation to the Review of Safety, Culture and Wellbeing (the Review) at the University. (2) The establishment of this Advisory Group and the delegation of powers to it are actions authorised by the Vice-Chancellor. (3) The objectives of the Advisory Group are: (4) Members of the Advisory Group are as follows: (5) Additional members as may be co-opted from time to time for a specified period and purpose, at the discretion of the Chair. (6) The following are recognised Observers: (7) The Chair is the PVC-IS. (8) At its first meeting, and subsequently if the role becomes vacant, the Group may elect a Deputy Chair from its membership. (9) If the PVC-IS is unavailable to act as Chair, then the Deputy Chair will act as Chair. If the Chair or Deputy Chair is unavailable then the Advisory Group will elect a Chair to act during the period that both officers are unavailable. (10) Membership should comply with the Gender Representation on Decision Making and Advisory Committees Policy but more broadly, and to the greatest extent reasonably practicable, reflect other dimensions of the diversity of UNE staff. The Chair should ensure that the deliberations of the Group draw as fully as possible on the diversity of the Group, including on the experiences of the student members. (11) Functions of the Advisory Group are to: (12) This Advisory Group is established under the authority of the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, to perform the approval, advice and monitoring functions set out in these Terms of Reference, and all matters ancillary to those functions. (13) The Advisory Group will provide any advice/reports to the Vice Chancellor and Executive Team as required, or to any other University Committee at the discretion of the Chair, in particular the Audit and Risk Committee. (14) The Advisory Group will meet monthly, usually via videoconferencing (which will not be recorded), and is expected to use technology and ‘flying minutes’ to attend to urgent matters. Advisory Group members are expected to be available on short notice, however, should be given as much notice as is practicable in the circumstances of matters arising. (15) A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the members of the Advisory Group at the time the meeting is held. (16) Unless the Chair directs otherwise, Advisory Group business papers or ‘flying minutes’ and explanatory documents accompanying them, will be distributed to Advisory Group members as required, and with as much notice as is practicable under the circumstances. (17) The Advisory Group may pass a resolution by ‘flying minute’ provided that the resolution has been approved by a simple majority of the Advisory Group members at the time the resolution is made. (18) Meeting minutes will be kept, deidentified and circulated promptly following the meeting, including all action items. These will require formal endorsement by the Advisory Group. (19) Public disclosure of business papers, minutes and other information received by the Advisory Group will be made via the Chair or Secretary to the Advisory Group. (20) For its business papers, meetings and otherwise to conduct its business the Advisory Group and its members may use technology including telephone, video-conferencing, telepresence, email and internet as arranged by the Chair and/or Advisory Group Secretary. (21) Following delivery of the final recommendations to the Vice Chancellor and Executive Team, the Advisory Group shall devote at least one part of one meeting to the review of its policies, practices and procedures. (22) Executive Officer to the Chief Operating Officer will act as Secretary and provide administrative support to the Committee. (23) The Secretary is responsible for ensuring all Advisory Group agendas, minutes and reports are recorded in the University’s corporate record-keeping system (TRIM), in accordance with the University’s Records Management Rule.Terms of Reference (Vice-Chancellor approved) - Safety, Culture and Wellbeing Review Advisory Group
Section 1 - Overview
Establishment of the Committee
Top of PageSection 2 - Advisory Group Membership
Co-opted members
In attendance
Gender representation and diversity objectives
Section 3 - Functions of the Advisory Group
Top of PageSection 4 - Authorities
Section 5 - Conduct of Advisory Group Business
Business papers
Disclosure of information
Use of technology
Secretary to the Committee
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