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Terms of Reference (Vice-Chancellor Approved)- UNE Executive Team (ExT)

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Section 1 - Objective and Scope

(1) The UNE Executive Team (ExT) is the principal committee of the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer (VC&CEO), established to provide advice and recommendations to the VC&CEO in relation to key decisions impacting the University.

(2) The ExT also provides a forum for executive level discussion of identified and emerging areas of strategic and operational opportunity and risk and the assignment of responsibility and actions to address those opportunities or risks.

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Section 2 - Membership

(3) The voting members of the Executive Team (ExT) are:

  1. Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer (VC&CEO) (Chair)
  2. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (DVC)
  3. Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research
  4. Chief Operating Officer
  5. Chief Financial Officer

(4)  Official attendees include:

  1. VC’s Chief of Staff and/or Executive Officer and/or Director Office of Strategy Management
  2. Director Governance and University Secretary
  3. Director Communications and Events
  4. Committee Secretary.

(5) Invited attendees include Division Leaders and other subject matter experts including:

  1. Pro Vice-Chancellor Academic Development
  2. Pro Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Strategy)
  3. Deans of Faculty 
  4. Executive Principals 
  5. Director People and Culture
  6. Chief Information Officer
  7. Director Estate and Built Environment
  8. Head of Finance
  9. Head of Business Intelligence
  10. Head Strategic Procurement
  11. Senior Managers from Internal Audit
  12. Head Records Policy and Governance
  13. Any other individuals invited by the Chair to participate in the meeting for specific agenda items.

(6) Observers include individuals invited to observe the meeting and will not have the right to engage in discussion unless invited by the Chair.

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Section 3 - Functions and Responsibilities

(7) Approval functions:

  1. Nil. The ExT has no approval function. Through discussion and participation with ExT business, the ExT informs decisions made by the VC&CEO.
  2. Nothing in these Terms of Reference overrides the authority of the UNE Council or the delegated authority or responsibilities of the VC&CEO (Vice-Chancellor Functions Rule).

(8) Advisory functions:

  1. The ExT may ENDORSE or otherwise make recommendations to the VC&CEO on:
    1. strategic and/or significant operational proposals or changes which require VC&CEO approval. The Strategic Initiatives Portfolio Committee (SIPC) will advise the VC&CEO on the strategic projects and initiatives which fall within that portfolio;
    2. matters which address or present an opportunity or significant risk to the performance or resilience of the University’s operations;
    3. the development and implementation of UNE policies and governance frameworks (including management systems and processes); and
    4. any other matter on which the VC&CEO seeks advice or is raised by a member of the ExT and agreed by the VC&CEO to be presented.

(9) Monitoring functions:

  1. The ExT will NOTE and discuss/review:
    1. updates on strategic priorities and proposals or major change programs previously considered by the ExT;
    2. progress of key performance indicators and benchmarks;
    3. regulatory compliance and key areas of risk, including in relation to third parties and partnerships;
    4. matters requiring consultation and advice prior to approval by the VC&CEO and/or submission to Council, Academic Board, another committee or an external agency;
    5. actions status:
      1. assigned in previous ExT meetings; or
      2. arising from meetings of other committees of the University or of Council or Academic Board; and
    6. changes or updates relevant to the Senior Executive and Responsible Persons of the University.

(10)  Communication and other functions:

  1. Where appropriate and authorised by the Chair, matters raised at the ExT will be referred to other committees or staff of the University or be the subject of further communications.
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Section 4 - Committee Conduct

Members and Attendee responsibilities

(11) Members and attendees agree to:

  1. adhere to the UNE Code of Conduct;
  2. act in the best interests of the University;
  3. actively participate in respectful and collegiate discussion and cross-unit collaboration and consultation;
  4. support transparency and accountability by declaring potential or actual conflicts of interest;
    1. Members with a conflict may be required by the Chair to absent themselves from specific discussions and or business papers; and
  5. maintain confidentiality unless authorised to undertake further communication by the Chair; and
  6. provide comments on the minutes and undertake to progress ExT actions assigned to them or their teams.

(12) Observers agree to maintain confidentiality of the meeting unless authorised to undertake further communication by the Chair.

Chair and Deputy Chair

(13) The VC&CEO will Chair the meetings. In the event the VC&CEO is unavailable the DVC will Chair. If both the VC&CEO and DVC are absent, the ExT will elect a Chair for the meeting from the voting members.

Agenda and minutes

(14) Minutes will usually be prepared by the Office of the Director Governance and University Secretary, and then circulated for approval and filed by the Office of the Vice-Chancellor.

(15) Agendas for the meetings of the ExT will be prepared by the Office of the Vice-Chancellor. The Office of the Vice-Chancellor will also receive the draft minutes of meetings, circulate for approval and file in the electronic Records Management System (RMS).

(16) Submissions for agendas are to be

  1. supported by the required ExT Memo;
  2. reviewed and endorsed by a member of the ExT;
  3.  include details on consultation undertaken and whether there was agreement;
  4. submitted by the Friday before the meeting, unless the VC&CEO approves an extension.

Meetings, Timing and Quorum

(17) Meetings may be held in person or in hybrid or online mode.

(18) The ExT will usually meet weekly unless by prior arrangement.

(19) The ExT may use Flying Minutes for urgent matters or to formalise resolution on matters discussed at a meeting.

(20) A simple majority of the voting membership of the ExT will constitute a quorum.

Vice-Chancellor Approval 

(21) Where a matter is considered by the ExT and the VC&CEO is present and indicates their approval, this matter may be recorded as ‘approved by the Vice-Chancellor’ in the minutes; and

(22) Where a matter is to be approved by the VC&CEO but they are not present or do not indicate an approval at the time of the meeting, the matter will be referred to the VC&CEO for consideration and a record of approval, separate to the minutes) made in the relevant meeting container in the UNE electronic Records Management System (RMS).


(23) Outcomes of the ExT meeting will be reported to the VC&CEO. Further reporting to others is at the discretion of the VC&CEO.

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Section 5 - Authority/Delegation

(24) The provisions of these Terms of Reference take effect under the authority of VC&CEO consistent with the Section 28(1)(a) of the University of New England Act 1993 (NSW).

(25) Variations to these terms of reference must be approved by the VC&CEO.